Monday, November 12, 2007

Waterboarding and Electric Guitars

I’m somewhat non-plussed that I can live in country where an elected official can say a man is ‘dead wrong on torture’ and yet vote to confirm him in the position he was nominated to

The fact that there is some kind of debate on torture is alas symptomatic of just how debased and corrupt we have become. Hell we’re so bad off we don’t even know we’re bad off.

There is this weird mental gymnastics being played here – The mind set seems to be as follows – America is good – there for everything America does is good. Torture is bad – there for America does not torture. So if America does water boarding – it’s not torture because it’s not good and America is good. Besides our foes are evil.

Makes not a whit of logical sense but that’s not what we are dealing with here – we are dealing with the lizard brain which is about fight or flight.

I’ve said before that Rudy seems to running not for president but for lord of the Daleks. As a personal note – I’ve never came closer to slapping a complete stranger than when I ended up getting into a slanging match with a Rudy supporter who had be browbeating some young woman. I jumped in, pointing out, honestly, the last thing we need now is a Caesar – which is what Rudy is promising.

Hell all the republicans are acting like they are running for dictator - competing to see who can promise to be bloodier than the others. I fully expect by the next debate all them to start jumping up and down and the same time yelling “kill! Kill!” At which point the audience will start jumping up and down yelling “Kill Kill” and then Tim Russett will start jumping up and down and yelling Kill! Kill! Kill! And they will cut away to the studio were Chris Matthews and Tucker-every-time-he-speaks-you-want-to-slap-his-face-Carlson are both jumping up and down yelling “KILL! KILL!” then they cut away to a commercial where a suburban family is getting into their hybrid SUV – which the father then drives to a local community picnic – where they get out of the SUV – put the carefully pack lunch on a picnic table and then start jumping up and down yelling “KILL! KILL!” just like the everybody else – and as the camera pulls back I try to see if I can hold my breath long enough to black out and not have to see anymore of this

Anyway – we have finished mixing down the last three songs we recorded last Sunday – Sex with Me, The Bondage Song and Stacy – of which the first two sound wonderful. Stacy sounds a little flat and dry – mostly because The Enemy Below and I are heartily sick of doing this song – so it wasn’t as sharp as it might have been. But it’s a good take just not as good as the others.

One thing that has happened lately as the band’s sound has expanded – Is that my acoustic has gotten buried in the mix of sounds we make – we’re going to try me on the electric for a few songs next rehearsal (I have to see if remember how to make power cords). You don’t play an electric like you do an acoustic – it’s a lot less forgiving of sloppy stroking (sloppy stroking sounds vaguely obscene if you think about it or I’m just in one of my moods today) than an acoustic and if there is anything I specialize in it’s sloppy strokes. So we will have to see – granted it’s not Dylan at Newport but it would be a change in our sound – we’ll see what happens.

And I’ll keep you informed.

A recent post about us

“Bob and The Enemy Below are the most twisted musicians I've ever met. They have songs about eating brains, killer sheep, and a very twisted I'm sad you're gone song. Nevertheless - I love their stuff. It makes me crack up EVERYTIME I hear it! And I promise - you'll either be completely disgusted or rolling on the floor laughing!”

From -

For which we thank you very much.

Meantime – check out the new songs on our myspace page.

Peace Love Electric Guitars


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