Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Anxiety, Dreams and Parnormal musings

Anxious is the word of the day.

There is this undercurrent of anxiety today– hell I guess it’s the ambient anxiety of the whole place rubbing off on me.

Been dreaming vivid and bizarre dreams the last few days – some a bit frightening some just odd. The spookiest one was like something out of a movie – I was back the door of my parents home in Long Island – which puzzled me but as in dreams you just go with it and I opened the door and as I remembered their cats came to see who was coming in the door (they were like dogs in that manner) then as I scratching one of them behind the ear I realized that this cat was not one of their cats and the house had been sold after Mom died and therefore, I must be dreaming. I woke up right after that but the moment I realized I was dreaming still sticks with me. It’s an odd helpless puzzled feeling mixed in with a bit of shock , because you never really expect to be fully lucid in the middle of a dream.

Finished the first draft of the book for the Killer Sheep project. It’s funny as you’re plotting things out you just bull on ahead and all of sudden you find yourself with a first draft and an interesting twist in that the 2nd half of this is a lot darker than the first. We actually didn’t quite plan it that way, it just worked out that way. It’s why the creative act is such an interesting process – you never really quite know what’s going to come out of it.

This may be why creativity while honored in the abstract isn’t quite as honored as it might be in the real world. It’s an unstable and tends to wander off and do things that interest it and not care much for the rest of the universe. It’s why writing a good sequel to something is so hard. The spirit that moved you then isn’t what is moving you now – and the creative impulse can get very bored if you try and make it plow the same furrow again. You either get something dead and lifeless or something that wanders very very far away from the original which might be good by itself but not what the audience for a sequel to (whatever they are) are looking for.

Finishing my second read of Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur – it’s an interesting book about all sorts of paranormal events – except the famous fall of fish that was so beloved of Charles Fort (his main opus – The Book of the Damned – covers fish falls with an obsessive glee). The book’s focus is not so much to prove that such things do or don’t exist, as he points out the man or woman who has just had a face to face encounter with a UFO, ghost or Bigfoot have no doubt over what they just saw, what they want is some idea of what the hell it means.

Which Patrick tries to give. His argument is that Diamonic Reality is isn’t really about is it real or not – in fact it is defiantly not about one or the other – be convinced that say UFO’s are simply mental images you could find yourself under one as it spews metal or be convinced of the actual reality of Bigfoot and you’ll never see it or a foot print that can’t be challenged. It’s that kind of force.

At least I think so. The problem with the book – other than most human being’s tendency to start going – big deal – when presented with very odd things that a said to be true – but I think he has a bit of problem here in that the very tool he’s using Language is really more of a tool of the black & White yes or no world that he has problems being able to describe the Diamonic ‘realty’ which isn’t black and white.

Personally I think he may be on to something here – exactly what I’m not sure but there is something – It could just be personal relating here – I’m comfortable with a certain amount of ambiguity – the quantum wave particle duality never drove me as crazy as some. That could be more that I don’t understand Quantum than this being a mark that I have a deep understanding of the underlying theory.

Off to the open mike tonight – curious to see what the place looks like with the changes. More on that tomorrow.

We’re talking stickers and t-shirts for the gig – a good idea? Maybe. Who knows.

Peace Love falling fish


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