Thursday, January 11, 2007

More war and soccer balls

When contemplating the latest news from Washington and Iraq – I just get sick to my stomach. I get this sense of momentum rolling down hill that can’t really be stopped – yes there are things that can be done – but I think were just fucked here. Congress might be willing to pull the plug on the cash flow but that is another Rubicon moment and the beltway culture reacts to Rubicon moments with expressions of sheer panic. It’s not what they signed up for – they signed up for nice lunches and pampered lives while maybe doing some fundraising or speeches or showing up on TV and passing the odd law. None of them are prepared to deal with something like this where The House, as masters of the purse attempt to cut off funds to prevent an action by the executive branch.

I’ve seen some stuff about this being a possible constitutional crisis but that’s not really the case – it would be a political crisis but it would be occurring within the bounds of the constitution itself. It was something the founders left deliberately vague. A constitutional crisis would be if W decided not to leave the White House after his term of office was over. That would be a crisis.

W: Mine! Mine! Mine! No go!
Aide: Sir, your term of office is over.
W: Declare martial law.
Adie: You have a reason to do that.
W: Terrorists
Aide: You’ll have to be more specific sir.
W: Bad terrorists.
Aide: That wasn’t quite what I had in mind sir. You’ll need an actual reason this time
W: Why? Never did before! I stay no go!
Aide: (to SS agent) get the dart gun and the net, and please apologize to Mr. Gore for this delay.
W: No Go!

Ah the horrible places my mind goes.

Meantime, it looks like we are trying to provoke a confrontation with Iran – as W was giving his speech US troops attacked an Iranian Consulate in the city of Abil. Now if memory serves this could be considered an act of war and at the very least this is a very big deal - consulates and embassies are held to be that countries sovereign territory. If I was a cynical person (and you know I am) I would be betting that the U.S. is trying to provoke Iran into reacting giving us a clear reason to bomb Iran. Wonderful.

File under nice work if you can get it. David Beckam, the most famous soccer player in the world (not the best just the most famous) will be playing here in America for the LA team in August at a salary of $50 million dollars a year (somewhere I hear A-Rod on the phone to his agent “but this big blonde goop is making more than me a year for kicking a ball. Do something about it.”) For those of you keeping track, this is effort number 132 in ‘making soccer a big sport in America’ and will probably have the same result as the others – not work. In the 70’s Pele was able to sell out giants stadium because he was Pele –but he was to soccer what Michael Jordan was to basketball utter magic with the ball. Beckam’s not in that league. Hell Beckam’s not even starting for his current team.

Nice time at the waltz last night – we did the porn song – which for some reason women aren’t as fond of as say “someone else” – I think it’s the “all girl three way” in the chorus that gets them. And we did the Legend of the Killer sheep with the Fabulous Spenser (god does he hate that nickname) on the piano and lord did the song just freaking TAKE OFF with that addition. When we play it out normally it only has The Enemy Below playing power chords – the piano did was add that extra bit of eyebrows (to quote Frank Zappa) that made the song a truly inspired piece of silliness. I mean to be able stand in front of people and sing Baa Baa Bobby with people singing along no less is a great highpoint of my life.

Have two gigs upcoming. One is at Otto’s on the 26th at 8 pm and the other is at the 169 Bar Feb 4th at 10 pm (which has an $8 cover) to make coming to the later one worth your while we’re gonna premier a new song there, but not at Otto’s. Heck it won’t even be on this album so make your plans accordingly.

More later.

That is not Daivd Beckam - that is Newcastle legend Alan Shearer. I'd spit blood before I post a picture of an Man United player - even an ex united player on my blog.

Peace, Love, Headers.


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