Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hacked but not mangled

Well it is a cyber world – and it was bound to happen – yesterday my myspace site got hacked and everybody I knew ended up getting this absurd messages saying “Hi let me tell you about this great dating website …” and it went on and on saying something to the effect that I had gotten laid twice this weekend with two different women – something about which I probably wouldn’t put on a my space bulletin (I have some Paleolithic idea about not talking about such things) and if I did write about it, I would be writing about it here in the blog and the bulk of the message would be something like ;WOOOOWWOOOOOOWOWOOWOWOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And not a lot about the web site – let me tell you that. The problem is fixed but it’s going to make me more cautious about who I add – even if they are 23 year old female Asian bisexual co-eds with a web camera and a taste for playing naked twister.

Well in other weird things - it seems that the Bush girls are making something of a spectacle of themselves down in Argentina where they were visiting – the stories seem to imply drunken routs, one of the daughters had a purse snatched and there is story, denied by the hotel, of the daughters running naked down the hotel hallways. I think Time magazine tired to confirm the story – that’s a phone call I wouldn’t want to have to make. I mean I have little love, make that no love at all for W, I feel sorry for the poor time’s stringer who had to have a conversation like this with the hotel management.

Reporter: So , what I have to ask is, well were the Bush girls ah, well doing any exercise?
So they weren’t running naked down the hall? You’re certain of that?
Well that’s odd because I didn’t ask if they were running naked in the hall.
I understand sir, some bra and panties are very sheer so someone could think people weren’t wearing anything.
I also understand that this wasn’t the case here.
They weren’t running anywhere.
They haven’t even been to Argentina I understand. Thanks for your time sir.

I horrifically behind work here otherwise I would be writing more – this will have to do for today – tomorrow Glen or Glenda for sure and some thoughts on Ed Wood who I will not mock. The film, like all of Ed’s work, is a study in bizarre strangeness but in Ed Wood’s work there was never the “only doing this for the paycheck” slapdash carelessness of a director like William “One Shot” Beaudine who directed such dreck as “Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter” or “Billy the Kid vs. Dracula” – the New York Times in its TV section would always add the comment “by the maker of Panco Villa Meets Godzilla” in their review when ever either movie would air. And nothing Bela did for Wood was as bad as ‘Bela Lugosi meets a Brooklyn Gorilla’ – which I haven’t see cause I’m it’s not on Net Flicks and I’m not going to buy something I’m only going to watch once, it’s even an important bad film (if such a thing exists – like Plan 9 or Robot Monster or Manos) I mean really folks there have to be limits – that is unless everybody wants me to suffer. I like Bella and it hurts to watch him struggle to make something out of the junk he was given to do. One guy I read mentioned how much better Karloff was in The Body Snatchers than Bela but after watching the film while I would agree with him, I would say that it wasn’t that Bela was bad, it was that Lugosi was very obviously very very unwell and in a great deal of pain – you can see it on his face, it hurts to watch. Shortly after that film I understand Bela ended up on morphine.

More as time permits.

Diana Rigg as Emma Peel - haven't had one of these in while wanted on. Some day a dull essay on her.


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