Thursday, June 05, 2008

Not a time to blink

Not a lot of time so this will be short – oh for the days when I could ramble on for 1,000 2,000 words – ah well life was sweet then.

Anyway – coming out at about the same time as the Scott book “What happened? Why did I end up lying so much” is the memoirs of a general who in the inner circle during the Iraq war – the one incident that seems to stands out in everybody’s mind is were W starts giving an incoherent sounding ‘pep’ talk after hearing about Iraqi resistance. It really boiled down to him yelling “Kill them!” a lot, along with “Destroy them” and “this is no time to Blink” (which suggests W was going back in memory to his drug using days) . It’s a very very weird story and one of many we will here about as the days go on.

We also, from the brave Senate, have now been officially told that the white house “overstated’ the threat the Iraqi’s had.

Really – what made you think that – the non-existence of the WMD’s or the stupid balsa wood airplane they tried to scare us with? I mean Jesus might as well add an appendix that says water is wet and when the sun sets it gets dark.

By the way – to all of the people who scoffed when I told them back in 2003 that there was no reason to invade Iraq and it would be a colossally stupid thing to do, I don’t want any apologies. I just want you to go to some public place and say “as I live and breath I will never accept at face value what I’m told by the GOP.” and then move – time for the healing to begin.

Speaking of which – Hillary will announce she is conceding the nomination to Obama on Saturday – better late than never – This, I hope, avoids the whole floor fight nightmare that I had been having. We’ll see what the deal is. I suspect paying off some debt.

Mets playing a bit better – I won’t say yes they have turned it about – not when the first baseman is hitting .230 and old and brittle left fielder is an important part of the offense – those things don’t fill me with good feeling. Of course it could just be the weather is getting warmer and some folks just play baseball better when it’s warmer.

We’ll see.

Plans to see Indiana Jones but I’m hearing some not so hot things about it from film goers so I’m not rushing.

Playing a lot- too much world of warcraft these days. Honestly I suspect that one of the reasons this is so popular is that if you put some effort into it you can get something out of it – not like much of life where if you put the effort into something you still might not succeed or somebody else will take the credit. Here it’s your efforts (with help from friends) that have made you exulted in Dun Morgan or what not.

Yes I will be watching the Euro Championship this week. I’m a boring guy what can you say?

As I said no time. Not even to write about the monkeys using their brains to control robot arms and the terror that could be.

Peace Love Goaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll!


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