Thursday, August 24, 2006


Word has come down that Pluto is no longer considered a planet – instead it, along with its companion Charon (no not that kind of companion) and some other object I never heard of will be considered to be dwarf planets. And they will be made to act as the munchkins in the planets version of the Wizard of Oz – well not really but that’s the first thing that came to my mind when I was thinking about dwarf planets.

Pluto’s always been a bit of an odd duck very small (size of the earth’s moon or so – I think) with a famous irregular orbit that takes in inside of Neptune for a part of it’s year and it is on incline compared to the rest of the planets which all more or less rotate around the sun on the same plane. (Boss boss the Plane! The Plane! – shut up).

Of course the way my mind works I found myself wondering what the Astrologers are going to do – will they accept this or no? Or will they toss in the other dwarf planet (which is called 2003 UB313) into the mix and charge you more for a full reading?

I’m ambivalent about astrology, it’s fun to read a chart and what not but I’m not going to base my day to day decisions on how I lead my life on it. For one thing the horoscopes keep talking about things happening in my romantic life. Trust me, there is nothing happening in my romantic life. So I take anything it says with a 5 Pd bag of salt. I mean its’ not like the Tarot or the I-ching is it? Those are accurate (actually Isaac Newton thought very highly of Astrology and studied it and Carl Jung thought that the I-Ching and the tarot were by their randomness excellent ways to get in touch with the subconscious. I’m in contact with my sub-conscious a lot, when it isn’t making bad fantasy Island jokes, it’s stumbling around my mind in an old bathrobe, bitching abut how long it’s been since I got laid, and screaming for more gin. It’s a pain really. Oh yes on occasion it sends up a song idea or two.).

Meantime in band news – you knew we have a band yes? We were going to be interviewed on the 30th for the show Art or something like it – see the website But the Enemy Below had to bow out (and I’ll never do an interview without him – it’s Bob Muir and the Enemy Below after all) so it will get pushed back to October – which is okay.

Thing in I’ve never been interviewed – at least not like this. I’ve been interviewed for jobs lotsa times. Not this – and yes I’m afraid I will end up looking and sounding like some pompous dork “well Ted our influences cover the entire gamut of recording western music really” or self satisfied hipsters giggling at our own jokes or an older version of Bevis and Butthead (“Do you use a tube amp?” “Heh heh you said tube”).

Am going to a wedding this Sunday so I may be somewhat under the weather (read screaming for more gin) by the time the open mike gets rolling.

And I want to come up with a good logo – a lot of the bands I like (Ramones, Cheap Trick, Motorhead et al.) have very very identifiable logos. Hell even the stones have that tongue (what that has to do with the Stones music is vague – still it looks right). Logos that also had something to do with the sound of the band – you couldn’t look at the Motorhead logo and except ballads could you?


Oh yes - See Taladega Nights the Legend of Ricky Bobby. Great dumb funny.


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