Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Random Wednesday: Dagon, Python and King Dick

I am informed by Nexflix that the next film on my list of crap “The Woman Eater” (god did every guy who made b-movies in the 50’s have issues with women? It sure as hell seems that way – the woman eater , good god) that said the film is coming from yet another part of the netflix centers (again showing just how long long long towards the end of the long tail this junk is) so that’s one for the blog.

Still pondering Manos – but that’s a weekend project – too many great people have written about Manos I feel the need to do right by this horrible film – not just type off the cuff impressions like ‘oh my god make it stop! make it stop! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! His Knees! His Knees! Tekil-Li! Tekli-Li! My god! The Window! That hand! The Window!”

Sorry channeled a little H.P. Lovecraft there – was a big fan when I was younger – you have to read him when you are younger, otherwise you start giggling – or start thinking Side note: the last bit “my god – the window, et al – is a remembered quote from the last lines of a short story of his “Dagon” about the narrator’s unfortunate discovery of the existence of a living and very cranky ancient sea god who in the end follows him to his apartment and kills him. Now the problem of course is that someone faced with said cranky and ancient sea god would not TYPE “oh my god the window” et al. He’d shriek it out loud yes? But when you are a kid this kind of thing doesn’t quite register as silly as much as it does later on.

From Monty Python and the Holly Grail

“The holy grail is at the castle argggggggggggg”
“He must have died while carving it.”
“Look he wouldn’t have bothered to carve arggggggg if he was dying. He’d have just said it”
“Perhaps he was dictating it”

So best to read the guy young.

Off to the races – with the House deciding on criminal contempt citations for Harriet Meyers and John Bolton (he of the angry mustache), the Senate mulling censure for the lying weasel, sorry the attorney general and the steady drip drip of bad news and blood from the Middle East – the news is dominated by a pretty woman’s drug problems.

You know at least the Roman Emperors gave out food along with their circuses.

Meantime a democratic congressman who is on the dept of Homeland Security committee wanted to look at a secret white house plan for maintaining government control in case of a massive and disruptive terrorist attack – he had the proper clearance and review of the plan is a part of his job – but he was refused permission, no reason given, simply refused permission.

As with the domestic wiretapping plan, the only reason they wouldn’t allow a democratic congressmen to look at the plan has to be because the plan goes something like this:

In case of Emergency:
1. Crown Dick Cheney King
2. Arrest all democratic congressmen and other major party members
3. Crown Dick Cheney King again
4. Arrest anybody who is not loyal
5. Steal everything not bolted down
6. Unbolt things bolted down
7. Steal those things
8. Have barbeque using copies of constitution and the papers of Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine and Lincoln as kindling.
9. Crown Dick Cheney King
10. Invade someplace
11. Escape (with loot) to United Arab Emirates
12. Crown Dick Cheney King one last time.
13. Reestablish Slave trade
14. Put up plaque praising your efforts to keep America safe

And so on. Grim fantasies just come too easily to me these days.

Peace, Love, The Window! The Window!


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