Monday, March 05, 2007

More signs of the apocalypse

Hello Kitty Airlines –

I got nothing to say – I look at the picture and all I can think of is what Kutz said as he was dying in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

“The Horror, the Horror.”

Other portents

Headline in the NY Times:

Swiss Accidentally Invade Liechtenstein: -

When the Swiss start to get aggressive it’s all over, yeah it is just Liechtenstein and the Swiss say it was an accident but you never really can tell with the Swiss can you? Hell some of them even speak French. So there you are.

Someone else also noticed that Bush so far has dressed like 3 of the 5 village people only needing to do the Indian chief and the cop to complete the set.

I suspect that is when the world will end.

Well moving on there is this note - proving, I suppose things haven’t really changed all that much in the halls of the powerful.

From the “In 1908 Wilhelm II suffered a tragic loss, when the Chief of the Imperial Military Cabinet, Dietrich Graf von Hulsen-Haeseler suffered a heart attack and died before he could be rushed to a hospital, much time having been lost whilst the Kaiser and his aides attempted to get the general into a uniform, since at the time he was wearing a tutu so that he could dance for the entertainment of his Supreme Warlord.”

The death of Nelson Rockefeller comes to mind for some reason.

First I haven’t been able to get many details on Von Hulsen-Haesler in Google – so I haven’t been able to confirm the story – much as I would like to believe it. And how is this tragic – he was in a tutu for god’s sake – that’s bloody freaking roll on the ground laughing like a hyena at the absurd farce of the event not tragic – Othello is tragic – this is nihilistic farce that’s what that was.

From the same page.

“During 1941, the British Empire devoted 80,000 tons of precious shipping to carry beer to its troops in North Africa.”

You know I have to take exception to the tone of disproval here, for god’s sake why the hell not get beer to the damn troops? Maybe not at the front line but hell - a beer from home when they are in a rest area would mean all the world to them yes? I remember in the first gulf war (and how depressing is it to write that) there was an interesting contrast between the actions of the French Foreign legion (who when they arrived in the desert one officer was said to exclaimed “we are home”) and some US troops near them. Even before the attack on Saddam’s troops the US troops were already eating MREs; the Legion had set up a bakery and was making fresh bread for the troop’s breakfast.

“If we have to eat lizards” one Legion officer said “we can eat lizards, we don’t have to now so why do so?”

Other notes –

Okay the mega-millions is now 340 million dollars – I swear the if my lottery guy refuses this time to sell me the winning ticket, well I am simply going to have to take my business else where.


Watching king Kong over and over again ( why - not sure, perhaps this is just an autistic trait or perhaps because APE the utterly mind numbing awful 1976 big ape film from Korea is on it’s way to me via net flixs for my viewing agony and your potential amusement - it’s dreadful. Really I’ve even seen it already. I need a life.
And I’ve fallen behind on the bad movies lately and City of Heroes and the recording have taken up my time

Looking at the 33 original again – with my mind on the recent – and to me disjointing Peter Jackson Kong – I think, much as I like Peter Jackson, he made some fundamental mistakes that undercut his movie –

1 – Kong. I have to confess a love of stop motion animation here so this could be colored by that – but the new Kong just didn’t have enough personality – one problem was they made him too much like a real gorilla – as in exactly like a real gorilla - and we know how gorillas are these days –Gorillas for all their great strength are quiet animals – not Kong. Kong doesn’t act like a gorilla; he’s far too aggressive and far too willing to mix it up with the other creatures on Skull Island.

2 – I’ve harped on this before – but Jack Black as Carl Denham was a mistake – I’m not sure why Peter changed the character from a successful flamboyant movie maker brave to the point of foolhardiness, willing to take all kinds of risks to make a picture to a half sloshed underhanded manipulative user of people who wants to make a hit movie so he can enter the world of the big players – but it eats at the films center – Carl needs to be bigger than life to be able to stand out under the shadow of Kong – Black plays him as semi-talented hustling hack – doesn’t work.

I could go on but I won’t – things to do.

Odd thoughts of putting up a le bug of blue my space page – weirder things have been done - but I am enough of a geek yes?

Peace, Love allo’ Kitty


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