Monday, August 14, 2006

Broken Hearts are for A##holes

Well I stayed up too late last night, got up too late this morning, managed to cut myself shaving – which is bloody hard to do with a Mach 3 razor but I managed somehow. And had to, reluctantly spray the damn ants in my kitchen. Yes we share the same planet and, yes, as I’ve gotten older I have more respect for living things and all that but there are limits.

So in a mood I popped Zappa’s Sheik Yerbouti on the i-pod (as a side note my i-pod has 6,596 songs on it – that scares me somehow.) mostly to listen to Broken Hearts are for Assholes. It’s a bitter and sardonic song which pretty much sums up my feeling on the matter today – tomorrow who knows, feelings are not facts, they change, a good night’s sleep, not cutting myself when shaving and who knows I’ll love the world again. Well let’s not go too far, but at least I won’t be regarding life as a kind of grim joke told by someone who can’t remember the punch line.

Yes, I’ve had me heart broken, more than once – the big one was a long time ago, longer than I’ll admit in public blog but, but except when I get maudlin and lord do I hate when I get maudlin, I don’t see how that makes me any different from every other person on the planet. Hell, even the women who have broken my heart (and you know who you are) have had their heart broken, it comes with the human condition. (And lord do I sometimes hate the human condition).

Speaking of the human condition, I notice that both Hezbollah and Israel are blowing people up. In the old days armies would find a flat plain and fight it out there, leaving the civilians out of the (not entirely true of course see the 30 years war for example), here both sides seem to be better at killing civilians then the other side’s troops – I don’t think this should be called progress.

With the fighting in Lebanon, there has been a disturbing trend where people who criticize Israel’s actions or even those who suggest that bombing everything in sight might be counter productive as anti-Semite. That’s wrong. Mel Gibson is an anti-Semite. Yes he was drunk, but being drunk doesn’t give you opinions you didn’t have before you got trashed. Being drunk just hits that small little voice that says “you know, maybe you shouldn’t say/do that” in the back its head with a brick and leaves it in the alley while you go on to destroy your career. I’m frustrated and grumpy and get jealous of couples as I find myself entering my 4th year of involuntary celibacy – but I know this not the fault of the Jews or even women, this is my fault. Which really sucks.

My troubles all boil down to the old Groucho Marx line “I don’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.”

Speaking of sexual frustration, I notice that some right wing churches are pushing to have porn movies in hotels banned. All I can say is good luck guys. There is but one true god in America and he is Mammon (look it up) . Yes we talk about Christianity a lot but the instant money is involved, Jesus gets blackjacked and left tied up by the side of the road. Porn makes a lot of money for hotels so folks this crusade is going nowhere. I have to wonder why get they so bent out of shape about porn, if you don’t want to watch porn you don’t have to. It’s not like it’s being beamed directly into their brains by Martians. But it seems fundies can resist anything but the temptation to watch other people have sex or drink or steal money or or or

And this is the most disturbing Darth Vader I have ever seen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love that picture! it's adorable! hello kitty rocks
bob i'm sure one day u'll find a girl who appreciates ur special dress sense and ur very uhh honest music ;o) hang in there!!!

10:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Linda - thanks for the thought. However, not to be too negaitive, I have to say I'm not holding my breath here.

8:57 AM  

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