Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pretty Good, the Dude and signs of the Season

Pretty good gig last night considering it was Otto’s – small crowd – hell it was a Tuesday and it was raining like most of the day – I wouldn’t have come if I hadn’t been in the band.

But as I said it was a good show – some folks that came hadn’t heard us since the new drummer The Dude showed up. He’s made us into a damn fine band I have to say. He also has the right sense of humor about this – he was going, he told us, that had he gotten their earlier he’d have told The Enemy Below to tell me that he was demanding $100 or he wouldn’t play. It would have worked to – because well I do tend to panic at just about anything. I wouldn’t have appreciated the joke but the rest of the band would have.

And I guess it’s just because it’s his name but ever since The Dude joined the band we have all be constantly quoting from The Big Lebowski – and as I am typing this I am flashing onto the scene were The Dude’s landlord is doing a dance recital. I have go hit myself on the head with something to get rid of that image.

Okay, back.

In other news we are looking for a temporary replacement for Insect Girl – so anybody who wants the job let us know. Not a lot of money but much the fun.

We’re going to try and get bunches of people to the show 1/5. If we have to roam the streets and drag them in we’re gonna that.

Meantime – while I’ve been busy with end of the year stuff – the Bushes has proven that no matter how bad they look they can get worse – there is a brewing scandal over the destruction of tapes showing the torture of an Al-Queda suspect. All of Washington is trying to come up with excuses for why they did or didn’t do what they did.

As the story as unfolded it becomes clear that the tapes concern the torture of a low ranking Al-Queda functionary, who didn’t know much and also had a history of mental problems. Nonetheless they went and gave him the business until he started talking about all sorts of plots. Which was the point of the exercise anyway – it wasn’t to get real info just stuff to wave in front of congress or whoever. Hell they wouldn’t water board a high ranking Al-Queda prisoner anyway – he’d be too valuable to risk with this stuff.

In other cheerful news a woman has alleged that she was gang raped while working for KBR (A Halliburton company) by her co-workers and then the company covered it up by various means including holding her inside a shipping container for 24 hours.

Nice people, salt of the earth . Good Americans too.

Anyway a few days ago – Hilary and another senator came out against violent video games (again) once again the culprit is Rockstar’s Manhunt (this time a sequel).

You know – with everything else wrong in the damn world – including our country’s descent into thug nationalism (“torture is okay when we do it’) you’d think Hillary would a) have better things to do with her time and b) not invite Joe Lieberman onto the same stage with you so he can spout his pious nonsense about the dangers of violent video games – with the same mouth he uses to say water boarding is okay and we should bomb Iran like really really soon.

It explains why Hilary’s once large lead in New Hampshire has vanished – she won’t take real stands on real issues and wastes time with junk like video games. Stakes are too high these days for this kind of stuff.

Christmas season is well under way in New York – with an influx of tourists who I swear to god are confused by soup and a rotten story that some folks in a subway train said Merry Christmas to some other passengers who being Jewish replied happy Hanukah. At which point the Merry Christmas folks jumped them and started beating them up – and the only one to try and stop them was Muslim exchange student.

Merry Christmas

Peace, Love, The rug held the whole room together


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