Thursday, August 10, 2006


Well this is interesting – we have a gig for October 20th in Florida, the Java Junction in Clearwater. The Enemy Below is getting married that weekend we figured as part of the festivities we can shock the hell out of some people at a venue that The Enemy Below cheerfully told me, is the largest we’ll be playing for a while. Their web site seems to be off line for the moment so more details as I get them.

At the very least this gives us some pressure to get the album done by them – if nothing else it will give us something hard and pointy to throw back at the audience if they start flinging things at us. There is a reason Stacy is the last song in the set folks.

Anyway I get the sense of both of us wanting to move this forward, get to new venues, and get some publicity “as seen on Art or Something like it” stuff but even more so. Get a buzz going, beard some reporter to write about us for example and see where it takes us.

This is new territory for me – heck I’ve just been happy to have a place to play (I spent a lot of years playing at the late Orange Bear about once every 3 months or so.) the idea of going forward never even entered my head. Like ever. Low self esteem I suspect. It’s been the root cause of everything else, body issues, insecurity, my inability to stand up for myself, so why not this as well? Hmmm?

I see where we are not going to be able to bring liquids on a plane. So much for the hip flask full of gin to help the flight along (I’m a terrible flier – drinking doesn’t really help but it’s something to do). So liquids are out, snakes are okay I guess, judging by the hype I see for Snakes on A Plane. I love Samuel Jackson but other than being able to listen to him say “I’m sick of these motherf##king snakes on this motherf##ing plane” what’s the point? Snakes are scary and some are poisonous, after that, unless they learn how to use automatic weapons there isn’t much else they can do. Snakes on a Plane with Guns doesn’t really rip off the tongue.

But we’ll see, lord knows I’ve been wrong before.


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