Friday, August 25, 2006


Just when the world seems completely stale flat and unprofitable something comes into
my life that makes me think there might be a force guiding things (it may also be by our definitions batshit insane but let that go).

I was looking through a movie website ( – that I’d hit via a link from – both fabulous sites by the way just wonderfully done. And yes I do research on bad films. Idly browsing I found a film called. “The Godmonster of Indian Flats”. This film was done in 1973 with a budget of maybe 200 bucks. It is the tale of the rampage of a mutated 8 ½ foot tall bipedal sheep. I'm goning to write that again because it fills me with a strange insane joy an 8 ½ foot tall mutant bipedal sheep.

That kills people.

Somebody made a movie with an 8 ½ foot killer sheep. You could take powerful hallucinogenic drugs for years and not come up with a concept that weirdly twisted. And then to acually make the movie.

It’s a wonderful world.

Of course it’s in my net flix queue and there is no way I am not seeing this movie. Yeah it’s probbably just god-awful and cheap but just to see a movie that features a mutant killer sheep is what makes my life worth while.


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