Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Aware, Rudy’s for the Red Sox and Recording

It is apparently islamofacism awareness week – and other than crude attempts to intimidate professors who say things that these folks disagree with (I mean this used to be America right? “I disagree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it” America yes?) There doesn’t seem to be much happening. Not even a parade or a public access telethon.

I mean I’m so far out of the loop these days that when I first heard of this silly thing I wondered if the organizers were for or against islmaofacism. It wasn’t clear.

Anyway the phrase Islamofacsim is a red herring a way to up the ante to make guys in caves and guys making bombs out of artillery shells and cell phones into World War 3 or 4 or maybe 5 (I lose track of things so quickly these days).

It’s all hype – as someone pointed out Iran (the current evilest people on the planet) has an economy the size of Finland’s and is viewed with suspicion by many if not all of its neighbors. To suspect they are attempting to recreate the Caliphate or the Ottoman Empire is just lunacy.

By the by the heirs or descendants of the Ottoman Empire, the Turks, are about to send troops into northern Iraq (where the Kurds are) due to attacks on Turkish troops by guerillas who then flee across the border into northern Iraq. I mean just when you think things can’t get any worse there – you find out they can.

Wake me when they get back to celebrating Lesbian sex. Now that’s a week you can get behind.

Rudy proving he’s utterly shameless has said he’ll be pulling for the Red Sox. Speaking as a long time (1973) Red Sox fan – let me just say “Rudy don’t bother, really”. My friends who are staunch Yankee fans are one and all pulling for the Rockies. My friends who are Met fans still haven’t quite recovered enough from the crash to even care about what happens (that applies to me as well – while I’d like to see a sox win – it’s not a burning issue for me – well wait until after tonight – baseball to me is like malaria to me – one minute I’m fine next minute I’m in complete knots watching the last inning of a game and cursing the fact I quit smoking).

That’s a picture of Yaz by the by. He made the last out in 1967, 1975 and 1978. And yet didn’t shoot himself.

Why so many of my athletic heroes and teams had to deal with heartbreaking losses not once but again and again is something I’d rather not think too much about today.

Going to try and record the full band soon – it doesn’t look like the recordings we did back in Feb are going to do the trick. Not with a full band playing anyway.

Going to try and grab the Giant Claw on DVD tonight – I was going someplace but work has just busted me.

Peace Love Claws.


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