Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Old World Series Games, Seaver, & E-Dating

I’ve been watching “Met’s Classics” on SNY the last few nights – they are rebroadcasting the 1969 World Series – and while I had seen highlights from these games before I hadn’t seen the whole games – even when it was being played – I was at school at the time. As much as I do wish for World Series games in the daylight – not a lot of folks get to see them if they do that – but at least the Saturday and Sunday games could start in the daytime yes?

Anyway I noticed more than a few things that made me go “huh”.

One of which – in 1969 there was no cult of celebrity the way there is now – Jacklyn Kennedy Onasis could go to a ball game without 1,000’s of lunatics with cameras snapping her damn picture and her son who was oh maybe 10? Could go get a hot dog by himself (or something he just sort of wandered away and Jackie looked behind her for a moment before going to back to watching the game). Also Pearl Bailey was in the crowd but nobody paid much mind – she was there to see a ball game – as was everybody else.

Lot of suits, sport coats and ties in the crowd –the odd straw hat at well – not like today when everybody (and I’m as guilty as anybody else) has got official team stuff on – down to the boxer shorts (I may have over shared).

The TV coverage was –as to be expected – had fewer cameras to work with – Outfield looking in, behind home plate looking out – and that was it. When the ball was hit the cameras went after the ball – on some hot shots they weren’t fast enough and all you saw was the infielder getting ready to throw the ball.

When they did replays you got one – even Rod Swaboda’s catch in Game 4– which if he had been a better outfielder would have know was impossible – got one replay with a “what an amazing catch” from Kurk Gowdy before they went back to the matter of the game.

And nobody took pitchers out – in his two wins Koosman pitched 17 and 2/3rd’s innings. Hodges took Seaver out in Game 1 for a pinch hitter but in game 4, after the Orioles tied it up in the 9th Hodges let Seaver pitch in the 10th – which meant he got the win when the Mets scored in the bottom of the inning. Would anybody leave somebody in for 10 innings these days? Ever? Even if he was working on a no hitter? In fact it’s become so accepted that you pull pitchers that I’d completely forgotten Seaver pitched in the 10th. I just assumed Hodges had pulled him because that is what you.

Well now anyway.

And of course we didn’t have ad logos slapped on everything that would sit still long enough.

And they used the bullpen cart. (Which I found kind of silly but there you go).

And Tom Seaver was an amazing pitcher – my personal memories are when he was getting by with guile but at the top of his form in 1969 there were few better.

That being said I will insist that Steve Carlton’s performance in the 1972 Season with the utterly hapless Philadelphia Phillies is the greatest single season pitching performance in the history of baseball.

The line score for Lefty in 1972 27 wins 10 losses. 346.3 Innings pitched 41 games started – 30 complete games - 1.97 – ERA and 310 strike outs

Okay – impressive and easily enough to be a major candidate for that years CY young but the best ever?

Well look at W/L for the Steve wasn’t pitching: 32-87 – (a winning percentage of .253 compared to Carltons .723) if Steve had had lets say .500 ball club behind him he probbably would have won over 30 games that year. At least .

I’m going to do this up a bit more rigorously at some point. (Stat wise I mean)

Meantime I’ve been trying out internet dating services – and well nothing much is happening – mostly cause I can’t really imagine anybody finding me a romantic match (low self esteem the gift that keeps on giving) along with a crippling sense of shyness (when not on stage) and some deep seated shame.

Anyway – one of the sites – True offers all sorts of personality tests (which I admit I’m a complete sucker for – Like Alice with her pencils I’m happy for hours with one of these things) and then after you take the test they give you some advice – well I took the test and read the advice and if anything – I’m even more depressed.


Let me explain – they say things like this:

“You have an overall healthy attachment style, with some unhealthy tendencies.”

Well thanks loads guys – just the thing I want to hear.

“Sexual Experience
You have had relatively limited sexual experience up to this point in your life.”

Well yes – again thanks ever so much for pointing that out to me. I can feel the esteem blooming.

“Give things a try. You might be surprised by how well something ends up.”

Or have your worst fears confirmed yet again. Guys I can deal without the Pollyanna gibberish okay?

“Practice saying yes when you want to say no – at least some of the time. “

I don’t even know what the hell they are talking about. Yes to what?

“Practice keeping your feelings under control (without suppressing them) and it will become more natural. Express them in an appropriate time and place, and do so calmly.’

Jesus you’re making me feel like some out of control lunatic. Again thanks – I fucking grew up in an environment where expressing emotions was verboten – any emotion.

Meantime they tell what to look for in my ideal woman.

Per them I run about average per emotional intelligence – so their advice goes:” Although someone with average emotional intelligence — someone just like you — would be an easier match for you, you might benefit more from a partner who is highly emotionally intelligent”

Without really explaining why someone who was highly emotionally intelligent would want to deal with someone who isn’t. It’s like you’re very very smart – find someone stupid you’ll enjoy explaining things to them – a lot.

“As you work on building your self-esteem and boosting your confidence, being in a relationship with a partner who already has healthy self-esteem and a lot of confidence could be the ideal situation for you.”

1) this is about a relationship not therapy and again 2) other than doing it out of charity – which I have no interest in thank you very much – why would someone with a “healthy self-esteem and a lot of confidence” want to deal with someone who doesn’t?

“Although your responses show that you have both optimistic and pessimistic tendencies, finding a partner who is more optimistic than you are will benefit you greatly. See your partner as an example — someone with a healthier way of looking at the world that you could try on for size”

Fuck you.

“You would be happiest in a relationship with someone introverted – someone like you. Not having to explain yourselves or your behaviors to one other can be extremely appealing. On the other hand, if you would like to become more outgoing, pairing with an extrovert might be just the thing to draw you out of your shell”

This is about the 13th time they have ‘on the other hand” in their advice – I’m running out of hands guys.

“Since you often have difficulty taking the needs of others into account,” (again thanks you make me feel like the most selfish bastard on the face of the earth)” you would be best paired with an assertive individual who has little difficulty making it clear what they wants and requires from you. This kind of partner must also have high self-esteem so that they feels comfortable sticking up for him/herself when they feels that you are thinking of yourself instead of the well being of your relationship (again why would someone well balance do this to themselves?). Regardless of whom you are with, however, you need to make an effort to remember the importance of thinking of others and sometimes put their needs before your own.”

I was raised to put the thinking of others and their needs before my own – all the time -
So my self absorption is probably a reaction to the misery that caused me for years. So back the hell off jack.

Although you are relatively assertive, you might want to consider the reasons behind your inconsistency in this area. “

I thought I was a self centered bastard what the hell is this about?

“You tend to be as happy and comfortable alone as you are with other people. Nevertheless, your moderate level of sociability, reinforced by a lack of know-how in this area, might still be holding you back. If you take action and perk up, people will flock to you. They will want to be around you as much as you want to be around them.”

1) Thanks for the “lack of know-how remark” 2) what part of I am okay alone didn’t you get? 3) I don’t always want to be around people – they can get on my nerves.

“Consider taking steps to bring your social skills to a new level, as this will undoubtedly improve your chances at finding love.”

And these would be what? This level thing pisses me off – it’s like life’s a video game – “Congratulations you have reached level 21 – you have a choice of the following powers”

“While on some days you may feel like you are on top of the world, on other days, doubts about your personal worth and abilities probably begin to creep in. You may be held back socially by these occasional doubts. When you begin to truly believe in yourself and your abilities, you will notice that interacting with others will become much easier. And, believe it or not, self-confidence has been shown to be a more important factor in determining someone's attractiveness than physical beauty.”

I’m not sure how this relates to me as a self absorbed dolt – and no I don’t believe it. People still want to bang Brittany Spears – while I don’t think that says anything good about them – it sure as hell ain't her stunning self confidence they are attracted to either.

“Perhaps you can work on becoming more consistently optimistic. This will probably be a plus in looking for that special someone, as optimism is an attractive quality in a person.”

Again – Fuck you. Sunny brilliant optimism led to among other things Iraq and W’s hideously ugly yellow carpet in the oval office – being optimistic is almost physically painful for me – the way I deal with thing is say “what’s the worst that could happen?” figure out how I would deal with that and then move on.

“You need some emotional closeness and intimacy with your romantic partners, but not a lot. Check in with future partners to make sure that they are getting the amount of intimacy that they need. Perhaps you are missing out on one of the greatest aspects of love — the emotional closeness that can develop between people who care about each other. “

Something about this paragraph pisses me off more than the rest – sweet mercy yes I am missing that aspect of love – I’m missing all the other fucking ones as well dickweed – including the fucking.

Okay last thing:

“You tend to be independent when you are in a relationship, not needing to rely on your partner for much. While it is important to stay true to yourself and maintain your own identity when part of a couple, there is something to be gained from uniting with another human being at a level so intimate that at times you feel as though you are one. Don’t miss out on that opportunity when it presents itself. Life can sometimes be a lot more satisfying when we take a risk!”

Stop. Stop it just stop it okay? This perky brightness hurts my teeth and gives me a headache.

Peace, Love, Complete Games


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