Friday, August 03, 2007

The Rot at the Core and other notes

I live near the Tribrough Bridge - it was built in the 30’s under the auspices of Robert Moses a man who left his mark on New York mostly by running highways through neighborhoods – he seemed to hate city neighborhoods just on general principle. Anyway the bridge (bridges rather) opened back in 1936 – and is constantly in use and I can walk to the corner of the street and see the entrance ramp rising up to the bridge – and see the bits of concrete on the facing of the ramp walls falling off.

Now that doesn’t mean the bridge is structurally unsound or something’s going to happen but, it is symbolic.

We’re rotting away from underneath in this country. The Minnesota Bridge was just one of thousands of bridges, roads, railways that we have neglected over the years – governments are scrambling now to inspect our bridges and the like, but once the panic dies down, it’ll be back to hoping the damn things don’t collapse with even more people on them.

This sort of thing is going on everywhere – we’ve shut our eyes to the need to fix things, to make sure food we eat won’t kill us, that the drugs we take are safe, our schools are falling apart, the water systems need work but we just put it off until shit starts falling into the river – and we hope not to many people get killed.

Even now the forces of money is more important than people (as if you doubted this) are using the call ‘higher taxes’ to scare anybody off from actually trying and fix things.

Of course this is while we have poured about 500 billon dollars into Iraq and continue to pour money in there every day. And the billions on weapons (we spend more on guns that than pretty much the rest of world combined) and stupid boondoggles like the infamous Alaskan bridge to nowhere.

By the way what is it about Alaska? It seems like both Senators and their one member of the House is in trouble – Sen. Stevens – he of the internet is a series of tubes comment – is in the most hot water. As a rule the FBI do not search Senator’s houses – not without a fairly decent reason. And it also looks like one of his assistants who was being paid by the Senate was actually a personal assistant looking after his money. That’s kind of a no-no.

Meantime – the Iraq Parliament has gone on vacation for a month leaving a lot of issues unresolved. I suspect they are not coming back. Just call it a hunch.

Meantime there is little power and no running water in Baghdad. It’s 115 during the day and 95 at night – are they trying to spark a general revolt? You have to wonder.

Meantime in another you have to wonder moment – W wants more wiretapping without oversight authority. We’re supposed to trust him and his? I don’t think so. I wouldn’t trust these lunatics with string.

It’s hot and listening to Blue Oyster Cult – mostly the three early albums – the Black and White era stuff – and mostly for Buck Dharma’s ice pick guitar – seems cooling when the weather is like this.

Didn’t get a chance to download the pics will do that this weekend.

Peace Love Secret Treaties


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