Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Cold and a Moose

My brain still hasn’t warmed up yet – because the MTA decides to test their trains in the New Mexico desert in early spring before they order them subway cars and Long Island Railroad cars don’t do well when exposed to things like cold and wet weather so I got to stand on the platform in the wind until my brain froze.

More signs of the coming apocalypse –

From AP:

A helicopter is not necessarily a match for an angry moose. Instead of lying down after being shot with a tranquilizer dart, a moose charged a hovering helicopter used by a wildlife biologist, damaging the aircraft's tail rotor and forcing it to the ground.

“Okay now we”
“Ah Ted the Moose is charging”
“Oh come on the beast is doped to the gills by now it should….”
“Well - Look for yourself”

An administration task force has come out today and said that the NSA wiretaps, data mining and the all the rest of it were fine and none of it violated any American’s rights.

One Mississippi two Mississippi, three Mississippi

Are they kidding? A hand picked group of white house bootlickers comes out and says everything is fine and they actually expect anybody to swallow this gibberish?

Libby found guilty on 4 of 5 counts – expect Dick Cheney to return to undisclosed location soon.

In band news we have had our first rejection – Rockward is a small club in NYC that my old vocal teacher (yes I did have vocal lessons once upon a time) Jill Walsh (if you get a chance to see her do so -she’s operating out of Memphis these days) played there and gave me the guys name – I e-mailed him, directing him to our my space and this is what I got back: “I do not have anything for you at this time.”

On the Horizon, we look to get tossed out of the Bitter End. I’m not sure why but one of our dreams is to be told by a horrified booked to get out and stay out. I presume it’s because of the time’s at the Bitter end I’ve had to deal with Tim the folksinger on stage barefoot tuning his guitar and talking –

“I’m not wearing any shoes cause I lost them. You know how like when well you’re just buzzed and well like you know you take you shoes off to like do stuff. Well I had taken my shoes off when her old man comes in and starts yelling angry cause well like I had my shoes off…and she was naked…so I kind of had to like maybe run out of there but like I had to leave my shoes cause I didn’t think I could go back cause the guy seemed kind of angry…really he was saying things like “gonna kill you you mother” and stuff like that…he seemed angry. So I left my shoes there – but I can’t even go back now cause I forgot where I was when I took off my shoes cause I was so…and I need to buy some new shoes so I wrote this song about needing money…it’s called I need money.”

And so on. We just want to see the bookers face when he hears Stacy for the first time. After that will be gravy.

Tonight – A.P.E or if the mail is slow – god help me Konga.

Peace Love Frozen Brain


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