Monday, November 20, 2006

Post 100 - no more open mike

That’s hard to write but a) the people are not showing up and b) neither I nor The Enemy Below or the Insect Girl have the time or the energy to keep pushing this rock up the hill. It looks like there are two other open mikes in Astoria on Sunday night – one where we met the jug eared insane person and one someplace else so it could be the one at O’Hanlon’s just got squeezed out – Astoria is full the new bohemia, well not really but while we do have a lot of singers and musicians about – we don’t have that many about.

So we’re taking break from that for a while. Tomorrow – The Enemy Below and I will be at the Waltz for their comedy open mike to see how our stuff plays to people who are their to be comedians or listen to comedians – who knows it might be a good thing – might suck but we have to find out.

Short post today I’m emptying boxes as part of the move– I wanted to do more as this will be the 100th post on blogger but well some things you can’t dictate.

It was noted that W in his trip to Hanoi did not; as Bill Clinton did when he visited years ago wander among the people of Hanoi, who unlike the folks in say Indonesia wanted to meet him. The press found this difficult to explain, the trip was intended to show that W was not the incurious dolt that he has seemed on other trips and that he was still a strong leader and really the Vietnamese were more than ready to make him feel welcome – but all he did was leave the hotel for 45 minutes, view an exhibit about the joint MIA project – not talking to anyone and then going back into the hotel

I think I know what happened.

Aide is knocking on the door of the presidential suite. He is not happy. A SS man is standing next to him.
Aide: Sir.
There is no reply.
Aide (Knocks again) Sir?
No reply.
Aide: to SS agent – What happened?
SS: he just ran in and locked the door. We had a hell of time keeping up with him.
Aide: what was he wearing?
SS: Sir?
Aide: What was he wearing? It’s simple enough question.
SS: some kind of camouflage jacket
Aide that’s enough. Okay, go tell the press secretary he won’t be available to answer questions for a while.
SS: okay
Aide: (knocks on door again): Sir you’re going to have to come out.
W: No come out. They kill me I come out. I stay here. Get me plane, chopper, get me out. out out out.
Aide: Sir, nobody’s trying to kill you.
W: I in Nam. They are going to kill me. I didn’t want to go to nam.
Aide: Sir the war’s been over a for a long time
W: the gooks will kill me.
Aide: Sir you say gook again and I will slap you baldheaded. Now you have nothing to be afraid of.
W: Why in Nam – daddy got me out of nam. Now he mad and send me to Nam to get me killed. Hate daddy.
Aide: Sir you’re overtired – just take a nap and everything will be fine.
W: Me hide under bed they no find me there.
Aide: yes you do that sir.
SS comes back with Press Secretary.
Press: What’s up?
Aide: he’s having a Viet Nam Flashback.
PS: but he was never here before?
Aide: He’s having a flashback as to why he didn’t go in the first place. (to the SS Agent) listen, he’s under the bed, in about an hour he’ll be asleep – when that happens you let the doctor in and he’ll give him another shot of his happy juice and we’ll be able to get out of here without incident.
SS: Like in Singapore.
PS: Can’t we just keep him drugged the whole trip.
Aide: It’s tempting but he does have to talk with the other leaders from time to time.

Ah horrible fantasies ring in my head. I have visions of Kissinger wandering around the white house like a ghost muttering “the war is lost! The war is lost!” over and over again while everybody ignores him like he was an Alzheimer’s patient in an old age home.

Anyway we look to record the album sometime in February down in Clearview – details are not set but when we know we’ll let you know – we’re also facing an embarrassment of riches we have too many songs to go on one cd. I doubt anybody on American idol has that problem.

Next up – an appreciation of Robyn Hitchcock and stay away from the Magical Mystery Tour video.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh noooooooooo
no more open mike??????????????????????
that breaks my heart.. it truly does.. :o((((((

6:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm afraid so Linda - sorry :{

1:13 PM  

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