Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Songs, Spoons and Falling Cows

The Enemy Below and I have been listening over and over again to Scottish Love song – it may be the best thing we’ve recorded (Stacy while not a problem live has been just a bear to record.) My feeling on the song is either the Scots will love us to death or the Scottish Parliament will censure us by a unanimous voice vote.

I get interesting e-mails from time to time – one had an add attached to it saying that you could sign up for this guys course in bending spoons with your mind.

I think one of the reasons psychic abilities have such a hard time getting any kind of hearing in more traditional science circles is that the damn stuff is just goofy. Of what practical value is the ability to bend spoons with your mind to anybody? Other than maybe making somebody next to you at a diner look bad “Waiter these spoons keep bending” “That’s the fifth spoon sir – you’ll have to leave” But other than that not much use here.

There is a very disturbing book called the The Men Who Stare At Goats by Jon Ronson that details the activities of a rather odd section of the military that attempted to develop psychic abilities for military use. (One officer who was a part of this group actually tried to walk through a wall – he didn’t make it). Most of these projects had fizzled out by the end of the 90’s but 2001 has brought some of them back again – I think the CIA continues to try to use remote viewing (mapping or seeing or being in a place without actually being there – ostensibly by leaving your body and sending an astral projection there) as part of their intelligence gathering abilities.

Which no offense just strikes me as being really weird – of course if they get confused people’s spoons might start to bend or something like that.

While this does strike me as being a useless waste of time – I know it’s not like if they don’t spend the money on this will it go to thinks like a kitten hospital – but still it does seem a pretty weird use of tax dollars. Not agitating like watching tax dollars make the owner of Blackwater or Dick Cheney rich, just very weird.

A quick illustration of how not only can your worst nightmare come true at any moment – things can happen to you that nobody could possibly in their wildest dreams foresee.

From Wenatchee World – (a paper in the state of Washington)

MANSON — A cow fell about 200 feet off a cliff Sunday and landed on the hood of a minivan passing by Rocky Point about one mile east of Manson, officials said.

Charles Everson, Jr. and his wife Linda escaped injury.

"It was just 'bam'— you just saw something come down and hit the hood," Charles Everson said this morning from his hotel room in Manson.

You have think – when this couple pulled out of the parking spot this morning - that getting hit by a falling cow was not the list of things they thought could happen that day.

Shows to go you yes?

Peace Love Look out below!


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