Friday, January 12, 2007

Small Blog today

Sorry – it’s Friday and my mind is burnt.

Well – it’s the day after – and we haven’t bombed Iran yet which I guess is something. Still there is this depressing sense something rotten is about to happen in my heart that just won’t go away. Man I hope I’m wrong.

Still haven’t gotten MLK day in my system, it keeps coming up and surprises me that I have a day off? Really? Monday. Of course I know some companies deleted a holiday to keep the number of off days the same cause god forbid working people get too many paid holidays. That would lead to anarchy.

I notice every year that the news reports that more and more people are working longer hours and not taking vacation. What bugs me is the weird sense of pride this generates “Surveys prove once again Europeans take more days off” Now I know I’m supposed to look down my nose at them but hell it’s hard to do when I have two weeks vacation – and they take the month of August off. Like August 1-31st not at a work.

Actually it is almost like that here in New York. We’re not all off in August but what happens is that a decision will be delayed for weeks since one person or another who needs to make up their mind is out of the office or has to talk to someone who is out of the office and therefore will have to wait but I’m out of the office next week and – well by the time everybody’s back and on board – it is the middle of September. I think things would be better if we all just took off in August.

And god forbid trying to get anything done the Friday before a 3 day weekend – you can’t find anybody who can make a decision anytime after oh 3 pm Thursday.

I think we may actually be making some progress on the sheep musical – just for giggles I keep googling the phrase “killer sheep musical” and this blog is the only thing I come up with – some more songs need to be written to fit situations but the general arch is there and the size of the cast is coming and well – hell if this can actually show up on a stage someplace I will for 30-40 seconds actually feel like I have accomplished something in my life.

I notice that Sony Tri-star is thinking about doing a sequel to the American Godzilla film. Which unless they undo everything about that movie will tank just like that one did (of course tank is a relative term here - it did gross millions but with the money they poured into the damned thing – well they were expecting a home run, and sequels galore not just a half baked idea coming up in the silly season as they wonder what to do now that spider man is going bye bye (is three now the limit for film series? And when is the next batman film. That’s what I want to know.

They are doing an Iron man movie – I guess it was that or Ant man.

The woman is Kumi Mizuno who appeared in Godzila vs the Sea Monster and Monster Zero and then later in 2004's Godzilla final Wars. Another geek crush.

Peace Love Repulsor Rays


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