Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Not a lot of time to say or write anything – I took a few days off from work blogging and regular bathing (kidding) to maybe refuel.

Went to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island – the statue is well a statue a massively big statue to be sure but a statue – I didn’t go into the base because well – to get to liberty Island you bought a ticket and then waited on line for about an hour and ½ or so. And when I got to Liberty Island there was a line to go into the base – I was nah I’ve been on enough damn lines already.

Ellis Island was fascinating – my maternal Grandparents had come through Ellis Island and my relatives had paid to put their names on a wall listing those who had come through Ellis Island (yeah it was a way to raise funds but it was a nice way to raise funds).

It honestly was quite moving looking at the names ( I never met my Maternal Grandfather he died shortly before I was born) and thinking about what a step this was. Nowadays any place on the globe is at most a 20 plus hour flight away. Not then – when you left you were never coming back – I understand in Ireland they would hold a wake for you if you were leaving for America since you were never going to come back.

Another interesting note was the exhibits showed that America has always had an uneasy relationship with immigrants. The same arguments being tossed about now were tossed about in the 1840’s. It was kind of depressing to contemplate.

Anyway I note that W had for the first time in a long time an interview with some one who wasn’t that eager to tell him how great he was or not upset him because it could cost him his job. A BBC interviewer had the nerve to point out how the existence of things like Guantamo Bay and Albu Ghraib undercut the soaring language of freedom W likes to use.

“Of course if you want to slander America you can look at this way.” Was W’s response.

Which is a bit of the old head scratcher – slander implies that what’ being said isn’t true but hell that’s not the case here – everybody knows about this.

There was also an amusing little exchange between the reporter and W where the reporter points out that the Supreme Court has ruled that what’s being done is unconstitutional and W says that two lower courts agreed with him.

“The Supreme Court is Supreme isn’t it?” the reporter asks gently like he’s talking to an idiot.

There follows some more back and forth ending up with him saying he didn’t agree with the decision – which in Bush speak means he won’t obey it.

There was also a shining example of his connection with the common clay talking about how people are squawking about high gas prices – and going to say if we rape the Alaskan Wilderness everything will be tickey boo – or some such.

Can he just go home now?

Well enough for now – more to do.

Peace Love Statues of Liberty


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