Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Enjoy the Moment

It seems that the general consensus- actually the consensus of almost everybody – is that Obama is now the presumptive pick of the Democratic Party for the office of President of the United States. It’s historic and yes – when he speaks he speaks to something more than policy points (which he does have) it’s shot of idealism right into the artery of the body politic – something we haven’t seen in a long long time.

And yes he’s black. One thing I am sure we will see is just how close under the skin of the right wing lurks racism and a pretty rancid racism at that. So far we’ve only gotten small doses – expect the narrative to be something like “voting for Obama means that Negroes will take your job, and gay marriage you daughter while surrendering to Osama Bin Ladden. And raise your taxes.”

Still this is a historic moment – and well we should be pleased with it.

Given that I can understand a bit of the frustration some HRC supporters must be feeling right now – here you have the first real chance in history of this country for a woman to be president and she loses, after being the front runner pretty, has got to sting – and you’d start to despair on some level on ever getting a woman at the top of the ballot and given the rampant misogyny of the chattering heads (although I’ve heard blisteringly negative opinions about Hillary from women would make your hair curl) you’re going to get angry as hell.

That said – Hil’s speech last night said nothing about stopping and made barely a nod to the idea that Obama has won the thing. One observer (sorry I forget who) said Hillary is taking to the field in the top of the 10th inning, down one run”

She’s also making noises that she would be comfortable with the vp slot, I’m not so hip on the idea, I think Hillary would be much better in a position where her knowledge of the levers would be of help – chief of staff some kind of position like that. VP’s, Dick Cheney aside, got to funerals and play golf a lot. She’s not that kind of person for sure.

Again this will be short – I’m not feeling so hot and the place is jumping.

Check out the pics though. On the my space page. Fun times .


Peace Love we hold these truths to be self evident


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