Monday, November 05, 2007

Studio Results and what not.

Feeing a bit shagged to day.

Part of it is from the time change – it’s alike I’m a bit jet lagged – not quite right feeling. Like many things it’s been getting worse as I’m getting older. The only thing that doesn’t seem to be getting worse is my own self acceptance – warts, fat and balding and all that. Which doesn’t suck. But still…

Anyway we hit the recording studio and got a lot done – I managed to even get my ego out of the way.

Let me explain – it’s not ego as in I’m the star and you are not (I still await the day when I can demand brown M&M’s in the dressing room but more of that later). It’s more like ‘Jesus who the hell do you think you’re kidding? You can’t sing, you can’t write, you can’t play guitar, you’re just a damn fraud and you should apologize and leave.

No I don’t know why that voice is in my head – it’s just there – like whenever I get a little stressed about anything out it comes. Maybe it had a purpose in the past but lord god it doesn’t serve one now. I can’t even imagine what purpose it did serve even when I was younger.

So anyway I just had to that part of me know, well thanks for playing, but we really have to move on now and got back on with it. Especially with Stacy which just is so hard for us to record for some reason – we never got a good take in Feb and it took a while for us to get it on this go round (You think we weren’t going to record that? Like yeah, that would happen.

All in all the recordings (which are up on our myspace page) are pretty good – like fantastic compared to what was there before. Let us know what you think please – we’re dying for some feedback.

(The stuff’s not safe for work by the by – forewarned is I suppose forearmed – not four armed as in some Hindi religious deities they have Never mind

I see that the ruled of Pakistan, who has been feted over by the Washington establishment, has declared Martial law great – now with Iraqis’ fleeing the Turkish border things could be surprising even worse than it was.

Speaking of Pakistan there was a bit on the classical radio station that I listened to this morning from a reporter who in essence was complaining that we had given Pakistan millions of dollars. Not so much the giving – he was, I have to presume speaking for the beltway kool kids and other sheltered lunatics when he complained how the Pakistani troops showed little interest in tracking down A-Qaeda and its leader.

Well bunky, let me tell you, Mercenaries and in essence those Pakistani troops were merchs, really aren’t much for getting shot on the job especially when it doesn’t directly concern them.

Anyway recording was fun - we hope to get back next weekend to finish polishing the other songs we did (3 for a total of 6) and then go back sometime after that to finish the other 6 or so for the CD.

Peace, love, take 3


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