Friday, March 28, 2008

Robots and a review! (a good one too!)

One of the songs we’re kicking around when we have a moment is something with the title Robot Butt Sex – as it stands now the joke/hook of the song is simply hearing the ladies sing “robot butt sex” which one must admit is not something you hear every day – and I figure is well worth writing the damn thing just to hear that.

Anyway looking on the web I see that they are working on some kind of small robot that will climb up your butt – the stated purpose is to make for an easier and more comfortable way of checking for colon cancer – but knowing humans ability to pretty much pervert anything they get their hands one – the step to climb up your butt robots with special vibrating options is not a big one .

Meantime well you might have know this was going to happen – the very instant W says that things in Iraq are going well – the place erupts into chaos – the right wing is getting a bit peeved at the coverage the increased violence is getting because it undercuts the message that things are okay in Iraq. It’s not that things are okay in Iraq they just want folks to think that so John (more of the same) McCain can talk about staying in Iraq for 100 years without people thinking maybe it’s better that John be put in the home rather than in the white house.

We were given a very nice review in a blog called “Review your face”
Go read it. I’m blushing. Really. It’s that complementary.

Next week I’d like to get in at least one movie post – I haven’t done that in a while – but as I have noted things have been busy.

The baseball season starts soon - I think the Mets will do better this year – simply stated they couldn’t do much worse – Santana is going to – minus bad injuries – give the team the ace they needed – they may not score as many runs as they did last year but if Pedro is okay and John Maine continues to improve well they may not need to score that many runs.

Got a gig coming up on the 13th at the Amex – after the mad fun I had at the last gig – I’m looking forward to this a lot – then will be the mad build up to the cd release party (you are coming yes?) and that looks like well a pretty super time all around.

Sorry for the short post but I’m just whipped kids.

Peace Love Robot Butt Sex.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Brain burn and the Democratic party c'est moi!

Well I’m beat to death –

Still I’m getting used to the idea of going on about 4 hours of sleep a night – granted my brain bluggle words giving me spadula problems but other than that its tabletop dancing robot sex.

Not really but I forget what I was going to write.

Lovely day yesterday a real taste of spring. The Enemy Below and I did three songs at Kenny’s Castaways (along with an Insect Girl Cameo). It’s been a while since it was just us on stage so it was a bit rusty but it was fun. We’ve been playing mostly to people who know the stuff so we don’t get the ‘oh my god did they just say that?’ google eye spit take moment. Which we did last night.

The guy who came on after us mentioned that he had a song that he thought wasn’t really that appropriate but realized that his concerns now were moot. I always like those moments. A sign we are doing our job at least as I see it – you can have your love songs you can have your heartbreak you can have your sensitive soul looking at the world songs –we’re gonna give you something bizarre about rat dogs, strange sex, insane people or some such.

It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.

Meantime – well I’m too beat and too blah to pay much attention to what’s happening in the world but apparently a group of Democratic party heavy hitters (big money guys) sent a note to Nancy Pelosi saying in the crabbed and hobbled language of indirect threat that she should stop saying that it would be wrong for the superdelgates to be see as overturning the will of the voters or she’d have her legs broken or some such. For once Nancy has stood her ground and told them to buzz off.

Meantime I read Hilary is making noises about a credentials fight over the Michigan and Florida delegates who have been bared from the convention because the DNC didn’t approve of their moving their primaries up earlier – Obama did not have a line on the ballot in either primary but Hilary did and it’s starting to look like she’s going to try and get those delegates seated.

Sweet Jesus the last thing the Democratic party needs is an ugly floor fight over credentials for delegates - and if Hilary gets the nod because of that and the super delegates the horrible taste in everybody’s mouth will easily lead to a similar situation where after a bruising floor fight in 1972 the labor blue collar wing of the Democratic party just sat on its hands or worse yet helped Nixon beat McGovern into the ground like he was a tent pole.

Not even FDR and Jack Kennedy combined could heal the wounds that a result like this – Hillary would be the nominee for a wounded party and would have to spend most of the run up to the election trying to put it back together again rather than going after McCain.

It’s crazy stuff really - apparently either Hillary or her people feel that Obama would be so bad (in some unnamed way) that would rather wreck the party than have him as nominee.

Well more on this as the time permits – I don’t get egos like this it makes the Louis the XIV “L'État, c'est moi!” seem modest by comparison.

Peace Love No Floor Fights!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gig Report and worrying about comic books will rot your mind

A good show last night despite my losing my voice ½ way through the set (I couldn’t really hear me too well in the monitor with the whole band playing so I started yelling more than singing) The Dude couldn’t hear anybody; The Enemy Below could only his own vocals and guitar, the girls couldn’t even hear themselves and S-dog didn’t say who he couldn’t hear – he’s like that. His keyboard could catch fire during rehearsal and he’d wait until there was a lull in conversation (probably caused by the rehearsal studio filling up with smoke) to say anything.

That said – we were told by the audience who after all can see and hear what is going on so they have a different perspective – which we just rocked. I’m not so dumb as to tell people who come up and tell me what a great time they had watching me ‘no no no I just sucked rockets tonight” – I might think that but at least in this instance I’m not letting my low self esteem (the gift that keeps on giving) sabotage this like it has a lot of other things in my life thank you very much.

On to an open mike tonight – it’ll be The Enemy Below and Me on stage for the first time in a long long time – we’ll see how we do. (We’re trying to raise interest in the cd release gig).

Clinton needs to Just Shut Up. The last thing we need is for her god damned soulless drones to be out there whispering that Obama is anti-Semitic or a scary black man or get this too liberal – I mean WTF? Debate real points or if you don’t have any – quit the race.

Obama isn’t perfect but lord a goshen he isn’t willing to blow up the Democratic Party to get the damn nomination – It looks like Hillary is.

With so much at stake here you’d think we’d be focused on the things that matter but we’re not.

Anyway one of the things Hillary did that pissed me off was some months ago she was standing in front of an array of microphones with the Lizard Joe Lieberman (who wants to be McCain’s vp nod so bad he’s probably driving McCain crazy with his sucking up) to denounce violent video games and their moral hazard to today’s youth.

It was another sad and depressing display of the “well we can’t really address the real problems so lets waste time with this.” a very popular Washington game – all the more popular when it’s aimed at ‘protecting children”.

Before Video games it was Rock n’ roll before rock n’ roll it was comic books. I ‘ve just picked up The Ten Cent Plague by David Hajdu which is a history of the comic book scare of the 50’s – when reading comic books were thought to lead to all sorts of horrible things – violence, drug use, homosexuality among others. There were even Senate Hearings on the matter (and you thought talking to Clemens was a waste of damn time). Silly, half crazed and it damn near destroyed the comic book industry it’s a pretty depressing chapter in the history of American Popular culture.

As long as we have popular culture we’re going to have this debate of what kids should read and watch and the like (what the can emotionally handle what they can’t et al). Call me old fashioned but I don’t think the Senate is the place where this debate should take place – at least not until every last problem on the face of the earth has been solved – after that maybe but not before .

More thoughts on this as I get deeper in the book.

Again sorry for the short post but again it’s a busy time of year.

Peace Love Shazam!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Concert and Baseball in a faraway land

Great show last night - just amazing stuff by The President’s of the United States. The energy was out of this world the songs were great as well. One thing I liked – at the end of the show they hung about a bit to shake hands with their fans – unlike some folks who just dash the hell off the instant the music is over and only want to get the hell out of there – of course staying there has a downside as well fans can get a little out of hand – and end up almost tearing you limb from limb in their excitement (or in our case their disgust and anger at what we’ve just done on stage.)

Anyway as much as I enjoyed the show it was somewhat rendered it less the best I ever saw – mostly the actions of this jackass in front of me who 1) kept changing the position of the bill of his baseball cap during the show which just seemed odd to me but what was worse of he and his friend wouldn’t shut up the entire show – I couldn’t head much of what they said but it annoyed me on an artistic sense – why go to the show in the first place if you’re just gonna jabber all during the songs I have to assume you wanted to hear. It doesn’t make any sense. – the other problem came from several frat boys behind me who’s repose to the music was to jump up and down and bang into each other. Which is okay – but if I people are going to bang into me I’d prefer them to be women just on the off chance one of them would stick somehow.

I’m not much of a huge jumper at concerts – I’m bit older and lot heavier than I was in my pogoing days so I just stand there and let the music wash over me. Which I was tying to do when one frat boys banged into – at first I thought it was an accident but it happened again and then again so I turned around and said “stop” in a tone of voice that I hoped held the message that things would get ugly if they didn’t. They did stop so everything was cool.

This is going to have to be another short post – it’s the end of the quarter and we’ve got that to deal with and I’m off to a show tonight at the Delaney which should be fun. But I haven’t been able to blog as much as would like lately. And worst of all I have Nudes For Satan next from Net Flix but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see that. And it looks oh so so bad. My heart aches.

I think the Japan baseball stuff is just a silly stunt pulled by a guy who is running out of silly stunts to pull. I did turn on the game this am but quickly turned off the sound as the announcers were busy praising Bud Selig on this event and all the other things he’s done for baseball (no not the canceled world series or the steroid problem) and then they asked Bud to praise himself for all the wonderful things he’s done for baseball (which he did)

There also was advertising on the side of the A’s Batting helmets – a new bad trend?

Opening day should have one game – the Reds home opener.

Well enough before I start raving.

Peace Love play ball!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Post Easter and waiting for spring -

Maybe I’m just suffering from some early spring malaise brought on by allergies – but there is something wrong with today – things that normally go without a hitch are not, attempts to solve problems are not working and I get the sense of unhappy undercurrents in everybody’s conversation today – it makes for an uncomfortable place.

Eh – no matter how bad days do end.

Meantime this week looks to test my ability to get along without sleep and my dedication to music – several of us are going to see The Presidents of the United States tonight – followed by a gig at the Delancey tomorrow – a open mike appearance at Kenny’s castaways or some such – then a small psychotic break down on my part on Thursday when I announce that the band will henceforth be going in a new direction – Tibetan prayer chants combined with whale songs and a back beat. After which there will be a frank exchange of views followed physical violence – still if it helps us get some publicity I’ll deal with it.

The trees are just starting to bud around where I live – which is a good sign – we’ve had this grey and cold winter go on for far too long - it is long past time for warm days and green – flowers and the like – we still have to wait a while but we wants it right now.

Saw a bit if Bill Maher last night I don’t have HBO – while he’s funny – I don’t think I could really deal with him on a regular basis – he seems too pleased with being Bill Maher for one thing.

Also when Bill and the panel were talking about Eliot Spritzer’s resignation because he was seeing prostitutes – he started off being somewhat sympatric to Elliot saying something to the point that isn’t this an indication of how much people need sex.

At this I’d have to disagree – going to a prostitute for sex – is mostly about power and not sex – as a gov and a big hitter in the New York Democratic party he could get laid just about anywhere. – This was about power – when you order up a woman up like she was a Chinese take out dinner – that isn’t sex – hell baby oil and some porno can take the edge off of most folk for a night.

Or course I may not be the best person to commentate upon this since my current dry spell is reaching a frightening anniversary (no I’m not saying).

In other cheerful news the number of American Servicemen and women has reached 4,000. While 4,000 isn’t much more tragic and a waste than 3,999 our minds are impressed with round numbers – I expect the more vocal public supporters of the war to either go to ground for a few days or say something to the effect “it’s just a number.” – lota classs these guys have.

The lowering of the tone of the election goes on – Pat Buchanan long time right wing talking head jabbed over the weekend that Black people should feel grateful to the white man for bringing him to America educating him, giving him blah blah blah. Pat who the hell asked us to do that?

Ah well – this will get worse when Obama gets the nod (as I suspect he will) – but alas this was stuff any black candidate for president was going to have to deal with. Even if he was Bill Cosby.

Sorry this is so short head not willing to take flight today – report on the concert and other things as they come up.

Peace Love - bloom already yah damn trees!

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Country Full of old men

Just got back from Florida – note – leg room in a flight makes all the difference in the world – I had not flown Jet Blue before and I have to say – while I did have a problem with a flight being canceled – and delays – even with that I was able once on the flight to sit back listen to the Satellite radio and doze a bit. I’d have really hated having to deal with all that and then spent the flight home eating my knees as well.

Florida at least where I was is full of old men – and old women too – it makes driving on the highways – especially the deadly I-95 which features at least one fatal crash a day – as you have people driving 100 miles an hour suddenly confronted by a car doing 45 in the left hand lane driven by some old lady where the only thing you can see are her hands on the wheel.

We went on a nature walk at a place called Green Key which is a combination water treatment plant and a while life refuge – it has as couple of over head walk ways you so can get a sense of what most of Florida looked before the retirees arrived.

It was a swamp – once you got past the barrier beaches Florida was a swamp – and we vanish tomorrow it’ll turn back into a swamp. It says something about us as a species that we do things like this – I’m not sure if it is good or bad but it is what we do.

Saw a lot of birds – one gator and bunch of turtles – swamps are not kind to mammals in general – too hot too wet too much really. Didn’t get to see a great Blue Heron which is a magnificent bird really but they do tend to go deeper into the swamps and don’t think much of people in general.

Played golf with my dad – it’s my annual golf game. I don’t hate the game but it’s not something I like to do with my time – maybe it’s being with people who play golf – the best game of golf I ever had was a round I ended up playing all by myself in the poconos. People who play golf a lot tend to be pretty intense about the game – and overly fond of betting. I was playing with my brother and some other relatives (I think) and my brother kept trying to get bets going on the game – I kept saying no no no but he persisted. One I don’t like to bet anyway – (I find Vegas to be very boring because of that), two I was easily the worst player of the foursome – but he kept at it until I finally asked what would be the most I could lose on the round – He said something like twenty bucks – so I reached into my pocket/

“What are you doing?”
“Giving you the twenty so I don’t have to worry about it”
“You’re not going to lose every hole”
“Why not? ”

At that point he changed his mind.

I didn’t catch all the details because they were very very sparse with the details but Obama’s pastor or one of them – is on tape saying bad things about white people. The reaction of the overwhelmingly white beltway village press was shock that a black minister (or any black person) could have a bad impression of white people. Some of the ministers that have floated about Obama’s campaign have expressed bad opinions about gay people as well but that seems okay with them – ditto several pastors who came out for McCain including one who seems to want Armageddon to start really soon now all that is okay.

As the village talked among itself about the ‘issue’ (which was ‘we are shocked that not everybody thinks white folks are the bee’s knees cause we are’ so let’s talk about how shocked we are) Obama actually made an adult speech about race in America. It’s a speech he probably will have to make more than once and it’s a speech that any black candidate would have had to make.

Obama’s major mistake I think was making an adult speech since the people who have been going on about this are a pack of gibbering apes with an IQ of about 12 – and attention deficit disorder to boot.

None of this is going to go away – alas.

Peace Love back in the New York Groove.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Eliot Adeiu

With howls of delight coming from the right wing Eliot Spritzer has announced that he will step down as governor of New York effective March 17th – that it’s St. Patrick’s Day is just a weird grace note to a bizarre incident.

The question of why he spent $5,000 for a night with a hooker is a pretty easy one to answer: because he could – even with prostitutes the rules of conspicuous consumption prevail.

Short post because well things are nuts both at work and at World Headquarters – the cd is almost finally master (like tonight I’m told) and then the massive drive to get people to come to the cd release party – I’m not saying we’re going to be using those things that Samuel Jackson used in Jumpers to hook people and drag them inside we’re pretty much open to anything really.

The way it stacks up things should be a lot of fun.

The blogging will continue to be light for the next week or so I’m off to Florida to visit my dad and listen to people by the pool talk about real estate (an ever green Florida topic) and sit in the sun for a bit. I won’t be able to catch a spring training game as the damn things are sold out when I’m there – while it’s nice that the Mets are doing well and look to be the favorite to at least win the East but when they stunk the joint up I could call Port St Lucie the day before the game and get tickets.

That’s one thing that will be bad about citi field with its 10,000 fewer seats – you won’t be able to just go because the spirit moves you or when all of a sudden that game against the bucs tonight becomes important.

As I said short post – I’m moving my office, packing for a trip and doing yoga with happy cheerful people from hell – it’s a pretty full plate.

Peace Love Hookers? No that’s okay General we’d just like to get out business done and leave.

Monday, March 10, 2008

News for the Fans, Lonely Artist, a Corpse Flower, and a Gun Law Proposal

Well after about three computer failures it looks like we’re finally going to get the damn cd ready to go – if all goes well (and lord we hope it does) the beast will be master by tomorrow and on it’s way to the duplicator by Wednesday – all so we can get a may release – and some reviews before that – even bad ones – we’re good like that.

I was out of town this weekend so I wasn’t able to join in the fun

Spent a cultural weekend in Philadelphia (2nd prize was 2 cultural weekends in Philadelphia – I kill me) visiting my sister and taking in the flower show, a central exhibit of the work of Frida Kahlo and a collection of baseball memorabilia from Cooperstown in the Constution Center.

The main reason I went was to see the Frida show – she’s a rather big name artist these days and one I find fascinating – and this is a major collection of her work that isn’t going to be in New York anytime so.

She had a stormy and painful life – had her heart broken by Diego Riviera – she like he was involved with others during their two stormy marriages but they could never get each other out of their minds or hearts – it’s very tangled and very painful and very human story – you don’t know what you go till it’s gone. You add that to living in a body that due to a hideous accident when she young was in almost constant pain (Her spine was broken, hips crushed, enough internal damage done to ensure she couldn’t have children – even though she tried three times on leg shattered and so on) and endured 30 operations trying to correct the original injury or undo the damage done by earlier operations.

All of this – loneliness, pain, heartache, anger, loss, grief, depression, she faced squarely in her paintings in a style modeled after traditional Mexican folk art. She’s been called a surrealist because of the startling imagery in her paintings (blood, internal organs abound, along with notes to the viewer of the painting – and objects invested with heavy symbolic weight – but that’s not quite accurate to me – she was using all these images to describe as precisely as possible her emotional state – not present the viewer with a image that while startling is elusive as to its meaning (I still don’t get the soft watches exactly) which was what the surrealists were about.

Frida’s loneliness was of the most heart breaking kind – there is someone you love but can’t because of various reasons and failures on both sides – you can’t be with – that hurts a lot more than everyday I ain’t go no body loneliness. More on that at some other time.

The flower show had a New Orleans theme this year – so there was a French quarter – jazz music and what not. I’d never been to a flower show before so this was all virgin territory for me – and well a bit off the mark for a man who normally watches guys in rubber monster suits duke it out over a small scale Tokyo – but I found the Orchids interesting – and ended up taking several arty shots with them with my camera – actually close up Orchids can look rather bizarre and grotesque – which I discovered to my delight.

Orchids also have a strange history and can inspire a passion that verges on madness at times – there’s a great book the Orchid Thief by Susan Orleans about it which follows the ups and downs of an Orchid Poacher – Orchids are the only flower with poachers as best I can tell – nobody poaches roses – at least recently.

There were also Tulips and roses and all sorts of other flowers along with decorations and water fountains that featured trumpets and saxophones and the corpse flower.

It’s an ugly looking thing that smells when blooms like well to me like chicken that has gone bad – sweet and sick at the same time. The flower uses flies to pollinate itself instead of bees so it smells like dead meat – it was a plot point on CSI once where a murderer planted several of them to hide a body he had buried – anybody smelling anything would assume it was the flowers. My sister had seen the episode and delighted in telling everybody who came and said ‘what the heck is that?” when looking at the flower.

Meantime – in news that explains a lot – traces of prescription drugs have been found in the drinking water of 24 major cities – New York has not been tested – the drugs included anti-depressants and anti-bioitcs and others – in microscopically small amounts but still it doesn’t make one feel very secure.

W has vetoed the anti-torture bill. John McCain will not vote to override the veto. Explain the whole maverick thing again?

My last suggestion was inspired by this shotgun. While you can’t per the 2nd amendment limit the public’s right to bear arms (both sides seem to ignore the well regulated militia bit but that’s another story) nothing in the amendment prevents the Federal Government from requiring all guns be painted pink. I have to think if nothing else it would cut down on the number of folks who buy guns simply because they feel inadequate in other aspects of their lives. A pink Uzi isn’t going to make you into a bad ass – you’ll be a sad desperate soul with a pink assault rife.

Peace Love Pink

Friday, March 07, 2008

Disasters, Stooping Low and High Pay

Still busy so this will be short

Drawn as ever by disaster I’ve been following the stock market’s recent bad times by scanning the stock websites. I’ve noticed a few interesting things.

1) The Market seems to be nothing more than a mob of easily panicked infants with ADD. You have to wonder why in hell say the bad jobs report today surprised them – but it did. Hell that the economy has gone south after the housing market surprised them. And folks were talking about that for months already.

2) What John Kenneth Gabraith called organized reassurance is big part of the web sites. Day by day as the bloodletting has gotten worse but nevertheless each day will have a featured story with a headline like “the return of the Bull market” or “Bulls tip toe back in” and such like. These are grimly funny to read – and remind me of nothing so much as the publicity blather for a hideously bad film “Catwoman is about a woman discovering her own power”

3) Their belfries are full of bats – dear lord in heaven I don’t know what the hell it is about stock markets but some of the folks leaving comments are flat out nut jobs. One was calling all the presidential candidates other than Jon Paul socialists, one complained and kept complaining about paying taxes to support parasites and how the democrats are going to bring socialism. One well you couldn’t really make out his point – he seemed to be blaming the liberal media for something like pulling Bush over to the left but you weren’t sure exactly what he was talking about.

Meantime –

I really hate to say it but I am continually disappointed by Hillary as we keep finding there is no low she won’t stoop to. This doesn’t even seem to be about winning the nomination anymore it’s about making sure Obama doesn’t - damage to the party be damned.

I’m reminded - not in a good way - of 1972 when McGovern – who despite what has been said about him since then was a pretty much run of the mill liberal in 1972 – when the po-bahs of the democratic party (who to man supported the War in Viet Nam) pretty much cut George off at the knees in spite after the nomination and let him twist in the wind (the flap with Eagleton sure as hell didn’t’ help but it was the blue dogs lack of support that really hurt.) And after his loss took over control of the party again (with stunningly awful results in the presidential races)

If Hillary manages to get the nomination it could well be at the cost of winning the election in November and really boys and girls we can’t have 4 more years of McSame.

The press is already gushing about McCain’s manliness.

Meantime several financial company CEO’s sat in front of congress and said well yes the companies we ran lost billions but we worked really really hard for this money. I mean what else were they going to say “we were looting the damn thing like the guys before us did”?

Off to Philly – the rest of the band is mastering the puppy this weekend.


Peace Love Bats

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Exercise and Sex Toys in Texas, Iran Worries

Hasn’t been a lot of time for bloging the last few days – sorry – it’s been madness both at work and at home – I’ve started doing some yoga/exercise stuff – taught by a cheerful young woman – who – as muscles I have not used in a while started to complain in loud voices about how much this hurt – I began to hate very very much. I general despise upbeat anyway and combine perky with physical pain and I’m in my very own personnel hell. I’m sure that this will be my punishment in the after life – endless painful aerobics combined with perky upbeat saying “come on smile! You can do it! Push! Make your brain a happy place!”

My brain is a dark and twisted labyrinth of frustrated desires, self loathing, guilt, shame, disappointment and anger along with a grim amusement at how often we are our own worst enemies – and it’s where I get my best material from so I’m a little loathe to change it really.

But we’ll see.

Meantime – well I understand exactly why the country is in such a mess. On Valentines Day – the 5th Circuit Court of appeals declared that the State of Texas’s ban on the sale of erotic toys (for example of Dildos) was unconstitutional.

I can only assume that there was much rejoicing in Texas – and a massive increase in AA battery sales as well.

But now I read that the Texas Federal Attorney General is going to appeal the decision to the entire 5th Circuit court (not just the 3 who made the decision).

I can only assume either a) there is no crime in Texas that needs the attention of the Attorney General or people in Texas are inserting sex toys into their own and each other’s orifices with such gusto that the normal business of the state is being disrupted , or he’s a total gibbering right wing ass who’s only goal in life is to make people live the way he does (apparently dildoless).

Do any of us have time to waste on this gibberish really? Sex toys? I find the whole sex toy thing rather funny actually – I’m looking for a fur whip to add to the props for the bondage song – but if that’s what you and your partner want (assuming of course age of consent and some other things) have at it.

Apparently there are three other states that ban the sale of sex toys – I’m not going to find out cause well – one it’s not safe for work and two – why bother I’m depressed enough.

Meantime W has been making noise about firing the current CENCOM commander Admiral William Fallon – mostly because Fallon has said that attacking Iran would be a massively stupid thing to do which of course W and Darth Vader think will be the very thing that saves them from the well deserved judgment of history that they were evil and simple minded fools (and yes I include dick in this – he’s smart only by comparison to W which frankly isn’t that rigorous a standard to be held to).

I would hate to think that W is crazy enough to think attacking Iran will actually do any good to anybody but alas empirical data suggests otherwise.
Diana Rigg from the Avengers Hellfire Club episode.

Peace Love Don’t bomb Iran

Monday, March 03, 2008

Crash on the Levee and all that.

Well not really – but it was a weekend of not quite getting everything done – or not getting things done at all.

The plan was that we were going to the studio and after tweaking a few tracks and re-recording the vocals for Stacy for the absolute last damn time – unless we do a live album – we were going to master the CD.

We got the vocals in okay after a few takes – I have to relax more in the studio I’m so much better on a stage that it’s not funny – The Dude has said “it’s like you are a different person” which I freely admit - I’m not the same on stage.

Well that’s a post for a different time.

Anyway we settled down to do some tweaks and then do the master – which looked to take the rest of the day – that was until the computer started going down.

I’m not big on computers – at least how they work – as long as turn it on and I have world or warcraft, City of Heroes an internet connection and writing and e-mail – I’m a happy guy .

What doesn’t make me happy is sitting – getting more nervous every moment – that all our work has gone to live with the gods in the afterlife while the people who are supposed to fucking know what the hell they are doing with all this fancy electronic equipment start to look more and more to me like late shift mechanics at a very very bad auto repair shop.

‘WHAT?” (Turns off motor)
“The blue smoke – it shouldn’t be doing that.”
“By Damn – you’re right.”
“And the flames – they have to be bad.”
“Pretty though.”
“Yeah real pretty.”

And so on.

There was a lot of putting in computer cards – sparking up the machine, having the same result, turning off the machine then taking out computer cards and repeating the procedure for about 2 hours – at which point we were told it was going to take about 2-3 more hours to figure out what was wrong and why don’t you take the loaner car?

Well not really but we did deicide to leave and come back next week – I think it was a wise idea – the vibe in the room was getting nasty as we were getting impatient and the studio folks were getting more and more frustrated with their inability to find the root cause of the problem. So the album will wait until next week.

Most of my personal plumbing problems are solved other than the hot water isn’t as hot as it once was – but it beats bailing out the tub every two hours.

Meantime I see that the Washington press corps continues to be as silly and self centered as it always has been – Monday’s news stories were dominated by a full throated appreciation of John McCain’s grilling skills.

You know guys – people don’t really like people who sell out their integrity – especially when the price is so low – barbeque ribs? Really guys – at least some kind of cash bribe for appearances sake.

Meantime meantime – the silliness about Obama’s middle name is picking up pace along with continued questioning about his religion.

“So you’re not a Muslim”
“I assure you I’m not a Muslim”
“Your middle name is Hussein”
“Are you sure you’re not a Muslim?”
“Yes”“Even with the middle name of Hussein?”
“Yes even with the middle name of Hussein.”
“You sure?”
‘YES! How many times do I have say this?”
“So you’re sure you are not a Muslim.”
“Funny you look like a Muslim.”
“With the skin color and the Hussein name and all that. So you sure you’re…”
At this point Obama attempts to strangle the reporter – a clip of which is show over and over again on Fox News with the headline ‘Barrack Hussein Obama – is he a Muslim who hates white people?”

Peace Love Final Mixdown