Monday, October 29, 2007

Cold, Sox and the lessons learned

First really colder day of the fall – like 40 degrees at night and the heat clicked on last night. My landlord’s mother lives on the same floor as I do and I’ve never had a problem with getting the heat turned on – there may be a connection. I don’t know.

Busy today so not much to say.

The Red Sox have won the World Series. Again. This is a very strange sentence for me to write. Prior to 2004 the Red Sox hadn’t won since 1918 – and now – well they’ve won two since the Yankees last won one.

I remember scaring the living daylights out of a somewhat brittle Yankee fan – we were talking about the Red Sox curse (which I never quite believed in – if it was a curse it was called the curse of buying older players on the down slope and not enough pitching – not some kind of mystic force – Mr. Brady’s inexplicable reason to leave Pedro in notwithstanding) I was saying it only becomes a curse in retrospect.

“for example” I said (the Yankees had just lost to the Diamond Backs in the series) “let’s say the Yankees don’t win for the next few years, then George stops running the team and the folks after him decide to squeeze all the dollars they can out of the team and they end up spending years in the middle and lower reaches of the American league. After some years of that they would start talking about the curse of the Mets. (The last team the Yankees beat in a world series by the way). But it’s not a real curse just the way things fell out”

He, to put it mildly, freaked. “He’ll never allow that” I can only assume he was talking about George. At that point I realized there was no point mentioning that George had presided over the longest Yankee championship dry spell since Babe Ruth joined the team.

I have no idea how George Steinbrenner managed to get the rep he has. Granted the man has a fierce devotion to winning but I have a fierce devotion to women who have nothing to do with me – that doesn’t make me a ladies man anymore than George’s desire to win makes him a winner. You need results you know. Trophies, nights of wild sex, bottle caps, whatever.

Apropos of nothing, these days when I’m talking to a woman I think is attractive, I find it harder and harder to keep the words “I’d like to kiss you full on the mouth.” from finding their way from the random phrase generator that lives in my brain, to my vocal cords and then out past my lips into midair where the woman I’m talking to could hear them. At best I figure I’d get ignored in chilly but polite way, at worst, pepper spray.

This really needs to be a much longer post but let’s try and make it short and sweet.

As much as I love baseball I understand it really isn’t that important – if it never existed, with the exception of Jackie Robinson and maybe Babe Ruth, American History would be pretty much what it was without baseball.

That said, I’ve been along time fan of both the Mets and the Red Sox. Why? I’ve thought about this for a while and the best I can come up with is one you don’t pick your teams your teams pick you. And two while the Mets are the team of my youth when all could be and magic (1969) existed. The Red Sox were more the team of my adult years – teaching me more than anything how to deal with heart shattering disappointments, get up and carry on in some kind of masochistic combination of pure cussedness (which I was assured was pure Irish stubbornness) and Calvinistic determinism, it was simple really, you are special type of loser, the almost but not quite type a special kind of doomed.

Then they won in 2004 – I was really unprepared for that. It’s hard to explain but I felt something deep inside just shift – thoughts like “maybe you’re not quite the damn loser you keep telling yourself” popped up – and now with this win – it’s like – there is a voice saying “hey schmuck – you have a lot going for you - accept that and get on with it – nothing worse than wasted talent”

This needs more thought I think – but that’s what coming through.

Tomorrow some more band stuff – we’re working on a press kit. And recording and other news (is there a plural of news? Like newes? Probably not – doesn’t’ bear thinking about).

Peace Love I’d like to kiss you full on the mouth
Diana Rigg (of course)


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