Friday, September 26, 2008

John McCain as fighter pilot

So now I understand – John McCain has the instincts of a fighter pilot just not the instincts of a good fighter pilot. Which explains the crashes.

Including the current one. This is the craziest thing I have ever seen in a presidential campaign. And of course it turns out he’s not quite suspending his campaign just trying to duck out of the debate.

Then of course, there was president Chicken Little saying that the sky is falling the sky is falling! This mere months and even weeks after him saying that he’s an optimist and that things were fine.

Just a short side note – I utterly despise the cult of optimism. I don’t mean the idea ‘we have problems but we’ll get out of it” optimism, I mean the brain dead Reganite style sunny optimism that says ‘we don’t have any problems the – blank- will fix it” (the market, private charity, what not) the whole idea was that we didn’t as society have to pay any attention to it.

Meantime – Sarah Palin will never be allowed to speak in front of a camera without a script again. I mean when Katie Couric makes you look like an idiot you have a serious problem – Katie’s a softball pitcher of the “how does your faith help you” question variety maybe she was a little tougher than usual but it was not an unfriendly interview by any means.

Stop that infernal barking liberty.

Sorry just channeled Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford – while he looked nothing like Ford it was still a funny bit – well maybe not so funny since the current person is more like an evil version of Chevy’s Ford.

Anyway, it looks or doesn’t look like Wall Street is going to get its 700 billion – with at least some provisions that limit executive pay – at least some things like that. Still there goes health care and bridge and road repair and light rail and money for alternative energy supply research and schools and medial research and well you get the picture. I get the sinking feeling that Obama is going to be coming into the white house to find the cupboard bare, the electricity and the phone turned off, the silverware and TV hocked, the dog pregnant and the roof leaking. And let’s just not talk about the bathroom.

Add further to the files of ‘it’s okay if a republican does it” while there was scads and scads of coverage and commentary regarding Edwards extra-marital doings and heated insistence that this was an important story even though Edwards wasn’t the nominee at the time it broke – the same paper The National Inquirer carries a story about Sara Palin’s affair – even naming the other party in “We dare you to sue we can use the publicity and we’ll win” moment – and there is a thunderous silence.

It’s a sense of something. You feel it – like maybe a subtle vibration in the soles of your shoes as you wait for a subway train and somewhere a train is coming, you can’t see it you can’t hear it yet but you feel it coming.

Watching the village this week has been like that, they are panicking – the world they have built up is crashing around them – instead of a future of more and more and more trivial nonsense fretted about by perfumed courtiers and fart catchers they have real problems with real consequences – for them. It’s shook them to the core.

It’s been interesting watching people who have and no doubt will continue to fight against things like universal health care, become born again socialists on behalf of Wall Street.

And the thing is that Wall Street and the banks did this to themselves, no hippies no communists nobody but themselves.

It’s almost funny if we didn’t have to fucking pay for it.

And now John will debate – well there wasn’t much chance that he wouldn’t –but one thing folks have pointed out – everybody at the college now thinks he’s an asshole. So there could be some interesting audience reactions here.

Peace love Look out below!


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