Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Feeling Scattered

You know you’re tired when you wake up thinking about how good it will be going to bed when you get back from work. That’s tired. Which is what I am – I feel beat in my bones. My brain is lethargic and scattered and this post will be as well.

Well DNA samples proved that the creepy guy they flew in first from Thailand didn’t kill the little girl. I’m not sure why anyone should be surprised. His story had big holes in it (he was saying the death was an accident. Not going into the creepy details the girl was murdered.) And they hadn’t gotten a DNA match before booking him made me and some other folks suspicious. People confess to crimes all the time. It’s why police will hold back details of the case so that they can help weed them out – and to determine if a tip they got was genuine or not.

I don’t know what kind of bozo the clowns they have in the boulder CO DA’s office but sweet Jesus on stick if this is any indication of their professional competency, they must have a conviction rate of about 12%.

The media, well since the idea of checking to see if something was true or not seems to have gone out the window , you can’t really be surprised at there reaction. They rolled in this like it was catnip. They wanted this to be true, they wanted to be able to show the pictures of the little girl dressed up in those disturbing costumes again, they wanted to be able to tut-tut over the whole tabloid creepiness of it (I keep using that word but it’s the only one that comes to mind). This sleaze is what gets the ratings, not the boring and depressing stories about the mess in Iraq, the mess in Afghanistan, the mess in the middle east, the mess in New Orleans, the growing gap between rich and poor, the hideous state of pop music these days, why are all the movies so bad, and so on. All of this is depressing and they get yelled at by the GOP noise machine when they accurately report things. So why do it? Let’s run with the dead girl. Gets the ratings.

The creepy guy will be put into a jail cell in LA somewhere which in the end I suspect he wanted. Nobody confesses to a murder you didn’t do unless you are dealing with mountain size guilt. Which I have no doubt he has, he wasn’t in Thailand for the food. He couldn’t stop but on some level he knew how sick he was and the guilt (and lord he should feel guilty) twisted his mind into a knot.

Enough I have to go take a shower now. Long one very very hot water lots of soap.

We're kicking around a very sarcastic song idea. We have noticed that almost everybody thanks god or Jesus for good things. Well the time has come to complete the circle, to thank god that you didn’t get the job, that you didn’t get the girl and that your life is a meaningless, hopeless mess.

Speaking of not getting the whole god concept, Pope Benedict is having people come to talk to him about evolution. Word is that he wants to endorse intelligent design. I can understand pig ignorant; I just can’t understand willfully pig ignorant. Ah well – I guess 500 years from now whoever is pope will release a letter apologizing to Darwin. Like they did with Galileo.

More random thoughts:

Finally saw Shawn of the Dead. And yes it was very very good, and I liked it a lot. Sometimes Shawn’s character was too close to my own wishy washy private persona for his romantic and personal problems that funny to me. And I liked that they never explained why people were now flesh eating zombies. And that it was set in a suburb away from London. Funny and scary and it didn’t make mock the zombie concept. A late recommended list add.

I do have to say I had a problem with Shawn’s friend Ed. The idea is that they are friends but Jesus what a f#king wanker. I mean the man has to have some redeeming qualities. I have friends who are I have to admit can be complete pains in the ass but there is something about them than redeems them. Not here. And once the zombie stuff starts in earnest Ed doesn’t seem to react. I’m sorry no matter how stupid and self absorbed you are – the dead walking about to feed on the living is going cause some a change in your behavior patterns. The bit with the coin machine in the pub was funny but nobody’s that stupid.

Also saw William Shatner in White Comanche. He did this in Spain during a break in the original Star Trek series on a budget of about 123 dollars. Ever since it was mentioned in the Golden Raspberry book I’ve wanted to see this. It features Will was Johnny Moon and Notha twin half breed bothers. Johnny Moon is the loner good guy caught between the white world and the Comanche accepted by neither. Notah is peyote eating bad twin leading a renegade band of Indians to kill and murder. Until you have seen William Shatner in war paint doing an Indian war whoop you have no idea what bad acting REALLY looks like. I’m not going to go into details because it doesn’t deserve it but a few things stand out.

One – Will makes a very bad Indian, yes he’s supposed to be a half breed but he’s just sooo white – esp. as the shirtless Notha that he looks like will glow in the dark.

Two- It’s obvious that nobody who wrote the script knew a damn thing about peyote. There is an early scene where the twins confront each other and Johnny Moon says “eat the peyote and dream the dreams of the devil” and Notha snaps back. If Notha had actually done as much peyote as he’s supposed to have, he would have been too busy throwing up to say anything and when he finally did manage to speak he would have been saying something like “Gulubba nosh for Blabba geep geep.”

Three – in the climactic gun battler, Johnny Moon is hit in the shoulder by Notha. Johnny clutches his shoulder and then carries on killing Notha. I’m sorry, you get hit in the shoulder with a soft nosed bulled from a colt .45 peacemaker you’ve knocked flat, you’ve just lost an arm and you are going to be damn lucky if you don’t bleed to death in the next few minutes. A lot of westerns have this happen but it’s really bad here.

Four – the music is beyond wrong. It sounds like what they would play in a Los Vegas lounge in the 1960’s when Vegas was afraid of Rock n’ roll. Or a movie where Sinatra was playing a cop in Miami or some place in the same era. Not the old west.

I placed the DVD back in the pre paid envelope and sent it on it’s way. I didn’t think seeing it again would cause clinical depression but I wasn’t about to take any chances.

(Blogger doesn't like pitctures all of a sudden.)


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