Monday, July 30, 2007

Coney Adieu, Luna Notes, Joe and Ingmar

Busy with stuff Friday so no blog sorry – personal dull stuff as well.

Spent Sunday with the Enemy Below and Insect Girl and the Enemy Below’s Parents at Coney Island where it rained a lot until it was time for the cyclones game and then it stopped just in time for the game – which was fun – Cyclones lost which was bad but it was fun anyway – small ball parks are fun – back I suppose more towards the roots of the game itself town and company teams and the like.

Speaking of waxing nostalgic for a past that is gone, Coney Island is undergoing serious changes and will continue over the next few years – mostly that the arcades and the rides and the low rent souvenir stands are going to be torn down and condos will be built in their place – in some ways there is an irony or a measure of something (people use the word irony in all sorts of wrong ways – Yes you Alanis Morrestte I’m calling you out on this) it’s a measure I guess of how the world has changed that what was once called ‘the poor man’s paradise’ Coney Island is now going to be just another beachfront community with expensive condos – albeit with the Cyclone, the Wonder Wheel and the Parachute ride still standing (as they have been landmarked) – from what I can tell the rest is going under the wrecking ball.

I’m of a couple of minds here – I don’t honestly like seeing things get plowed under especially things with such a history – but the great days of Coney island are long in the past – the Steeplechase which my dad remembers with great fondness was closed in 1964 – Luna Park – called a fairy land of lights closed earlier than that – 1946 . Robert Moses put low income and subsidized housing on land that had been used for amusements (Moses did not like city people and more over really didn’t like ‘tawdry’ entertainment ‘she walks, she talks, she crawls on her belly like a reptile’ so I wasn’t surprised to learn this)

What’s left are some pretty low rent deals and a general sense of shabby run downness – the attractions need painting the arcades games are old – so change is going come – that it’s going to make Coney into a pretty dull place with a gap and starbucks on each corner like a lot of the gentrified parts of the city is sad but nobody seems to have any kind of vision for the place other than that. Which is even sadder I think. We’ve become just too bland – no place for the quirky and the bizarre, at least in places near the beach.

Speaking of quirky and bizarre – we will be playing in just a few days at the Luna Lounge in Brooklyn yo! Yo! Yo! And all that. Side note the classic Brooklyn accent that was celebrated in story and song and all those world war 2 movies – in the platoon there was a smart mouthed yak from Brooklyn who along with the guy with picture of his girl in his pocket was going get killed before the end of the picture the only difference would be that the Brooklyn guy usually got killed in the middle while the guy with the picture would get in near the end (he almost lived ahhhh the tragedy – another word misused a hell of a lot) has pretty much disappeared with the exit of the Irish from the borough after world war 2.

Anyway we are playing Wednesday 8:30 8/1/07 – full band again – no accordion but we will try to carry on – we have a new song for you as well – we hope you like it. It’s called “Scottish Love Song”.

The Luna Lounge details are

Bob Muir & The Enemy Below
8:30 pm
361 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211
Cover $8.00

For directions and other stuff check

Come bring friends –

Meantime word has come down the internet that Ingmar Bergman the famous Swedish director of films like “The Seventh Seal” and “Franny and Alexander” and the like has died along with Joe Walsh coach of the 49er’s. Which would I assume Ingmar in some weird dark Swedish way. I haven’t seen a lot of films by Bergman – one because I keep trying to find off center things to watch like the Esperanto language film William Shattner made (Incubus – I’m not making this up, go ahead look it up) and I’m not all that heavy I think – I liked The Seventh Seal but honesty in the end I’m blessed if I know what it means. I understand it at some sub-verbal level but I can’t put that understanding into words.

Joe Walsh proved a couple of things – one you can play ball control by passing and two you can run on the prevent defense. Not as important to the world’s cultural stock as Bergman but every team in the NLF knows about the west coast offence (as do most fans by now).

Picture is of the other Coney Island roller coaster the Thunderbolt – it was torn down in 1999 or so as the Cyclones Stadium was going up.

Got to go – more later – I’m hoping woman eater is at home but we’ll see.

I just realized how strange that sentence reads “I’m hoping that the woman eater is at home.”

Time to stop.

Peace love ride the cyclone.


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