Friday, June 22, 2007

I get confused, Crocs and Ian Hunter

The latest head scratcher to come out of Washington is Dick Cheney’s odd claim that the Vice President, since he is president of the Senate is not a part of the executive branch and therefore not subject to the Legislative Branches oversight and the current subpoenas.

Not only does this sound stupid on face value – Cheney has spent the last 6 years hiding behind a claim of ‘executive privilege’ with regard to the series of meetings with oil executives that he had back in the early days of this mess. I’m not sure but I don’t think you can claim legal protections by virtue of your position in the executive branch and then claim not to be in the executive branch when the requirements become onerous. At least not without obviously being a raving hypocrite bastard. And since both claims are to keep people form finding out what he’s doing, it certain does peak my interest in what he’s doing.

Meantime General Petraeus our current commander in Iraq (except for the War Czar who once named has never been heard from since. It’s like a lot of the things that go on in this admin. Remember the Mars landing? Of course you do. But nobody else does). Has said something to the effect that we have been Iraq long enough for the people of Iraq to view us as their liberator’s twice – first from Saddam and now from the not civil war (or what ever they are calling it now). While not quite the Zen classic of “we destroyed the village in order to save it” it’s not bad.

Worked a bit on the book for the Sheep project last night. It was a weird feeling trying to steer the characters so they would sing the songs we have – I’ve noticed in my attempts to do longer works (4 un-publishable novels and a screenplay) that characters are very stubborn beasts once they get a sense of who they are and will not allow themselves to be pushed into situations or say things that goes against their grain without some serious damage being done to the character or the narrative or the author who after all is just trying to get words in a row.

Still it felt right to be sitting there staring at a blank computer screen saying “now what would he say about the sheep now?” and then trying to come up with something. Let me say it felt better doing that than all the meetings I’ve ever been at. Ever.

I also understand via the AP that they are talking about closing Guantanamo Bay since the court just kicked the chair out from under the reason they were holding people in there in the first place. I don’t know about this story since it sounds a little like the “we’ll be sending most of the troops home in 6-9 months” a story I’ve read once every six months for the last 4 years.”

With W’s approval rating at historical lows (beating out even Jimmy Carter leaving only Nixon to beat) and Cheney starting to make squealing noises like a rat caught in cage that is in a room that this rapidly filling with water – things are at a dangerous pass. Desperate men do desperate things and they are lusting after the chance to bomb Iran.

Going to watch Shark Attack 3 this weekend – because I haven’t lost enough brain cells from Star Crash I guess. It looks to be simply god awful with bad acting writing and cheese ball special effects (more on this later). As a side note one of the reasons that most shark attacks consist of one hit and then the shark backs off an leaves is that we don’t taste very good to sharks – if we did they would be hovering around the beaches at the start of summer like deer hunters in grocery store parking lots prior to the start of deer season. Actually the Nile Crocodile is the biggest man eater in the natural world – lots of people where it lives and it typical hunting style of lurking in the water until the prey gets close then striking and dragging it into the water to drown works as well on a human being as well as on a zebra – they may kill as many as 200 people a year but that number has a lot of guess work in it.

Going to see Ian Hunter tomorrow night – it’s been a while since I’ve seen a show and a while since I’ve seen Ian – he has a new album which I bought – I haven’t listened to it as much as I’d like but I’ve got all day tomorrow – when I’m less busy I’ll go on for some length about Ian and Mott and their personal importance. Which is a lot.

Just finishing up a book on the Crimean war (1853-56) which is called the first modern war but is more famous for things like The charge of the light Brigade, Florence Nightingale and horrible conditions for the troops who died by the thousands. I have a perverse fascination with this war – maybe because it was such a clusterfuck that unlike the other wars you can’t cover the true horror of the thing with glory and the thrill of well fought battles. It was a useless and bloody waste of men and material that solved nothing.

Peace Love All the Way from Memphis


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