Thursday, August 02, 2007

THANK YOU! and Snowmen

Gonna be short today - hope to get some stuff up tomorrow pics and the like – end of the month catch up time at work.

First – to everybody who came – THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH – it make the night playing for you guys. I’d get gushy and sentimental but I did that last night after the gig and I don’t really want to do that again in the cold light of day. We had the most people of any band show up – so again thank you.

Had a great time playing – for me anyway this was the first big club we played at – with a stage and dressing rooms and two (clean no less!) bathrooms for the performers. Utterly fab indeed .

I admit I was nervous – this was a step up, people have actually heard of the club.

It’s funny – I came off the stage thinking I just totally blew it – and everybody said how good we where. I figured that I was just being my down on myself self and decided to bow to the view of the majority.

Looking back the whole thing was a blur, from the time we got there to the time we finished.

On a sad note – in the confusion the Insect mask has gone missing – I’ve e-mailed the club and since nobody in their right mind would thing – hey I need this – we should get it back – if not we’ll have to find another .

Got a new gig at Otto’s in September – details to come.

Used one of my birthday gift certificates to get an old Ivan T Sanderson Book on the Abominable Snowman – now not so much in the news, the Abominable (a kind Himalayan Bigfoot) was the absolute bee’s knees of X File type stuff back in the 1950’s, at least 3-4 or more expeditions that went hauling about the roof of the world looking for the beast.

They never found one – some mysterious tracks here and there but no beastie.

Still I enjoy reading junk like this – I’m skeptical that there are large anthropoid animals out there in the woods of California and the mountains of the Himalayas but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were either. The world is a very strange place and there are still mysteries out there.

Little mystery remains about W and his people – they are lying weasels. Rove will not appear and another aide has refused to answer any question on the ground of ‘executive privilege” which to W means nobody has to say a thing. This isn’t a political party it’s a crime family.

More people waving papers – more tomorrow.

Peace Love Abominable Snowmen


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