Friday, November 17, 2006


I was reading the nets today and sweet Jesus – okay I just need to back this up a little.

There is something called the Office of Family planning. It’s a federal agency that is in charge of providing family planning (well duh) information and other services mostly for poor families who couldn’t afford it other wise. It’s a valuable service that helps prevent unwanted pregnancies and helps with other health issues relating to women (Pelvic and breast cancer screening and the like – all good stuff)

So who does W appoint to this?

Some completely barking mad howl at the moon style quack.

This jackass is some kind of big wig in the jabbering insane people, sorry, abstinence movement – who a few weeks ago were ginning up the ‘unmarried adults shouldn’t be screwing’ media blitz because they figured weren’t causing enough misery and unhappiness by making teenagers ashamed of their bodies and their desires. .

Before I get too off point, this nimrod (Dr. Erick Keroack to be precise) thinks that if women have too much sex they become unable to love one person due to the depletion of a hormone called oxytocin – apparently a hormone that is released during orgasms and in labor – I’m bit murky on the science here - which has some mood changing effects as well. Anyway Dr. Dipstick seems to think there is only a limited amount of this stuff in a woman’s body and once it is released you don’t get any more of it so you shouldn’t screw a lot, if at all. Which makes not one jot of fucking sense. While w have only a limited amount of say, teeth, lord in heaven unless having sex actually kills the cells that create Oxytocin you don’t lose your bodies capacity to create it. Indeed you’d think more sex would be better since it would as it keep the pump primed as it where.

Anyway what this schmuck – who, as several folks have noted, looks a bit like a Sasha Baron Cohen (“Borat”) character – really wants is people to not have sex because it’s bad – that’s the real deal. The hormone thing is simply something he’s seized – like a typical nutcase - to add a pseudo scientific gloss to justify his own ‘oh icky - evil’ feelings about sex. All I can say is ‘Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud, emergency.’

And this is the wackjob (yes I am indulging in ad hominine attacks – shit for the misery this clown has caused and will cause he deserves it) that bipartisan W has decided should run the only federal family planning agency. Sweet merciful Jesus, Mary and Joseph on pogo sticks save us from these insane cretins. Sex is a part of basic human desires like eating and sleeping and should be accepted as that, and if you sleep with nobody or try to out do Wilt Chamberlain – that’s your choice and decision. We’re all different and what is right for one here isn’t right for another person understand? Sex can be infidelity wonderful or deeply wounding – but it’s a part of being a complete human being, it’s us folks– it is not some evil urge sent into our bodies by demons to sap our precious bodily fluids. SO LIGHTEN UP NITWITS AND SOMEBODY STOP W BEFORE HE APOINTS A MIDEVIL BARBER THE HEAD THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL ‘WE JUST NEED TO BLEED HIM MORE” BUT HE’S DEAD”

Sweet Jesus.

End of rant.

Couple of other things – Saw Aeon Flux last night - not as bad as I thought it was going to be – still it was pretty silly – lot of matrix style style (when are we going to get away from matrix style action scenes? It was great the first few hundred times but now, when the bullets start to fly and the people do the wire fu thing, I go yes yes nice but I’ve seen this before. It’s like eating too much candy – you get sick of it). Still Charlize Theon is very nice to look at in the tight bodysuit with cleavage – but lord the plot is damn silly. The original animated series deliberately made no real sense – so the writers had a problem making a standard movie out this – so they settled on a love story between Aeon and Terver Goodchild (in the animated series their relationship was a lot more ambiguous and complicated) and then they did some silly stuff with cloning. The idea is that humanity has been reduced to one city by some kind of plague. Goodchild manages to cure the plague but infertility is a side effect – so they clone people. Okay – the deal is however that in the movie people are haunted by memories of prior lives which is just stone bs. Memory doesn’t live in the DNA it lives in the brain – so unless you’re transplanting brains you don’t get the memories. Clone me tomorrow and take the kid to England I can promise you he won’t be haunted by memories of being a Mets fan(lucky bastard).

Other thing. It looks like Waltz Astoria Coffee shop wants to feature us along with two other bands that do comedy music in a singer song writer round table. Where each person or band talks about a song and does one, then another person and so on.

The possibilities for deliberate freak outs are just endless – mostly by pretending we are serious

“Well we wrote this song cause we were doing a lot of crack and this is what we came up with.’

“Don’t you see the people with Insect heads? They are everywhere. Oh my god ahhhhhh’

“No I was abducted.”

“I don’t know about you but I hear the bleating of the killer sheep when I try to sleep’

‘We wanted to do the definite song on brain eating – while we liked the misfit’s work very much it didn’t quite nail the subject completely.”

Let you know if this comes off. Could be very much weird fun.

Last other thing – W is in Hanoi today as a part of his ‘making people glad he’s not their president” world tour and spouted some gibberish about how we lost in Viet Nam because we quit or some such nonsense. God in heaven what a putz. Him saying anything about our lack of will in Nam when he and daddy made damn sure his lily white butt was not going to be in any danger during Viet Nam is enough to make you head explode.

Enough for now. I have to go find the pieces of my skull.



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