Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well that was better

We played at the Waltz open mike last night – it was a fine night – and the place was crowded – a heck of a lot more crowded than O’Hanlon’s has been the last few weeks I can tell you – we’re going to be pimping that bit more (and I did some pimping at Waltz for it we’ll see what happens.)

Anyway this will be short because I’m busy with the final “put stuff in boxes” rush. At first you are methodical and organized – then as the day of the move (Friday) comes upon you – you start tossing things into boxes and not caring what they are – three bottles of dried out white out? I might need that to , well if nothing else to remind me that I don’t need to use white out anymore with computers and what not – still had to type something last week on a type writer that was a pain – so yeah I’ll keep these – and in the box they go along with the manual for the computer you had before the one you work on now, and the pens at least half of which have no ink – which always makes “can I take a message” or trying to write something down when you think of it into an interesting game of ‘find something that writes’ – pull out a pen , no that’s got no ink and then – here’s the important bit – put the damn pen back in the Pencil/pen cup and take another one until you find one that writes. I don’t know why I keep doing that, but these days I’m leaning towards the theory that I’m stupid.

Back to the Waltz – we were able to give “The Legend of the killer Sheep” a proper singing. We had two songs so , per the Enemy Below’s idea we did Stacy first – they guy before us had been leading the crowd in a sing along so just before we started doing Stacy I invited folks to sing along – and some, bless their twisted sick hearts forever sang along – and some sat frozen faced and some were in hysterics. It was good – I’m not saying it’s better than sex (although I did have an odd urge to smoke afterwards) but it’s a damn fine feeling. That half shock half oh my god what the hell did they just say is the essence of what we’re going for here.

Then we did the killer sheep song and they didn’t know what the hell to make of it. It starts out like one of those 70’s metal band story legend songs al la (la la la la – I’ll stop) Uria Heep or well Stonehenge by Spinal Tap. And then we hit the chorus: “Baa Baa Bobby Baa Baa Bobby, Baa Baa Bobby – killer sheep they took her away” – I feel safe in saying that nobody in that coffee shop had ever heard anything like that in their lives. Again there was that mixed laughter and shock – like oh my god he’s totally out of his mind isn’t he. He’s singing about killer sheep. Yes he is.

It was great. Again I had the urge to smoke afterwards.

Random Neural Firings:

I notice the W is in Singapore, I know someone who lives there and I feel the need to apologize to her for some reason. So here it is. I’m Sorry.

Not that anybody here in the U.S. notices, but Newcastle United is in the drop zone in the EPL and that stinks.

I notice that W has sent back to the Senate for confirmation a number of Judges that were already rejected before. Well so much for bi-partisanship. Well in a few months – probes galore.


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