Monday, November 27, 2006


Home today – had a fine time at my brother’s but it was my niece’s birthday this weekend as well – her 13th (which to sound like everybody else in this situation “I remember when she was born – well duh) anyway she had 9 friends over for a sleep over (that and a 12 week old puppy, it was, interesting I have to say) and I seemed to have picked up a little bug from one of them. I’m hungry but my stomach hurts when I eat something. Thanks kids. Well I can use the weight loss. Esp. after thanksgiving.

Anyway, last Tuesday we got a wonderful reception at the Waltz-Astoria Comedy open mike. We were a little nervous before we preformed there. While we are used to our crowd and while we enjoy shocking the, shall we say, more folk oriented arenas (and you know who you are) this would be the first time that we were performing in front of a group of strangers and having to make “make with the funny” to people expecting it. I mean we are trying to make people laugh but well, if they are expecting a joke will it be as funny? You wonder these things.

The response was wonderful – people laughed at all three songs. And some people started dancing when we were doing Stacy – bless their hearts. Great times had by all. About three other comedians came up afterwards and thanked us. Well thank you guys.

Meantime we have another set at Otto’s on Friday Dec 8th at 8 pm – so if you want to start the weekend early come on down.

I keep wondering why I have no damn time to do anything then I take a look at my project list.

Songs to do (i.e. get in state where we like them enough to show them to strangers):
The Mid-life crisis song
Pity F**k
Robots took my Man
Bride of the Rat God
I wanna get laid (damnit)

And then you take working (not as much as I would like) on the Killer Sheep Musical (that’s a phrase you won’t get many hits if you Google it). And working on the press package – getting some head shots for us, and other booking keeping stuff, then and well, my job (which is paying for a lot of this these days) and you don’t have a lot time to spend watching the junk I love so much (which I do anyway which is the above stuff is still lacking - never mind unpublishable novel number 5 and another screen play). And not to mention this blog.

Saw two things in the nets – One is that the president is going to go to Europe and try to convince NATO to spend more money – well good luck with that. The way things work with him, we’re going to lucky if NATO doesn’t disband.

Speaking of people who seem to unable to soothe trouble waters by speech because their foot is in their mouth, the Pope is going to Turkey – with his sliver tongue expect riots.

Meantime, W hopes to raise some $500 million dollars for his presidential library – okay I’ll type that again because I had trouble with it, $500 million for W’s presidential library – which is a record for a presidential library. The irony of this is making my head exploded, the man barely reads (nitwit news stories about his reading lists not withstanding) hell he doesn’t even read the damn morning briefing papers.

Part of the money will be spent on having hacks who will for money write books that reflect favorably on W’s legacy – I’m not sure who they are going to get to do this since that seems outside the realm of even the wildest Science fiction writers, even those specializing in what is called alternate history.

As a side track for a moment, can I say that the standard alternate history “the south won the civil war” story does a pretty despicable dance around slavery, imagining it to have somehow faded away. Which seeing it was one of the rights they had been fighting for doesn’t seem too likely to me. Hell they would resist tooth and nail any change to slavery since patriot blood had been shed to protect it. Prior to the civil war the South was advocating the resurrection of the slave trade – something that would have led to a direct confrontation with England after the war (again had they won) who was in the process of trying to end the slave trade.

Well, be that as it may, the only people I can think of who will be able to write the books they want are going to be people who are brainwashed worse than the folks from The Manchurian Candidate “George Bush is the kindest most wonderful man I know”

Writer: Nooooo! I can’t I can’t. (Tosses pencil away)
Aide: What’s the problem?
Writer: I can’t write that! I can’t.
Adie: come on man, you worked for fox news.
Writer: No I’m sorry – even I have limits. (Gets up and leaves)
Clerk: What was he doing?
Adie: He was trying to write about the Ape’s farseeing wisdom and vision for America.
Clerk: But he can’t even remember the days of the week.
Aide: yes yes it’s a stretch. But make a note – first thing tomorrow, I will contact the Weekly World News – those people can write about anything.

The other thing that I wonder is just how eager are the big boys going to be to pony up some 10-20 million dollars a pop for this ego massage. One W stops being president, he stops being able to dispense goodies making his market value a lot lower. Again I suspect a tough sell.

Aide (on phone): okay $5 million if Cheney comes over and licks your desk clean. Okay I think we can work with that. Thank you.
Clerk: Who was that?
Aide: King of Saudi Arabia.
Clerk: And Dick Cheney is going to lick his desk clean?
Aide: It’s the best I could do. You should have heard what he wanted him to do.

Anyway upcoming – random thoughts about Mystery Science Theater 3000 and either Glen or Glenda or Manos the hands of fate – not sure which one just yet – I’ll get to both eventually but not just yet – these are, as you must understand, major works in dreck cinema and need commentary.

Here’s a silly question – for you out there – is there a bad film you’d want me to write about? Just asking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bad films? oh yes.. CROSSROADS!!!!!

3:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

crossroads? Hate to say this but which one? The one with Britany Spears (pause to spit to get taste out of muouth) from 2002 or the 1986 Ralph Macchio blues music piece of drek - which does however feature a young Steve Vai on guitar.
let me know.

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA, the one with britney spears of course. no idea what the other one is - i was 3 when it was made! :P
i'm kind of a fan of cheesy trashy chick flicks, but crossroads is in a league of its own i must say

6:14 AM  

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