Monday, February 25, 2008

The Gig, Pin Nonsense, Dogroa, Ducks and Creatures

Hello – thanks a lot for everybody that signed up on the mailing list – we really appreciate it – glad you enjoyed the show.

Other than a sense of nameless dread that was sitting on my chest this morning I’m doing pretty good – the gig although not a lot of regular fans showed up – was a lot of fun – our newest member (currently going under the name of Mistress B – until the exact final one comes to mind) was great and we’ve now added yet another silly layer to “Someone Else” by have the back up singers (I want to say girls but they are grown women so I won’t) fool around with Guitar Hero controllers while The Enemy Below played his solo. Also the Dude overcame his injury (and some kind of weird madness that had him singing fractured versions of the lyrics before the gig – too bad we didn’t have a tape going it was priceless) to provide a great performance on the drums.

Me – well I need to do some damn road work – like a lot of it – my wind sucks and I’m too heavy and when I started to bounce around on stage I got short of breath too damn easy. I was pushing myself figuring well not a lot of folks showed up but there are people where who haven’t seen us and I just pushed the pedal to the floor and went flat out figuring if I’m still standing at the end of the set I didn’t push hard enough.

Well I was still standing but it hurt – hence the need for road work.

Off to master the album next weekend – more time sitting on a couch listening to me blow a note again and again and again – part of me would rather spend the time tearing my fingernails off one at a time but that part of me is really one I can ignore pretty well.

Saw Dogro one of the more obscure Japanese Toho Science fiction films – other than the lovely Akiko Wakabayashi who is part of a gang of diamond thieves the film really doesn’t have any high points – they were tying to do something different with this film as the monster is a mutated space cell that eats carbon (which is where the diamonds come in) but it never quite comes off and there is only a bare link between the diamond robbers and the monster story.

Meantime for some reason I can’t even begin to fathom (or want to really) there is floating out there the idea that because Obama doesn’t wear a flag pin or put his hand over his heart during the national anthem – he isn’t ‘patriotic’ enough to run for president. Now I know that the electing a president has disintegrated into a shallow image competition with twits commenting in excited voices on the latest update in the horse race but dear lord in heaven this is a new low even for the kind of gibberish we’ve seen.

A flag pin? Are you fucking kidding? And for CNN to run with this story linking to an ugly story the AP ran which simply quoted one right wing nitwit after another saying that Obama is a doody head and doesn’t wear a flag pin so he’s a Muslim terrorist op – or something else that bad – suggests to me that the people running CNN have had their brains replaced by dried frog parts.

Or something.

This is madness – good god if I was really some kind of Muslim Manchurian candidate being run from the super bat cave that Ben Laden has in Pakistan – I’d have the damn flag pin stuck to my forehead and wear nothing but red white and blue and hum the star spangled banner over and over again every waking minute – also I would be white and blonde and not be well spoken.

Personal note – I wore a flag pin after 9/11 up until we rolled over the Iraqi border.

Meantime – the president (remember him? The self absorbed twit?) keeps trying to scare people into passing the FISA bill with the telecom immunity in it – in fact he’s making the immunity the focal point of his plea – he was saying that some of the telecom companies were refusing to cooperate until the immunity was put in – which was a switch the last time they stopped cooperating with the government on tapping phones was when the Fed was late with their payments. And later the white house said never mind, they are cooperating. So what is the problem again?

Meantime – a story came out saying top economists see signs of recession.

Uh-huh – what clued you in bunky? The collapse of the housing market? The massive bank losses followed by news of layoffs? What was it?

Some sad news – Steve Gerber creator of Howard the Duck has passed away at 60 which to me now seems not old – he had nothing to do with the movie. Also Ben Chapman who played the Creature of the Black Lagoon died this weekend. No I’m not going to go with that they come in threes bit – because it’s silly – they only start saying it comes in threes after the first two pop off and well wait long enough someone of some celebrity status is bound to pass away.

Peace Love Ducks and Creatures


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