Thursday, June 21, 2007

Not a lot today -

Another problematic night for some reason – maybe going to the mets game depressed me – because lord did they play badly.

Still I was watching the scoreboard - the out of town action was better than the dull and dispirited game the Mets played – they hepped up that Perez had not given up more than three runs in any of his starts and then he promptly gives up 4 – the big blow the 2 run homer that turned the game from 2-1 Mets to 3-2 Twins – and that was on a 1-2 count (which is what really killed me – all night Perez was getting ahead in the count and then losing the guy – the first batter of the game got a hit on an 0-2 count).

Anyway back to the scoreboard – I’m looking at the out of town scores and I see that Toronto is beating The Dodgers 12-0 in like the 5th inning. And I just flashed on a thought on how bad it would suck if you were a dodger fan living in Toronto – career family stuff whatever and you were only going to get to one game when the Dodgers were in town and that was the game. You’d pretty much hate life.

For some odd reason that reminds me of an interview I read with Ian Anderson, lead singer and whatnot for Jethro Tull – in addition to saying “yeah I could live in a big mansion with servants but what would I end up writing about?” (I note that Sting seems to have figured that part out) he also said that while is just sick to death of playing Locomotive Breath – there could be fans that have never seen Jethro Tull and for them not to hear that song would be wrong – in the set it goes.

I am afraid Stacy is going to fall in that category for us.

Dealing with something of a writer’s block – and I think the only thing to do is go off and write like 3-4 really bad serious songs so the next funny/stupid/edgy one can come out. I really can’t be in charge of worrying about if the stuff is any good or not – at least while I’m writing it.

And even after that your own judgment isn’t always the best – The Enemy Below is never going to let Tired of being insane drop from the set list like ever and I’m not fond of the song. And there are some things on Dylan’s early 90’s albums that make you wonder just what the hell he was thinking.

Iraq continues its depressing descent into bloody futility – and in Afghanistan we’re really doing well winning folks over to us – in our effort to ‘get’ some Taliban or Al Queda leaders bombed some buildings, in the process hitting an Islamic school and killing seven children. At first we said that we wouldn’t have attacked had we known there were children in there and then later the story came out that the target was of such importance that it was worth the risk of ‘collateral damage” (blowing kids all to bloody hell. ) O’Reilly continued his descent into moral depravity by complaining that MSNBC was covering the story at all – claiming it was undermining our effort. I think that killing the kids is going to undermine our efforts there and maybe it’s important for us at home to know what the hell people are doing in our name.

The term Manichean has been tossed about to describe the world view of W and his fellows, the idea of a struggle between the forces of good and evil (it’s a little more complicated per what we know about actually Manichean thought – their notion was that the entire physical world was evil – even root beer floats and kittens which strikes me as just way overboard).

In any event – Iraq, Afghanistan and all the rest are viewed (either sincerely or as a cover for an amoral nihilism) as part of a vast struggle against evil – which, as Glen Greenwald has pointed out in his blog in Salon, the effect of debasing our own moral standards. If the enemy is pure evil, the thinking goes, you can not refuse to use any weapon any method in the struggles. Which means you blow up a school if you are trying to kill the devil, you waterboard, you torture, you lie to build up your case to doubters, and so on.

It as if in the effort to fight monsters we have become monsters.

May get to Shark Attack 3 tonight maybe not – but I will soon – it looks awful – not star crash awful but awful nonetheless.

Peace Love, Root Beer Floats.
And Miss Rigg of course.


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