Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Stuff and a Small rant.

Well it looks like we’ll have a few new songs for the dates after the 26th. This is good. You get a bit stale playing things over and over. And as and advance yes we are sorry we left the songs we left off the set list off the set list but at our last two gigs we only had a limited time on stage and something had to give – so the slower longer songs went. Again sorry – they’ll be back.

And it looks like Chris Dodd is trying (and alas will probably fail) to prevent Congress from selling our 4th Amendment rights to the Telecom companies and our current president.

This is yet another case of the Democratic congress folding like a tent at the idea of displeasure of the W (and where is the one person who has the balls to quote FDR’s response to attacks “I bask in their hatred” I mean really).

I just honestly don’t get the village – Clinton has sex they go mad – W starts a war using propaganda and nobody bats a damn eye. Hell they still like the little shit. The problems of normal people don’t even enter their brains it seems. (As witness during one of the debates where one of the press questioners went on and on about the capital gains tax which affects about 5% of the American population).

Meantime I think Obama has made a mistake here by endorsing this compromise – (it’s not but hell I’m too busy to think of the right word). This is a bad bill and should never pass – but he kind of finessed the deal by lukewarm support and lukewarm promise to remove some parts of the bill once he is president.

It’s I think simply a matter of playing things too close to the vest. The polls show he now has a big lead (yes that can vanish in a second witness the fall of Rudy and Hillary – and how many people here in New York are thanking god that we are not facing the prospect of a Rudy vs. Hillary presidential race – I mean you couldn’t kill yourself fast enough in that case.) but this was before he started mincing about with the wire tapping and such like. It makes him look a) weak and b) just like everybody else which could hurt him going forward. As far as the fear that not voting yes on this will open him to attacks that he is weak on defense and what not, bunky they are going to anyway – why piss off your own party. But alas that is what the Democartic party does best – piss off each other.

Not a lot of time so that will have to be it –

Peace, Love, Filibuster


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