Thursday, March 06, 2008

Exercise and Sex Toys in Texas, Iran Worries

Hasn’t been a lot of time for bloging the last few days – sorry – it’s been madness both at work and at home – I’ve started doing some yoga/exercise stuff – taught by a cheerful young woman – who – as muscles I have not used in a while started to complain in loud voices about how much this hurt – I began to hate very very much. I general despise upbeat anyway and combine perky with physical pain and I’m in my very own personnel hell. I’m sure that this will be my punishment in the after life – endless painful aerobics combined with perky upbeat saying “come on smile! You can do it! Push! Make your brain a happy place!”

My brain is a dark and twisted labyrinth of frustrated desires, self loathing, guilt, shame, disappointment and anger along with a grim amusement at how often we are our own worst enemies – and it’s where I get my best material from so I’m a little loathe to change it really.

But we’ll see.

Meantime – well I understand exactly why the country is in such a mess. On Valentines Day – the 5th Circuit Court of appeals declared that the State of Texas’s ban on the sale of erotic toys (for example of Dildos) was unconstitutional.

I can only assume that there was much rejoicing in Texas – and a massive increase in AA battery sales as well.

But now I read that the Texas Federal Attorney General is going to appeal the decision to the entire 5th Circuit court (not just the 3 who made the decision).

I can only assume either a) there is no crime in Texas that needs the attention of the Attorney General or people in Texas are inserting sex toys into their own and each other’s orifices with such gusto that the normal business of the state is being disrupted , or he’s a total gibbering right wing ass who’s only goal in life is to make people live the way he does (apparently dildoless).

Do any of us have time to waste on this gibberish really? Sex toys? I find the whole sex toy thing rather funny actually – I’m looking for a fur whip to add to the props for the bondage song – but if that’s what you and your partner want (assuming of course age of consent and some other things) have at it.

Apparently there are three other states that ban the sale of sex toys – I’m not going to find out cause well – one it’s not safe for work and two – why bother I’m depressed enough.

Meantime W has been making noise about firing the current CENCOM commander Admiral William Fallon – mostly because Fallon has said that attacking Iran would be a massively stupid thing to do which of course W and Darth Vader think will be the very thing that saves them from the well deserved judgment of history that they were evil and simple minded fools (and yes I include dick in this – he’s smart only by comparison to W which frankly isn’t that rigorous a standard to be held to).

I would hate to think that W is crazy enough to think attacking Iran will actually do any good to anybody but alas empirical data suggests otherwise.
Diana Rigg from the Avengers Hellfire Club episode.

Peace Love Don’t bomb Iran


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