Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sound Check, Directions, & The Woman Eater

Okay first band things – we’re playing tomorrow 8/1/07 8:30 pm The Luna Lounge – we have a real sound check – which makes me shake my head, like I know what to do for a sound check – and as a public service here’s how to get to the Luna Lounge – (from their website –lunalounge.com

By Subway

From Manhattan
Take the L train and exit at the Bedford stop (the first stop in Brooklyn). Come up from the rear of the train onto Bedford and North 7th Street. Walk 3 short blocks south on Bedford until you reach North 4th Street, turn left and head east 3 blocks to Metropolitan Avenue. You will cross Driggs and Roebling. Continue 1/2 block on Metropolitan until you come to Luna Lounge. Pretty easy...

From Lower Manhattan (including the Lower East Side)
Take the J train to Marcy Avenue (the first stop in Brooklyn), exit from the station towards the rear of the train and come down from the elevated outdoor station onto Broadway. The elevated train line will be overhead. Walk 1/4 block west to the corner of Broadway and Havemeyer. You will see a McDonald's across the street. Cross the street towards McDonald's (don't go in...), and walk 8 short blocks up Havemeyer to Metropolitan. Luna Lounge will be directly in front of you now!

From Brooklyn (East)
Take the L train and exit at Lorimer. Come up from the station following the exit signs to Union/Metropolitan. Do not use the exit to Lorimer. (Kellogg's Diner is on the corner). This is the intersection of Union and Metropolitan. Walk 3 short blocks west on Metropolitan. You will cross under the Brooklyn Queens Expressway overpass. Luna Lounge will be across the street on the north side of Metropolitan Avenue.

From Brooklyn (South)
Take the G train to Metropolitan. Come up from the station closest to Union Avenue (Kellogg's Diner is on the corner). This is the intersection of Union and Metropolitan. Walk 3 short blocks west on Metropolitan. You will cross under the Brooklyn Queens Expressway overpass. Luna Lounge will be across the street on the north side of Metropolitan Avenue.

From Queens
Take the L train and exit at Lorimer. Come up from the station closest to Union Avenue (Kellogg's Diner is on the corner). This is the intersection of Union and Metropolitan. Walk 3 short blocks west on Metropolitan. You will cross under the Brooklyn Queens Expressway overpass. Luna Lounge will be across the street on the north side of Metropolitan Avenue.

From Queens
Take the G train to Metropolitan. Come up from the station closest to Union Avenue (Kellogg's Diner is on the corner). This is the intersection of Union and Metropolitan. Walk 3 short blocks west on Metropolitan. You will cross under the Brooklyn Queens Expressway overpass. Luna Lounge will be across the street on the north side of Metropolitan Avenue.

From The Bronx
Take the 4 train, 5 train, or 6 train to 14th Street in Manhattan and transfer to the L train. Exit at the Bedford stop (the first stop in Brooklyn). Come up from the rear of the train onto Bedford and North 7th Street. Walk 3 short blocks south on Bedford until you reach North 4th Street, turn left and head east 3 blocks to Metropolitan Avenue. You will cross Driggs and Roebling. Continue 1/2 block on Metropolitan until you come to Luna Lounge.

By Car Or Taxi From Manhattan
Approach the Williamsburg Bridge via Delancey Street. Stay in the lane that is second from the right. Take the exit marked 'S. 5 Street'. Proceed about 1/2 block to the traffic light. You will see handball courts on your left. Turn left onto Havemeyer. Cross under the BQE and proceed about 7 short blocks to Metropolitan. Luna Lounge will be across the street on the north side of Metropolitan Avenue.


361 Metropolitan Avenue Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211
Cover: $ 8 – Doors open 7 pm.

Oh yes

The Woman Eater Bites.

Sorry for the bad joke but it just comes out – the film, an early hammer B&W horror film is even for the era pretty bad.

The film is about a Mad Scientist who goes into the Amazon Jungle and finds a tree who’s sap or something allows the dead to come back to life – the only catch is that you have to feed the tree women (why is never explained – maybe it’s something to do with the XX chromosome pair or is that asking too much of a sci fi film to actually have some science in it – naahhhhhh).

The Mad Scientist (MS) finds this out early in the pic during a trip to the Amazon where, just as he gets to the place on the map he had the natives are having a sacrifice (which is pretty good timing you have to say) to the tree – there is some hoo – ha – a native girl is sacrificed to the tree ( she is played by of all people Marpessa Dawn who was the star of the French Film Black Orpheus – she was from Pittsburgh apparently but couldn’t find any decent film work in the US because she was black so like Josephine Baker ended up in France), one of the MS’s companions gets a spear in the chest and people drum and someone dances with snakes.

The MS is later found sick with fever and rescued – with a native as a companion.

Another side note is that while this was supposed to be happening in the Amazon, the actors playing the natives were either black or Indian – well it was shot in England and Amazon River natives would be hard to come by. End Side note.

The Next thing we see is a screen title saying “Five Years Later” and the MS driving up to his country home, getting out of his car, picking up the mail, going to his office and then opening the locked door in his office to his lab where his native companion (NC) is sacrificing a woman to the tree. (He drums for a bit to pad the whole thing out, then guides the poor woman to the tree – which is of the goofy looking monster from mars looking living tree – well it was hard to make living moving tress menacing in those days). First I thought gee his timing is pretty good – just happens on a sacrifice twice (well it is a movie but still).

At this point the MS talks about the sacrifice not being in vain.

Now here is where I started to lose the damn tread of the deal – one – how did the MS get the damn tree into his basement lab? A seed? Cutting? What? And just how many babes have they tossed into the damn tree over the years? Over the course of the film they manage to toss several the tree you’d think people in a small town would notice such a thing.

Anyway there is then a moment where we meet the female lead she is working as a Hawaiian dancer at a traveling caravan – which is okay, the only problem with that is she’s blonde, like Swedish, like raped by Vikings over several generations blonde and not many south sea islanders are blonde as best I can tell – well it was I suppose an excuse to put her in a sarong – not only do makers of these kind of films seem to have issues with women, they have to put them in humiliatingly skimpy costumes.

What a quit show business?

By means of what we can only call plotting because you want something to happen she meets the male lead, an automobile repairman of astounding misogyny (‘I dislike women who know about cars’ is a kind of real quote from him) who points her to the MS’s house where she gets a job.

The police are stiffing around because of a vanished girl (you still wonder is that the first? Were their others) there is a bitter older female housekeeper that MS once was having something with but now isn’t and the evil native servant who drums and shoves women into the tree.

It’s all very tedious and British – the actors are all good to fair actors (which you don’t get in American productions like this I can tell you) but actually that is a bit of a downer since part of the fun of a clunky bad film is the bad acting - which you don’t really get here, real actors were making this film, not producer’s girlfriends and the like.

Because he batshit insane – I mean really even if the sap from the tree raises folks back from the dead is it worth feeding it a constant steam of babes? I mean really who would be the first in line to get the up from the dead syrup in real life? Folks like Dick Cheney or Rupert Murdoch – and neither of them are worth one hair off the head of a hot babe, never mind feeding it to the tree (who seems to hug rather than devour his victims).

Anyway back to the batshit insane MS – he strangles his housekeeper dead then as the police close in (British police in these kind of films to tend to close in eventually) he says he has fallen in love with the female lead, then shows the female lead the tree and tires to resurrect the housekeeper – who while the body gets up – the mind is go.

“The mind is our secret” the sinister native servant says, “not for you”.

Now this strikes me as really taking the long way around to attack somebody – or deny him. Just say not to taking the tree or don’t go with him and the tree will die as he tries to feed it puppies or some such – this is just too lengthy – unless, as it seems the sinister native likes shoving women into the tree cause he tries to do with to the female lead – at which point the MS grapples with the servant, male lead arrives and drags away the female lead .

Now here is where things just don’t work – the law of monsters says, if you keep a monster in the basement, that monster will eventually eat you – or do damage in some why (see Frankenstein, et al) but that doesn’t happen here – the MS stuns the servant with a punch then tells him ‘I will destroy your god like you destroyed me’ (ah sir, there was really no reason to completely believe the native servant and start tossing women into the tree – at least without trying an alternative or two so don’t go all innocent on us okay? It’s insulting); Then he tosses a bottle of something on the tree which goes up like they had been watering it with lighter fluid and then the servant tosses a dagger in the MS’s back killing him at which point the servant kneels in front of the tree as it burns – the end.

Yep neither ends up as tree food – which in a monster film honestly you expect that hoist on their own petard moment yes? Hell even Ed Wood knew that – why else toss Bella to the fake Octopus? But not these guys.

Hope to see you tomorrow –

Peace, Love, Soundchecks

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