Friday, November 02, 2007

In the Footsteps of the Beatles (well not really)

No real time to blog however

We are going into the studio Sunday – we plan to record at least 5 maybe more songs – depends on what we can get down. Looks to be a long but fun kind in a weird way – looking to do our two latest outrages first – the Scottish love song and then the oral sex celebratory anthem – that’s not what we call it but I find the huge pomposity of such a title overwhelming amusing.

So wish us luck – we may need it – it’s going to be on the same day as the Boston Marathon and well – that could get hinky

“Every time we stop we hear the sound of stomping feet.”

“It’s the marathon.”


“So don’t stop okay?”

Studio work kind of sucks – still I’ve never done as it where live recordings – we’ve just done the lay down the rhythm track, lay down the vocal track stuff – and we’ve done it that way on similar projects – this will be first time I’ve tired this.

But hell the Beatles first alum was done like this – they all set up – George said sing – they sang and then they went to the next song – John Lennon was nursing a cold the entire day (tea with honey and lemon – which I am brining to the session) until they did twist and shout – when he just let loose and shredded his vocal chords for the day. But it was the last song – still George Martin asked for another take – which I think is on that 3 2 cd set they issued some time ago but I’m not sure. So in the footsteps of the Beatles it is.

No time for other details – did find an interesting thing on the internet – it’s a site where you can calculate the time in days hours weeks whatever – between events – so in order to depress myself I calculated how long it’s been since I got laid.

No I’m not telling – it’s been long enough to depress me even before I knew the amount of time in seconds.


Peace Love One, Two, Three, Four!


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