Tuesday, February 26, 2008

warning - grumpy post!

Okay – someone has been shoving crystal meth into Tom Halprin’s sugar. In a very very odd article in Time magazine he listed some of the things that McCain could do to beat Obama – which include accusing Obama of being some kind of Manchurian candidate and having some of his spokesmen play the “the negroes are coming the negroes are coming – they will take your jobs and gay marriage you daughters!” theme song - note he wasn’t advocating calling Obama a n-r but he suggested McCain’s campaign could come close to that.

Indeed all over the country pr firms are trying out terms to see where the line is “Jungle bunny – can we say jungle bunny?” just so the GOP will know what it is come November.

He’s being pinned to the wall by the blogsphere on this but he insists that it’s analysis not advice – which means of course – it was.

What a sad miserable and utterly useless collection of power mad dickwads the GOP has turned into -

I suspect that should Obama win the nomination – which seems more likely these days than not – we are going to be treated to a vision of the many faces of racism in this country – ranging from the Illinois Nazi party to the white’s only country club crowd – and it’s not going to be a pretty sight at all.

Or a sound either – the sound of soft pink men whining is very very annoying. “But our way of life!”

Meantime in related news: Obama wears a funny hat! Therefore he’s a terrorist! And the Clinton campaign pushed the photo! Or not!

Meantime the mortgage crisis wears on, Iraq remains a bloody mess (the Turks are bombing the Kurds by the way), Afghanistan is falling apart – we’re led by a spineless congress and an overconfident mental midget dink – most people think the country is seriously off track and this is the most important thing the press can talk about?

We. Are. Doomed.

Who the hell cares about this stupid picture? Granted it may call into question Obama’s taste in clothing but I wear misfit T-shirts at 50 so I really shouldn’t talk. – And congressmen and other politicians been dressing in things like this for a long time now. (Granted if I was advising anybody thinking of going on to higher office I’d have rule – no photo op’s in the traditional garb of anywhere – ever.) And W loves to play dress up.

But they all do – it’s all over the nets and the papers.

We. Are. Doomed.

I mean really – for example we’re not going to get any real change in the health care system until thousands of people die from some kind of deadly airborne virus that crashed out into the general population because too many people go to the emergency room to get basic medical care and from there spread to the lives of important people killing a large number of them. Call it the Titanic effect – where the number of lifeboats required on a passenger ship wasn’t increased until after all those people drowned – including an Astor or two if memory serves. Too many people making too much money on the current system to change it.

And climate change – nothing and I repeat nothing will be done until the Midwest is another dust bowl – Atlanta is abandoned because of drought and the water is lapping at people’s doorways in Georgetown. And not one second sooner.

Eh- I should stop, this way lies serious bourbon abuse and I’m trying to be a little more positive. As much as it kills me.

I feel sometimes like I’m standing on a bridge that’s near collapse – you can hear the evil pinging sound of the cables holding up the thing start to fail – but the folks that could be doing something about it are too well fed, well fucked and well medicated to bother – besides they won’t need the bridge if it fails – they have boats.


I’d think about kittens (I love cats) but I’m allergic – like get asthma attack allergic – so that’s out.

And the Mets are in the process of losing their first spring training game – To the University of Michigan – yeah it’s spring training but still.

I suppose I’m going to get an MLB package of some sort – like god forbid I miss an inning of a west coast game between Seattle and Tampa Bay – yes I’m that addicted. I was watching the Caribbean world series games – in Spanish – of which – despite years in high school – I don’t understand a lick – except Goaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!! Which may not be Spanish now that I think of it.


It may just be the weather.

Peace love the Rain will stop.
Diana Rigg of course.


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