Thursday, August 09, 2007

No - We don't know what we're doing.

Now that I have that in mind it’s easier to deal with things like the subway’s third collapse this year after torrential rains.

I had a brief conversation bout the impact of the earth’s warming trend – more storms and more violent ones – and got weird nonsequator responses like ‘it’s the 100 year warming trend” and the like.

Even if, and boy this is a stupid if, since most of the folks saying this are invested in or are getting big bucks from the status quo – it’s true – the problem with that response is - under the circumstances – the earth is getting hotter, the polar caps are melting and weather patterns are getting more violent and unpredictable – is meaningless. In the end it doesn’t matter much if the warming trend is part of a cyclical warming trend, greenhouse gases or god holding a lit Zippo under the earth, the end result is the same – we’re going to have more, not fewer violent thunderstorms capable of pouring 2 inches of rain or more and hour and we need to update our public transportation system to deal with that.

Over in Iraq the Pentagon has admitted that 190,000 weapons (AK-47’s and Pistols) that they were given to the Iraq’s as part of their re-arming the Iraqi army are missing.

Let’s say that again 190,000 weapons are missing. I don’t know what the percentage of AK-47’s to pistols are but it still can’t be good.(Wikpedia says the number of AK’s missing is 110,000 so what 80,000 pistols?) The AK being the Guerilla fighter’s weapon of choice due to its reliability and the easy availability of ammo for it.

The Pentagon says it does not know how many of these missing weapons have ended up in the hands of the insurgents.

Oh I don’t know either but a good guess would be ALL OF THEM.

Jesus – it’d think maybe double agents were involved in this when I remember the snarky Ocam’s razor “never assume malice with stupidity is an adequate explanation”

They didn’t tell us that W was treated last year for Lime Disease. Until now.

Huh? This is the insanity of these people – everything is a secret.

Many of the Democratic Senators and Congressman who voted for the cave in to W wiretapping bill admitted they had not read it or are now surprised and upset by parts of the bill. Namely Alberto Gonzales is allowed to authorize wire taps on good faith that some one is calling someone overseas.

That’s about it. No oversight nothing.

So the next time you call over seas make sure to speak clearly and slowly, when the NSA does a transcript of the tape they will appreciate you efforts.

It’s a mark of how weird the GOP has become that the most biggest surprised of the most recent GOP sex scandal is that involved heterosexual sex.

A man asked “What’s wrong with America and how do we fix it?”

Expect this man to be slandered and dragged through the mud by servants of those who think the only thing wrong with America is that they don’t have all the money yet.

Got a gig at Otto’s shrunken head – after that we are looking to work on the musical try to book a gig back at the Luna Lounge – and then Philly and maybe someplace on the island as part of the Bob Muir and the Enemy Below kinda tour of the Northeast.

That’s about all – I’m not feeling so hot – heat I think.

Peace Love, more shows!


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