Friday, June 20, 2008

Random Neural firings as they come:

When did folks in NY start walking this slowly – it’s all I can do in the short walk from my office to my subway stop not to run 6-10 people’s backs. I just don’t get it. It’s older folks or people who have some sort of physical problem it’s folks just walking like they just woke up and are trying to remember where they were supposed to be.

The Museum of Sex wasn’t quite as much fun as I was hoping. There was too much concentration on videos that anybody with a computer can find these days. Still the 1880’s masturbation prevention (think chastity belt for a guy) was worth seeing in a disturbingly funny way.

The first Obama in the ‘white house’ ‘jokes’ have surfaced. Expect it to get a lot damn worse.

For some reason they won’t say the House (and I expect the senate do so soon as well) has sold us out to W and the telecoms.

Silliest panel discussion I’ve seen so far – on SNY where they asked if firing Willie and putting in the new manager had turned the Mets around - this is after two games. These people need hobbies.

The Yankees seem to have righted themselves somewhat – funny how having A-Rod back in the line up helps. Still I’m told he can’t hit in the clutch.

Saw Laura Alt at Sullivan hall last night (we’re playing there next Thursday – it’s the return of Insect Girl so get your butts out to see this), it was a good show – Laura’s got a very good voice and good songwriting voice. It was funny we got into a bit of discussion about nerves afterwards – i.e. being nervous on stage – while it may not look it to the outside world I do get nervous – my nerves show themselves by my tendency to stalk about like some big cat in a too small cage as showtime approaches. I also find it harder to let things slide – specifically little things going wrong – almost gives me an escape or a means to vent.

That said I think you want some edge up there – you get too comfortable, you lose that edge - at least I think so.

And that said – the person performing isn’t really the same me that is sitting in front of this machine typing these words. I can’t and don’t want to explain it, in case that puts the kibosh on it.

Been following the Euro 2008 – Germany over Portugal seems like the biggest up set to date.

I’ve noticed that one of the constant tropes when talking about Tim Russert was how well prepared he was – lord knows how many google hits you’d get if you searched that. Not having watched him that much – personal note – I don’t watch many of the talking head shows – I can’t comment on that. It does strike me in some ways as damn faint praise indeed –one would think an interviewer preparing to interview say the president would be prepared. (Except Chris Matthews – I think he – to quote Edmond Blackadder “gets drunk sticks on a funny hat and trusts to luck.”). In some ways it’s feels like praising a writer for his good spelling and neat penmanship – and to be honest I can’t think of a single story Russert ever broke. Iran Contra – no WMDS, Domestic Spying, nothing. Still I can’t think of a single story anyone of the chatters have broken so that’s probably not a point.

Well enough of that.

Have a good week end – I’m going to watch the soccer and the Formula One racing and a bit of baseball.

Peace Love Goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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