Thursday, July 26, 2007

Petrifed Padding, Open Mike, and Guitar Smashing

Watched the incredible petrified World last night ½ of it before I went to the open mike and ½ after I got back.

First the open mike – nice fun to do and I always treasure the blank look on people’s faces when I do the Hannibal Lector bit in “I’m sorry” or “Stacy” If I can’t get laughs I’m more than willing to go for the WTF look – or that small uneasy look people get when they aren’t quite sure how to respond to what we are doing. Yeah it is supposed to be funny but sometimes it’s a creepy funny – I can be creepy sometimes so can the Enemy Below, it’s in our natures. For some reason I find the chorus of Skulls by the Misfits (“I want your skull, I need your skull” done over and over again) funny along with their “Mommy can I go out and kill tonight” – yeah I’m pretty sick at times.

Had my usual problems with some of the singers there – there is a song style that consists of the singer just going on and on with vague lyrics and the odd cliché tossed in – I kept wondering ‘does this song have a point? – what are we supposed to be feeling here – this? Cause I’m just getting uncomfortable and bored”

Now songs with lyrics that don’t make linear sense are fine – as long as the song writer knows what they are about – otherwise we’re off in the ozone with no actual plan.

One cliché that popped out at me last night was the one about ‘took my breath away’ – if she took your breath away why the he is still talking. It just bothered me.

The Incredible Petrified World is in a word – dull. It’s a Jerry Warren feature that even at a run time of 1 hour and 9 minutes has more padding than a boxcar full of bullet bras from the 1950’s.

The story starts out with stock footage of waves or a storm – I had seen this before in the open credits to It Came From Beneath the Sea – and then there is more stock footage while someone babbles about the mysteries of the sea while we see fish swim – then we are at a cocktail party someone say something bad about diving bells and then we are at sea – both picture wise and literally – we having the faintest clue what’s going on. People go down in a diving bell – there is an accident they find a series of caves under the sea that they can live in for a while, they wander about, talk about shellfish, they find a man who has been living in the caves for 14 years and during that time has put on the fakest looking beard in the movies (like he took raw wool and just stuck it on his face) another diving bell is made, underwater the volcano erupts after the old man comes unglued – him not his beard – he dies in the eruption – the rest escape in the new diving bell – the end.

I mean that’s it – nothing happens – at all – there is some mention of things off screen but we are only told about them, there is some kind of sub plot with the bitter lady news photographer, the male lead kisses the other female – John Carradine talks a lot about the construction of diving bells (you paid him he would be in your picture, he didn’t care what he did as long as he got paid – really the man was the ultimate gig whore) and someone at the end desires a 2 inch steak – (I don’t know if they still do that these days) and the film ends and you want that time back so badly you start to cry.

I think it’s going to be a while before I let myself see a Jerry Warren film again. Even I can only take so much. Ed Wood’s films have an inherent inner weirdness that fascinates Jerry’s in addition to being bad are just flat out dull as hell.

Random Neural firings:

Subpoenas going out to Karl Rove and another creep. I expect they won’t answer these either.

Calls in the Senate for a special prosecutor to investigate Gonzales.

Housing sales are down like a lot – this can’t be good.

Nervous about the gig – but that’s normal – I just want a good turn out. And remember 100 paying customers we smash a guitar.


Peace Love, smash yer guitar



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