Thursday, October 25, 2007

water boarding, Claw DVD and band stuff

What the hell have we become?
First the president’s nominee to take over the Attorney General’s office from his incompetent boot licking toady says he can’t comment on whether water boarding is torture and now Rudy – as unwelcome a member of Red Sox Nation as there ever was – says he isn’t sure if it’s torture either.

Let me put it this way – the fucking Khmer Rouge were dead certain it was torture and used it and used it a lot.

This namby pamby bullshit about water boarding is symptomatic of the rot that exists in the center of the current power structure. That a candidate for president can issue such a mush mouthed opinion about a horrible practice – and not be shunned by human beings for the rest of his life speaks volumes to the depths that we have sunk. (I misspelled that suck when I first wrote it but almost makes a much sense).

On a slightly lighter note Rudy said the “I took a city that was known for pornography and licked it” .

You can’t make that up – nor can I think of anything snide to say.

I have to say that in it’s new DVD format the Giant Claw is just a stupid as it was in vcr format and when I first saw it on TV. A real problem is that I watched that right after watching Seven Samurai (which I think is one of the best films ever made) – and the effect was like listening to the Beethoven’s 5th done by the New York Philharmonic then listening to someone pound out a Brittney Spears song on a badly tuned piano. It just made it worse. The static camera shots, the dull back rounds, the badly composed frames, the lack of depth to the world being created just make me hurt – then fall asleep.

Meantime the band will be heading into the studio soon, the recordings we’ve gotten back haven’t been what we really need now that the band is well the band so – into the studio again – looks like we’re going to try and record the deal live – as a punk band would (and we kind of are a punk band if we are anything) and then just mix the stuff down. We’re talking 5-8 hours all told followed by massive fistfights and the band breaking up over who gets top billing. No not really.

Got to go more stuff to do.
peace, love, licking things


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