Thursday, November 30, 2006

Madness as far as the eye can see

Busy day so not much for the blog – still some things have to be noted.

Senator elect Jeff Webb had a confrontation with the president the other day at some event for the newly elected lawmakers. W came over and asked how Jeff’s boy - who is a) serving in Iraq – get home safe kid and b) had been under fire a couple of weeks or so before and men had died – was doing. Jeff said “I want them home” and W instead of mumbling some platitude about how he prays every night or yes we all do but I feel that blah blah blah said per sources “I didn’t ask you that, I asked how he’s doing,.”

That’s stunningly rude coming from somebody’s aunt, never mind the president and what the hell got W’s panties in a twist? – doesn’t’ he know a lot of folks want the boys home? Has he never talked to one before? – Well knowing the bubble W lives I would not be that shocked if that was the case.

The conversation ended pretty quickly after that – with Webb furious and ready to “slug the president” which, while it has caused the old maids of the Beltway (George will for example) to clutch their pearls and faint - would have had interesting results.

W: He hit me! He hit me! I bleed! The President is bleeding!
Adie: Now calm down, you’re not bleeding
W: I’m on fire!
Aide: Sir you can’t catch on fire from someone punching you in the nose
W: Then I’m bleeding! Help! Decider down!
SS agent: Please get up sir, you’re causing a more of a fuss than we need right now.
W: I fuss, I president, I bleed! Get Hospital!
SS Agent (to Aide): So what to you think?
Aide: Well.
W: You find man that hit me, Kill him, then send him to Bay
Aide: Sir you can’t send a man to Guantamo after you kill him, you know that, now get up please,
W: No. Not until you get Doctor. Must not move spinal injuries.
SS Agent: Spinal Injuries? From a punch to the nose
Aide (to SS agent): He gets like this when he panics.
SS Agent: (To Aide): So what do we do – the press are right outside the door now.
Aide: (to Agent): frankly I’m just for leaving the ape here and letting Senator Webb finish kicking his ass but…

Again with the horrible fantasies.

Meantime Keith Ellison the newly elected representative from Minnesota is the first Muslim to be elected to the House. This has got some troglodytes panties in a twist – some nitwit is objecting to Keith’s plan to swear his oath of office on the Koran – he is insisting he use the bible – which is as stupid as it sounds. The constitution makes no mention of using a bible to swear your oath of office on, indeed the oath of office of the president does not include the words “so help me god” trust me – look it up if you want. I have to complement Keith on his patience with these idiots – first he had to listen to Glen Beck for all intents accuse him of treason and now this.
And by the way – how does it look to the Iraqis who are trying so hard to make into a democratic/secular society if we insist that non-Christians have to swear their oaths of office on a Christian bible? Just asking.

Someone else (Orson Scott Card) is in the process of having the worst written book in the history of science fiction (and that’s saying something) published. Called empire is has as its premise that sometime soon a leftist army takes over New York city and declares that it is the legitimate government of the us and civil war ensues.

Righttttttttttttt. Not only is the premise absurd on its damn face – New York? Has Scott ever been to New York? We’re a bit insular to be honest. A New Yorkers’ attitude is either “West of the Hudson you camp out” or “the Midwest starts at the George Washington Bridge”. At best you might be able to get New York to declare itself independent but try and take over the rest of the country? Nahhh – too much trouble and besides you can’t get good piazza or bagels.

Adding to the dumbness is the stilted and thick with right wing talking points prose that has already made this work a favorite of snarky left bloggers like Sadly No and Tblogg.
Really the stuff is “it was a dark and stormy night” caliber and too painful to share with you here – I don’t have time and well I need to save my strength if I am going to do Crossroads with Brittany Spears.

Meantime there was going to be a high stakes summit with the president of Iraq now there isn’t – nobody seems to be sure why – but it looks like the president of Iraq bowed out was a little but upset by a leaked memo that pretty much called him an out of touch idiot. It’s very odd and nobody really knows what’s going on.

Random Neural Firings:

The Residents have a new album – great something else to add to the list – guys I’m trying to save money for the recordings don’t do this to me.

It’s the problem when you are fan of what you can call a cult act – like the Residents or Robyn Hitchcock – you feel you have to buy the album when it comes out – they need the money. It’s silly it’s not like you don’t need the money either. I think I need to write about cult acts – seeing as we are one – in a future blog.

Have a new gig at Ottos’ 1/26 mark you calendars. It will be the last gig before we vanish into the studio to get out the album.

Speaking of the album – we are going to ask for your input here – soon I’ll put up a list of our songs and ask you to let me know which 10 you want on the first album – it’s embarrassing - we have about 20+ songs now and the list is growing so to make it fair we came up with this idea. These will be all new recordings by the way.

Classic Media has delayed the release of Godzilla Raids Again and Godzilla Vs. Motha until after the new year. While I can get them via mail order UPS doesn’t deliver to my apartment argggggg.

Until tomorrow.

Peace love Shonen Knife.


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