Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow and a Big Story and a picture of Dogs.

The big story –

Well not really - the big story seems to be the hint that John McCain might have (oh horror of horrors it can’t be!) some kind of relationship with a pretty young lobbyist – back before 2000 and that his campaign back then and even recently worked very very hard to spike the story.

Frankly I couldn’t care less (well I could but it would take a lot of effort and I’m not willing to put that much effort into it) if John was banging every lobbyist he was meeting with (as mind curdling as that thought may be) Washington is a seething caldron of crazed sex – and as someone said – Politics is a way for ugly guys to get laid as someone said – perhaps the same person who said god invented Whiskey so ugly girls can have sex too.

Maybe it’s because I’m of Irish extraction (with a dash of dour and unhappy Scot tossed in) but booze has never really served to stir up my desire to get my wild thing on – if anything it’s had the opposite effect – couple three beers and well I’m ready to watch a baseball or soccer game, reflect on national politics, the state of the world, sing Irish songs, watch a horrible film, listen to band or just bull shit , or more often go to bed, but sex, not so much.

Granted that’s just me – I’ve seen enough folks where you put a few drinks into them they turn into crazy people – can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen folks change from calm and laid folks into some form of trogg creature screaming things like “Ook need fuck need fuck now – Please fuck Ook” only less coherent.

I digress.

The real point of the story is well – McCain has just piss poor judgment – after almost getting tossed out of the senate because of his involvement with the S&L lobbyists (pulling strings for them and what not) – he starts doing the same damn thing with this young woman’s clients. And keeps on doing it after his advisors tell him this is a huge mistake – not to mention that she keeps popping up at places he’s at all the time.)

That more than the oh is he banging her aspect of the story is what is really important. (hat tip to Digby for pointing this out - - check the blog out it’s very very good (warning left wing for sure).

Meantime if anybody cares A) W is in Africa and B) his approval rating in one poll came in at 19% - which considering that he recently threw a hissy fit that his good buddies the telecom companies weren’t being given retroactive immunity for the spying they did for him (illegally you have to assume) and saying that because of this we’re all going to die in our beds – and after offering his words of wisdom and comfort to the victims of a series a huge tornados “life is unfair”.

You know the last thing I’d fucking want after I’ve lost my home and maybe god forbid more than that would be to listen to the vapid gibberish coming from the mouth of some over coddled rich man boy who’s only real suffering came from hangovers.

Meantime – well the snow is falling down here – the tops of the buildings in Manhattan look pretty with the snow on them – it’s when you get down into the muck and the mire that well it gets ugly – and the trains are delayed and the subways and buses are late and crowded and folks get in a bad mood.

I’m going to enjoy the white sugar look of the tops the buildings for a while – I dwell too much in the negative anyway.

Meantime – I see another republican congressman has been indicted – this time the guy is from Arizona and it oddly enough links to little Albert Gonzalez’s purge of the US DA’s one of whom was based in Arizona. I’m not say that Al forced the guy out of office because he didn’t want embarrassing headlines before the 2006 elections but it is what damn well looks like. Well one more thing for the next president to fix.

Read an interesting article on rock vs. jazz in Salon – which while interesting didn’t quite catch me – I have some thoughts on the matter but they need more time to get into something resembling sentences that might be interesting to read.

The one thing that the article brought out was at least one Jazz snob – a race of folks who seem to think that a playing a flattened diminished 7th chord in a piece of music is a sign of high artistic purpose – if I remember correctly he wrote something to the effect that 100 years from now rock will be dead and Jazz will yada yada yada. Which is kind of silly nobody really knows what the hell people will think about what was done now in a 100 years – for all we know they may decide that Barry Manilow, Neal Diamond and Abba were the towering talents of the time and that the Beatles, the Stones, Miles Davis and Bob Dylan were just over hyped.

I’m not saying it’s likely, it is possible, we don’t know the future and what will happen. At the end of the Elizabethan era Shakespeare was regarded as an okay playwright – he was pretty popular but he just wasn’t as held in high regard as say Ben Johnson who was a master of formal structure and Aristotle’s unities. (The play must take place over a single day among others).

Of course sometimes things just keep going – Dickens was wildly popular when he was alive and Beethoven was BEETHOVEN before he died as well so even the everything the mob loves is just trash isn’t always true.

Hope to see you at the gig our new backup singer is very excited to be playing I’m nervous about getting a cold but that’s me – I have to worry about something – and I hope the snow stops by tonight so folks can get to the show.

Ah yes the picture – this is from Cracked .com and maybe the stupidest thing I have seen in a long time – yes it is the manger scene done with dogs – irreligious, or just mind blowingly stupid I can’t figure out but too damn weird not to share.


Peace love snowplowing


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