Monday, September 15, 2008

The Jets, Wall Street, Texas and a Darker Dark side of the Moon

Well so much for the Jets being the “team to beat” in the AFC East.

It had a sense of inevitability about it really – after the missed field goal took all the wind out of the crowd, the next time the Jets were in the red zone (now down 6-0) on 3rd and goal from about the 4 – they ran the ball after running it both on first and second down.

Okay at quarterback is the man who holds the record for the most touchdown passes thrown. Hall of farmer. And last week in a similar situation the Jets ran three times in a row and had to settle for a field goal. I guess the Pats had watched the films because the run on 3rd down supirsed nobody and lost 2 yards.

It doesn’t say a lot good about the Jets coaching staff that they are aren’t willing to let Brett try and throw the ball in the red zone.

Other than stupid I can’t imagine what why they didn’t at least TRY a pass.

Meantime in real life – Lehman Brothers has gone into chapter 11, Merrill Lynch has been bought by the Bank of America and more bad about firms like AIG, Wash Mutual and one whose name I forget fill the finical markets with dread and panic.

This one is a bit different than the other crashes – this isn’t just the inevitable result of a speculative Frenzy – there was one but that’s not what is happening here – what’s happening is that deep and fundamental weaknesses in the existing system is being exposed and the view of the abyss is a pretty scary one. My god important people could lose money.

Meantime the clean up in Texas is just starting. This was a big storm and they still haven’t quite gotten to all the parts affected. Meantime they are evacuating everybody from Galveston Texas for the time being. We are looking at months if not years to rebuild.

I note with some horrified amusement that a major Government bio weapons research lab was located on Galveston. Next time put it over a fault guys.

Meantime I am suffering from a pretty bad case of hay fever – which considering I have to sing Thursday isn’t doing my head any good. Well rest and liquids and drugs.

And sad news has come of the death of Rick Wright at age 65 - the keyboardist of Pink Floyd – as the years went on he wasn’t as much a part of the sound as he had been in some of the earlier albums but he was there from the first days with Syd Barret.

My inadequate sympathy for family friends band mates and even Roger Waters for there loss.
Pictured - actual dark side of the moon.

Peace Love I’ll see you on the dark side of the Moon.


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