Monday, October 29, 2007

A-Rod - a post from The Enemy Below.

Insect Girl is a huge A-rod fan, Alex she like to call him. Her Uncle in-law was the coach of Alex in high-school, and she had a crush on him since a very young girl, watching him as a senior in high school knocking balls out of the park. She moved up to New York with me 3 years ago and became a huge Yankees fan, same as I. As Yankees fans booed A-Rod, She would be in the stands yelling at them to shut up. She would defend him at every turn, and she would be adamant about the fact that someone else on the team was not producing either, when ever A-Rod would strike out or hit into an inning ending double play.

But that was then and this is now. Last night during the 5th inning of the World Series, we were sitting on our couch and waiting for the Rockies to get a hit and start the comeback that would be talked about for ages. Of course, that comeback never came. However, we did hear, in the middle of an at bat, that A-rod had opted out of his contract, and that it had been confirmed. At that point I heard Insect Girl say something that I never thought I would hear her say. "That little S**T," she said, "I was enjoying the game." She went on to go into a angry discourse with herself and I about how this was not the Alex she knew as a kid, about how she was done with him, and about how much money one person needs.

While I did agree with most of her sentiment, I do have to say that I don't agree with it all. None the less, if what he alienated a fan who had the guts to stand up in Yankee stadium and yell at her fellow fans as they booed A-Rod off the field last year, what fans does he have left. She said she is going to write "Sucks" on the back of her A-Rod shirt and buy a Joba Rules shirt. Poor A-Rod, I hope you find support in your new home, because you will never be welcomed back here.

The Enemy Below, NYC
I added the pic - Bob Muir.


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