Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Random pre gig notes -

Have a gig tonight – hope you can come. It should be a lot of fun for all. Even us.

I have to right now I am very excited to be playing with these folks – and its quite amazing to realize that we have enough material for the second album already – even though we haven’t gotten the first one back from the mad scientist/engineer down in Florida where we recorded back in February.

I think that’s impressive. We even have a few more songs on the fire. Mostly titles or a snatch or two but that’s all we really need once the group silliness takes over. I’ve never really seen anything like it or been involved with anything like it. It’s great fun.

Anyway come on down – if you can – we promise you’ll enjoy it.

Random Neural Firings:

Meantime I note that a learned university study has revealed 237 reasons people have sex – or at least the 237 reasons people told the researchers hey they had sex. Or the grouped the reasons. Or something.

Seems an awful lot of reasons. I don’t think I’ve even had sex 237 times but it is a learned study sooo it must be so yes? Well maybe not so much yes?

The one problem with all these interview studies is, bluntly, people tend to lie or if not lie not quite tell the whole truth – and about sex, they do that a lot. Men will embellish and women will conceal – that’s just a broad generalization but that is enough to skew the results.

Still I wonder what sort of weird responses they crossed off the list as they got them.

“Because the voices wanted to sleep with her.”
“I am an Alien; it was part of my research.”
“I lost a bet”
“The video game was broken”
“The pizza was late”
“Because the earth is round damnit”

And so on.

Donald Rumsfeld, after at first saying he would decline to appear in front of the committee investigating the death of Pat Tillman – and there are a lot of things wrong with even the current story, lord knows what the real one is.( I suspect it is really really ugly) – has decided to come to congress and lie to their faces instead.

“you go with the cover-up you have not the cover-up you want.”

Or some such gibberish – Donald’s verbal bafflegab is I suspect the product of a man trying to talk and at the same time remembering which lies he has already told his audience. It makes verbal clarity very hard.

This, along with just really being dumber than a post, is the president’s problem with English.

On a side note Cheney has said he wasn’t the guy who sent Gonzales over to the hospital bed of Ashcroft to try and make him change in mind – and Albert doesn’t remember who sent him either – either they are lying, they all have early Alzheimer’s, or have had their memory erased by aliens.

As unlikely as it seems – I’m going for aliens – it’s more fun to imagine that Aliens are fucking with the minds of our government than to have to face the fact they are lying crooked bastards to a man.

And I still don’t quite have a grasp on what was so awful that not only did Ashcroft not want to sign off on the plan, he and about 30 senior Justice Department offices threaten to quit as well. I mean o’l John wasn’t much on civil liberties you know? What the hell would make him draw the line? Data Mining? Pre-emptive use of martial law? Murder Squads? What? John won’t say but it would be nice to know.

Out on errand earlier and almost hit by an elevator company van blowing a light. I have no idea why an elevator company van would blow a light. Even if it’s to fix an elevator the elevator isn’t going anywhere.

People shoving pieces of paper at me – have to go.

Peace, Love, see the show…


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