Monday, June 30, 2008

Gig and short notes.

Had a good if not as well attended as we would like set at Sullivan – but it was still great great fun. One thing we have noticed over time is that sound guys and bartenders just love our stuff - this time there was also a light guy and they both came up to us to say how much they liked it. The crowd seemed into it by the end as well so as a friend of mine used to day ‘bit by bit’.

Saw part of “High Fidelity” this weekend before the Euro 2008 (is it really 2008 – I’m having a bit of trouble with that date for some reason – it’s like yesterday was 2001 or 02 – the intervening time seems a bit of a blur. Product of age one suspects).

Anyway – there was a time where I though Rogers Hornsby had written my life – between High Fidelity and Fever Pitch that is. Now as I think about it not so much – yeah I still have the music and sports obsessions (linked with a World of War craft habit that has me on the geek watch list) – but I’m doing things in my life that I’ve always wanted to do – no not the tassels – and that gives me a leg up on these poor bastards – yeah they are getting more than I am but that’s because it’s fiction and not real life and guys not getting any is kinda boring.

Met fans are happy that Good Perez showed up yesterday – still it’s a mark of how things have changed that the Cubs-White Sox game was the Sunday night game not Mets’ Yankees. (and you think Mets and Yankee fans have problems with each other – it doesn’t come anywhere near the loathing Cubs and White Sox fans have for each other)

Wish I could write more – I’m in that mood but – it’s the end of the month so this will have to do. I wish I could deal with the whole fainting bit the press is having about Clarke saying he wasn’t sure what crashing one’s plane has to do with being president. It’s going to be a long election year and by the by expect this gibberish to continue if Obama wins.

Also saw “The Cars That Ate Paris”very very odd film from Australia – the Paris of the title is in Australia. The director was Peter Weir who is more famous for Dead Poets Society and Picnic at Hanging Rock – more later.

Peace love Top 5 lists

Thursday, June 26, 2008

FISA, DOJ and Pigeons

Last comments on the FISA bill – this is putting a post it note on the bill of rights and adding the words “except if we get scared”. Appalling.

And of course it isn’t even about the terrorists – never has been – I still remember that prior to the Republican National Convention here in NYC the group Quakers for Peace was on the watch list.

It’s always about using the power of the government on your political enemies.

Speaking of which Department of Justice documents reveal that one of the creeps Mr. Gonzo brought along with him when he was made attorney general spent all her time screening applications like a political Commissar in the soviet union, the only difference being she was looking for signs of left wing leanings.

It’s a perfect example of a) the lunatic mindset of the W years and b) what kind of a mess the next president is going to have to deal with.

Now for one thing none of these applications were for permanent i.e. non political appointments so this is flagrantly illegal and two – not a lot of hippies are going to be applying to work at the department of Justice in the first place.

And long term it means that raving right wing fruitcakes are going to imbedded in the DOJ like ticks on a hound.

Meantime the Mets won a game last night – before the start of it one of the announcers who was clearly reaching for something to say said “it’s interesting that in the entire 46 year history of the Mets they have never been swept by the team with the worst record in baseball” Fortunately Keith pointed out that for many of those years the Mets were the ones with the worst record in baseball.

Also we are told that the managers of the Wimbledon Tennis Club will stop shooting pigeons that nest all about the club at the urging of the British arm of PETA. Actually I know lots of New Yorkers who would willing kill the damn things with rocks and sticks if they were asked. City pigeons have been described “Rats with wings” and are one of the reasons I wear a hat most of the time when I’m walking in my neighborhood (I live near an elevated – which aside from getting me into the city and back home serves as a Pigeon high rise.

Actually I don’t have quite the hatred some folk have towards them – and indeed the Male pigeon mating dance – puffed out chest – spinning about – is amusing if for no other reason than the Male isn’t very fussy – if one female rejects him he’s off again after another one saying “ hey Babeee! Hey Babeee! I have a Porsche! I have a Porsche!”( well not really but it sounds like that to me) and what really amuses me is that the males keep this up long long after the brief mating season is over.

Well enough about Pigeon sex.

Hope to see you tonight at the gig.

Peace Love Hey Babee!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Stuff and a Small rant.

Well it looks like we’ll have a few new songs for the dates after the 26th. This is good. You get a bit stale playing things over and over. And as and advance yes we are sorry we left the songs we left off the set list off the set list but at our last two gigs we only had a limited time on stage and something had to give – so the slower longer songs went. Again sorry – they’ll be back.

And it looks like Chris Dodd is trying (and alas will probably fail) to prevent Congress from selling our 4th Amendment rights to the Telecom companies and our current president.

This is yet another case of the Democratic congress folding like a tent at the idea of displeasure of the W (and where is the one person who has the balls to quote FDR’s response to attacks “I bask in their hatred” I mean really).

I just honestly don’t get the village – Clinton has sex they go mad – W starts a war using propaganda and nobody bats a damn eye. Hell they still like the little shit. The problems of normal people don’t even enter their brains it seems. (As witness during one of the debates where one of the press questioners went on and on about the capital gains tax which affects about 5% of the American population).

Meantime I think Obama has made a mistake here by endorsing this compromise – (it’s not but hell I’m too busy to think of the right word). This is a bad bill and should never pass – but he kind of finessed the deal by lukewarm support and lukewarm promise to remove some parts of the bill once he is president.

It’s I think simply a matter of playing things too close to the vest. The polls show he now has a big lead (yes that can vanish in a second witness the fall of Rudy and Hillary – and how many people here in New York are thanking god that we are not facing the prospect of a Rudy vs. Hillary presidential race – I mean you couldn’t kill yourself fast enough in that case.) but this was before he started mincing about with the wire tapping and such like. It makes him look a) weak and b) just like everybody else which could hurt him going forward. As far as the fear that not voting yes on this will open him to attacks that he is weak on defense and what not, bunky they are going to anyway – why piss off your own party. But alas that is what the Democartic party does best – piss off each other.

Not a lot of time so that will have to be it –

Peace, Love, Filibuster

Monday, June 23, 2008

Saying so doesn't make it so and good bye George C.

Well it’s Monday again.

Again the Mets take two out of three from a beat up Colorado Rockies and there is yet more talk of them ‘turning it around’ good god this team could use little less positive incantation and more clutch hitting and middle relief – really just saying over and over again ‘the Mets have turned the season around’ isn’t going to freaking make it so.

This reminds me of the many many many stories you read in the financial press during bad times about how the economy is really going well (or is just about to turn around) and how while it does look like the stock market is in a bad way (what with all the prices going down and the hazard to pedestrians caused by stock brokers plummeting to their death from high building) really really it’s all going to fantastic very very soon.

These stories and speeches have a two fold purpose – one there is a real conviction among financial people that if they come right out and say ‘things just utterly suck” this will actually increase the suckiness of the current situation. It has as an underlying postulate that stock holders are oblivious nitwits who are unable to come to a conclusion about economic conditions and what to do unless they are told by someone things suck.

The other more cynical motive is the need to keep the rubes at the table while the smarter bettors cash out to cut their losses.

Still to be fair – for the last few decades these stories have been right – eventually. Eventually the economy turned around and eventually the stock market picked up again – the only variable being just how long it took to do that.

This time, alas, it looks like its’ going to be a longer time than we are used to. Certain million pound chickens are returning to the nest – long term trends like over use of credit (partially to make up for the lack if wage gains) oil use and a spectacular fall in the housing market with it’s nasty impact on Banks and credit make it look like this is a) going to be rough and b) going to take a while to work itself out even if everybody does the right thing.

Well that’s cheerful.

In other cheerful news George Carlin has died – he was 71 - which doesn’t sound that old to me these days. I wasn’t a huge fan but the man when he was on was absolutely fearless and whip smart and funny as hell.

The line I always remember with fondness (aside from the 7 words routine) was an early bit where he’s a disc jockey.

“Well the radar shows a line of thunderstorms coming in which could make you pm commute a bit rough. The radar also shows a line of Russian ICBM’s so I wouldn’t sweat the thunderstorms that much.”


“Richard Prior and I were in a self-destructive comedian contest – he had a heart attack, I had a heart attack. He set himself on fire – I said fuck that and had another heart attack.”

Funny man – will be missed.

Peace Love Seven Words

Friday, June 20, 2008

Random Neural firings as they come:

When did folks in NY start walking this slowly – it’s all I can do in the short walk from my office to my subway stop not to run 6-10 people’s backs. I just don’t get it. It’s older folks or people who have some sort of physical problem it’s folks just walking like they just woke up and are trying to remember where they were supposed to be.

The Museum of Sex wasn’t quite as much fun as I was hoping. There was too much concentration on videos that anybody with a computer can find these days. Still the 1880’s masturbation prevention (think chastity belt for a guy) was worth seeing in a disturbingly funny way.

The first Obama in the ‘white house’ ‘jokes’ have surfaced. Expect it to get a lot damn worse.

For some reason they won’t say the House (and I expect the senate do so soon as well) has sold us out to W and the telecoms.

Silliest panel discussion I’ve seen so far – on SNY where they asked if firing Willie and putting in the new manager had turned the Mets around - this is after two games. These people need hobbies.

The Yankees seem to have righted themselves somewhat – funny how having A-Rod back in the line up helps. Still I’m told he can’t hit in the clutch.

Saw Laura Alt at Sullivan hall last night (we’re playing there next Thursday – it’s the return of Insect Girl so get your butts out to see this), it was a good show – Laura’s got a very good voice and good songwriting voice. It was funny we got into a bit of discussion about nerves afterwards – i.e. being nervous on stage – while it may not look it to the outside world I do get nervous – my nerves show themselves by my tendency to stalk about like some big cat in a too small cage as showtime approaches. I also find it harder to let things slide – specifically little things going wrong – almost gives me an escape or a means to vent.

That said I think you want some edge up there – you get too comfortable, you lose that edge - at least I think so.

And that said – the person performing isn’t really the same me that is sitting in front of this machine typing these words. I can’t and don’t want to explain it, in case that puts the kibosh on it.

Been following the Euro 2008 – Germany over Portugal seems like the biggest up set to date.

I’ve noticed that one of the constant tropes when talking about Tim Russert was how well prepared he was – lord knows how many google hits you’d get if you searched that. Not having watched him that much – personal note – I don’t watch many of the talking head shows – I can’t comment on that. It does strike me in some ways as damn faint praise indeed –one would think an interviewer preparing to interview say the president would be prepared. (Except Chris Matthews – I think he – to quote Edmond Blackadder “gets drunk sticks on a funny hat and trusts to luck.”). In some ways it’s feels like praising a writer for his good spelling and neat penmanship – and to be honest I can’t think of a single story Russert ever broke. Iran Contra – no WMDS, Domestic Spying, nothing. Still I can’t think of a single story anyone of the chatters have broken so that’s probably not a point.

Well enough of that.

Have a good week end – I’m going to watch the soccer and the Formula One racing and a bit of baseball.

Peace Love Goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reading Colin Wilson

A lot on my mind and in my heart these days but not really ready with words to say it.

And with that bit of cryptic bs we are off.

I’ve been reading on and off – Colin Wilson’s book The Occult – which is a history (sort or) and an attempt (sort of) to put together a working theory of Occult practice and why it works or doesn’t.

Truth be told I’ve be interested in this book since oh 1978 or so when I was taking a class in college on Science Fiction writing (we did H.G. Wells, Herbert and some others) one of whom was Colin Wilson’s The Mind Parasites which is loosely linked to H.P Lovecraft’s Culthu Mythos (Lovecraft is a writer who is best read if you are in your teens – any older and the purple ness of his prose “that hand the window! The Window!” undercut his best stories which until the last bit were written in an almost drab report style which helped the suspension of disbelief. But I digress).

Anyway what I remember was the professor talking about Colin as one of the last of the English eccentrics and talked about his book “The Occult” in which she said, he managed to get just about everything wrong.

Now for some reason I remember thinking “this is the book for me.” A friend once called this boblogic and I’ll own up to it. Once I was watching a TV show about Lou Reed and one of the commentators called Reed’s Album “Berlin” ‘the most depressing record ever mad’ my immediate reaction was “ I have to hear this” so it’s a pretty long term quirk (among others – including wanting to wear the right hat at Mets games (and the lest said about Willie’s firing the best – if they had a contest to find the worst way to handle this they couldn’t have done much worse – if they had made him manage in a rabbit suit first but even then – great now I’m digressing from digressions).

As I was saying …I wanted to get my hands on this book – it turned out to take a long time – until this year. I wasn’t on a full time hunt just time to time “oh yes” and then nothing. Finally some company reprinted the damn thing and I managed to get it home.

I’m not all of the way through the book – and in the passing years I’ve read enough of Colin Wilson to know what I’m getting into – he’s a weird guy with a lot of odd ideas running about his head (I say this with full knowledge that I’m a weird guy with lots of odd ideas running about my head) and like all of us the ideas can make us think funny. He suggests that Homer’s Wine Dark Sea line meant that early Greeks couldn’t see all the colors which makes well no flipping sense for example.

Anyway I wasn’t even going to write about it other than I find myself hiding the cover the book (which says “THE OCCULT” in very very big red letters) while I’m reading it on the subway. For two reasons I guess – one, it’s a kind of on edge world these days and there are people who might get a bit nervous if they see this guy wearing a black shirt reading a book with “THE OCCULT” with big red letters on it, they might start worrying about him going for their throat the instant the lights in the subway give out or some such. I’d rather not subject innocent bystanders (albeit over stressed innocent bystanders) to that sort of thing.

Two – as a sub set of the above set – I don’t want my ride interrupted by someone trying to ‘save me from the clutches of the devil’ while I’m trying to read.

Well – back to the mines – off to see Laura Alt tonight – should be good.

Peace Love Boo!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Not a lot of time to say or write anything – I took a few days off from work blogging and regular bathing (kidding) to maybe refuel.

Went to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island – the statue is well a statue a massively big statue to be sure but a statue – I didn’t go into the base because well – to get to liberty Island you bought a ticket and then waited on line for about an hour and ½ or so. And when I got to Liberty Island there was a line to go into the base – I was nah I’ve been on enough damn lines already.

Ellis Island was fascinating – my maternal Grandparents had come through Ellis Island and my relatives had paid to put their names on a wall listing those who had come through Ellis Island (yeah it was a way to raise funds but it was a nice way to raise funds).

It honestly was quite moving looking at the names ( I never met my Maternal Grandfather he died shortly before I was born) and thinking about what a step this was. Nowadays any place on the globe is at most a 20 plus hour flight away. Not then – when you left you were never coming back – I understand in Ireland they would hold a wake for you if you were leaving for America since you were never going to come back.

Another interesting note was the exhibits showed that America has always had an uneasy relationship with immigrants. The same arguments being tossed about now were tossed about in the 1840’s. It was kind of depressing to contemplate.

Anyway I note that W had for the first time in a long time an interview with some one who wasn’t that eager to tell him how great he was or not upset him because it could cost him his job. A BBC interviewer had the nerve to point out how the existence of things like Guantamo Bay and Albu Ghraib undercut the soaring language of freedom W likes to use.

“Of course if you want to slander America you can look at this way.” Was W’s response.

Which is a bit of the old head scratcher – slander implies that what’ being said isn’t true but hell that’s not the case here – everybody knows about this.

There was also an amusing little exchange between the reporter and W where the reporter points out that the Supreme Court has ruled that what’s being done is unconstitutional and W says that two lower courts agreed with him.

“The Supreme Court is Supreme isn’t it?” the reporter asks gently like he’s talking to an idiot.

There follows some more back and forth ending up with him saying he didn’t agree with the decision – which in Bush speak means he won’t obey it.

There was also a shining example of his connection with the common clay talking about how people are squawking about high gas prices – and going to say if we rape the Alaskan Wilderness everything will be tickey boo – or some such.

Can he just go home now?

Well enough for now – more to do.

Peace Love Statues of Liberty

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thanks, the curse of Odin, Bigfoot and Piltdown

Anyway not a lot of time here but….

Thanks to everybody who came last night. It was fun on our end. And for those of you who missed it – shame upon thee, beware the wrath of Odin. He will ensure you do not win the lottery this week. (I know it’s not much as curses from the gods go but the he’s a pretty old guy even by god standards so that’s about what he can deliver these days).

No I’m not going to explain that.

Meantime meantime. I’m reading this rather engrossing little book called Sasquatch Legend Meets Science – where it seems for just about the first time, the evidence is looked at as evidence, as in What does this footprint say about who made it (and is it a fake and what does that mean?) and the like...rather than jumping like a lot of pro-Bigfoot books do to speculation about mating habits and what not. (Well not really but you get the picture)

Anyway – there is, as one might expect a lot on the famous/infamous Patterson film. They don’t come right out and say yes this authentic but they surely sound like they think it is.

Or, which is my current thinking on the subject, if it’s a fake – it’s a fantastically good fake. One that 40 years later holds up under extremely close analysis.

Now I have read some opinions on the film that say “it’s a fake” however there seems to be a bit of circular reasoning here – the line of thought goes “Bigfoot doesn’t exist, therefore this is a fake.” Which I think alas says more about the viewer than the film.

The only way this could be faked is by a man in a suit – cgi being totally unknown in 1967. If it’s a man in a suit it’s a fantastically good suit. (the folks who has said that have said this is a crude forgery may know a lot about scientific things but jack squat about how men in ape suits look. ) The state of the art of make up in 1968 gave us the ape men in the first part of 2001 – and while the faces are very well done – as where the main actor’s faces in Planet of the Apes released the same year) it’s still obviously a suit – the hair doesn’t look natural and you don’t see the muscles moving underneath (as you do in the Patterson film by the way). And that was in a big budget film using state of the art special effects. Hell even years later in the 1976 ell eKing Kong – Rich Baker – even with all the money he needed at his disposal couldn’t get that effect. Try as they might, a man in a suit still looks like a man in a suit.

Check out Congo – made in 1995 – which used guys in suits because the CGI programs of the time (Jurassic Park had just come out) couldn’t do hair effects very well.

Sorry just having a flash back to Congo – god what an awful film. I need to see it again I think.

Help me.

Anyway as I was reading the analysis and reactions – especially the negative ones. I started thinking about fakes. And one special fake came to mind.

The Piltdown man.

And what is interesting is comparing the reactions of the mainstream scientific community to it as opposed to the Patterson film.

Unlike the Patterson film there is no doubt that Piltdown was a fake. The faker (most writers think Charles Dawson was the guy but that’s for another day) took a piece of human skull, a fossil organ tang jaw and some chimpanzee teeth and by various means (staining, breaking off parts, filing with a rasp and the like) made them look like they came from one creature.

Now the really interesting thing here is the reception these doctored bones and teeth were given when they were discovered. Aside from one or two skeptical comments (mostly along the lines that these pieces just didn’t belong together) the find was accepted as completely genuine.

Now yes there were a lot of differences between the two – Dawson knew Smith Woodward who was the head of what we now call Paleontology at the British Museum – it being 1912 tabloid Television didn’t exist, and the world was a very different place really.

Still. The universally accepted reason the fake succeeded (until 1953 when dating tests finally proved it was a fake) was that initially it accurately matched what scientists expected to see if an early man was discovered. A Large brained animal with an ape’s jaw (as opposed to the current view, born of more fossil humanoids coming to life, that walking came first then the human style jaw and lastly the brain) Parts of the forgery itself – notably the teeth and their wear – were pretty crude (the faked filed the teeth down flat to duplicate a more human tooth wear but the wear is obviously not natural and the teeth aren’t aligned right to cause that wear pattern – some one did notice this in 1923 but nobody paid any attention.) but the understanding of what the Marks (scientists) were looking for was very profound.

I don’t have the time today to craft this as precisely as I would like – but the upshot was, that if someone as clever as the faker had to be was going to fake the Patterson film they wouldn’t have added some of the film’s more unusual aspects – one making it a female and two the sagitail crest.

Simply put a faker who wanted this to have a chance at being accepted wouldn’t have made it a female. Science and even more so in 1967 is a pretty male oriented in its world view – a male Bigfoot would have a better chance of acceptance than the film of a female. And even if the faker needed the suit to be that of a female (control mechanism maybe- bladders who knows) they would have know enough not to include the sagital crest (the point at the top of the head – it forms an anchor for jaw muscles and typically found only in the males of the great apes, most notably in Gorillas.).

I’m going to have to come back to this and write it better, but my main point is that anybody out to fake the Patterson film would not have willingly included these details in the film if the goal was to bamboozle or use the film to earn money or some other reward.

Well no more time to day.
Peace Love Odin!

Monday, June 09, 2008

To hot to Blog, Mets, Lizards, and what goes on in Antarctica?

Really too hot to blog but

1) I would like to declare an end to “How the Met’s have turned it around” stories – every time they run the team drops 3-4 games in a row to dip back under .500.

Really – the team has played 60 games now – I don’t know what to do but this line up isn’t going to get the job done – for whatever reason. The team could well be out of it by the all star break.


2) Next year we go to euro Disney – in the news one reads of a group of divers from Europe (3 from England, one from Sweden and one from France) fell off of their boat and drifted for some 10 hours (and where was the captain of the boat one wonders “let’s see just how many folks did we have starting this trip’ you have to wonder) and finally wash up on an island.

The trouble is that the island they washed up on was one of two homes of the Komodo dragon – the world’s largest living lizard (8-10 feet) – who have been known to eat the odd tourist or two. After a close contact with one of the lizards – which they said they drove off with sticks and rocks and the like – they were rescued and damn glad of it I’ll bet.

3) As summer approaches here – the long Antarctic night is about to begin – and the scientific stations like McMurdo reduce their staff from over a 1,000 to 125. However it seems that the remaining staff will be busy – at least during off hours – one of the last shipments that came to McMurdo was a package of 16,500 condoms. (That’s 132 per person).

I’m not by nature a jealous man – no that’s not right I’m pretty damn jealous of lots of things if I’m honest with myself. Still. It irks me no end that folks in ANTARCTICA are getting more than me.

4) I’d do more – but it’s too damn hot.

Peace love – come to the next gig!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Not a time to blink

Not a lot of time so this will be short – oh for the days when I could ramble on for 1,000 2,000 words – ah well life was sweet then.

Anyway – coming out at about the same time as the Scott book “What happened? Why did I end up lying so much” is the memoirs of a general who in the inner circle during the Iraq war – the one incident that seems to stands out in everybody’s mind is were W starts giving an incoherent sounding ‘pep’ talk after hearing about Iraqi resistance. It really boiled down to him yelling “Kill them!” a lot, along with “Destroy them” and “this is no time to Blink” (which suggests W was going back in memory to his drug using days) . It’s a very very weird story and one of many we will here about as the days go on.

We also, from the brave Senate, have now been officially told that the white house “overstated’ the threat the Iraqi’s had.

Really – what made you think that – the non-existence of the WMD’s or the stupid balsa wood airplane they tried to scare us with? I mean Jesus might as well add an appendix that says water is wet and when the sun sets it gets dark.

By the way – to all of the people who scoffed when I told them back in 2003 that there was no reason to invade Iraq and it would be a colossally stupid thing to do, I don’t want any apologies. I just want you to go to some public place and say “as I live and breath I will never accept at face value what I’m told by the GOP.” and then move – time for the healing to begin.

Speaking of which – Hillary will announce she is conceding the nomination to Obama on Saturday – better late than never – This, I hope, avoids the whole floor fight nightmare that I had been having. We’ll see what the deal is. I suspect paying off some debt.

Mets playing a bit better – I won’t say yes they have turned it about – not when the first baseman is hitting .230 and old and brittle left fielder is an important part of the offense – those things don’t fill me with good feeling. Of course it could just be the weather is getting warmer and some folks just play baseball better when it’s warmer.

We’ll see.

Plans to see Indiana Jones but I’m hearing some not so hot things about it from film goers so I’m not rushing.

Playing a lot- too much world of warcraft these days. Honestly I suspect that one of the reasons this is so popular is that if you put some effort into it you can get something out of it – not like much of life where if you put the effort into something you still might not succeed or somebody else will take the credit. Here it’s your efforts (with help from friends) that have made you exulted in Dun Morgan or what not.

Yes I will be watching the Euro Championship this week. I’m a boring guy what can you say?

As I said no time. Not even to write about the monkeys using their brains to control robot arms and the terror that could be.

Peace Love Goaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Enjoy the Moment

It seems that the general consensus- actually the consensus of almost everybody – is that Obama is now the presumptive pick of the Democratic Party for the office of President of the United States. It’s historic and yes – when he speaks he speaks to something more than policy points (which he does have) it’s shot of idealism right into the artery of the body politic – something we haven’t seen in a long long time.

And yes he’s black. One thing I am sure we will see is just how close under the skin of the right wing lurks racism and a pretty rancid racism at that. So far we’ve only gotten small doses – expect the narrative to be something like “voting for Obama means that Negroes will take your job, and gay marriage you daughter while surrendering to Osama Bin Ladden. And raise your taxes.”

Still this is a historic moment – and well we should be pleased with it.

Given that I can understand a bit of the frustration some HRC supporters must be feeling right now – here you have the first real chance in history of this country for a woman to be president and she loses, after being the front runner pretty, has got to sting – and you’d start to despair on some level on ever getting a woman at the top of the ballot and given the rampant misogyny of the chattering heads (although I’ve heard blisteringly negative opinions about Hillary from women would make your hair curl) you’re going to get angry as hell.

That said – Hil’s speech last night said nothing about stopping and made barely a nod to the idea that Obama has won the thing. One observer (sorry I forget who) said Hillary is taking to the field in the top of the 10th inning, down one run”

She’s also making noises that she would be comfortable with the vp slot, I’m not so hip on the idea, I think Hillary would be much better in a position where her knowledge of the levers would be of help – chief of staff some kind of position like that. VP’s, Dick Cheney aside, got to funerals and play golf a lot. She’s not that kind of person for sure.

Again this will be short – I’m not feeling so hot and the place is jumping.

Check out the pics though. On the my space page. Fun times .


Peace Love we hold these truths to be self evident

Monday, June 02, 2008

Thank you Friends, Fans, Bandmates and Brooklyn

Well this will have to be quick – it’s the end of the month and all that.

First thank you thank you thank you all for coming Saturday Night – it was great to be able to play for all of you – and to do silly things on stage. Hope you all had a good time and thanks again to all the new fans and to Alfosno, Laura Ault, Black and White Cookies and Total Quality Institute for great music as well. Thanks also to the Southpaw staff who were just fantastic given the large number of acts they had to deal with.

I expect that we will get some pics up soon – including those that I will never be able to live down – yes the whole tearing off my shirt thing.

Hell it could have been worse, at first there was a talk about me wearing gold colored shorts as well (at which I drew the line).

And had I not sweated like a draft horse I would have had on real pasties not the stickers although in retrospect the stickers were probably funnier.

Feeling a little flat right now – I guess just because we worked so damn hard on this one and things went well – so everybody told me – personally I need to hit the gym more as that jumping about still has me out of breath.

And I want to thank the band – The Enemy Below, Insect Girl, Trafalgar (like the Square) Mistress B, S-Dog, and the one and only The Dude – you have made me feel like the luckiest man on the face of the earth. (Hat tip to Lou Gehrig – it’s too bad folks just think about more his disease than who he was) I can remember years and years of doing open mikes and gigs as a solo act but not getting anywhere – and getting stared at open mikes and dealing with the total lack of interest from various clubs and song writing circles and what not. Now – Now I’m in the best band in New York, We have a CD and I’m in Brooklyn ripping my shirt off.
Old Brooklyn Doger Pic - couldn't resist.

Peace Love thank you Brookyn, thank you all again.