Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Gorillas in the movies and Halls of fame

Well I am feeling down sorry for myself – boring reasons – aren’t they always. I hate when this feeling comes down. I’m not much use to myself or anybody else under these circumstances and would just rather sit on the couch eating cold sesame noodles and watching movies with men in gorilla suits.

And just how does that differ from you’re everyday life? Not much I guess. I suppose it’s the mood and the cold sesame noodles that makes a difference if any. I don’t always watch men in gorilla suit movies that seems a recent if unnerving development. It could be they are really just god-awful that it helps me out. Yeah I fell like my life’s a mess and yeah things don’t look good right now and yeah I fell like fresh hell – but I could be the guy in the gorilla suit in Bride and the Beast – hell I could be the second gorilla in that film. Now that‘s worth being depressed over. My own problems are nothing to someone who studied acting and ends up wearing a ratty gorilla suit in a bad movie.

I remember in the publicity for Congo they went on and on at how the new suits were really state of the art and that they had the people who where going to wear them studying gorilla’s at zoos to be able to mimic their movements – didn’t help they still looked like people in gorilla suits.

One thing that is amazing is that the way gorilla’s are portrayed in the old films is pretty much Freud’s ID as viewed by the Superego or if you will Jung’s Shadow – Angry sex crazed primitive and violent. Not at all the rather placid fruit and plant eating, nest making ape that wanders the jungle in family groups and when they aren’t eating are grooming each other. It’s called projection. Another psychological term that is very useful these days.

In Baseball news – congratulations to Cal Ripken Jr. and Tony Gwynn. Mark McGwire did not get enough votes in his first year – we’ll see what happens as the years pass. The hall of fame has always been subject to huge amounts of politics – I well remember the whole Phil Ruzzito should be in the hall of fame campaign that the Yankees mounted that probably kept him out of the hall of fame for years and years (nobody likes to be told what to do guys). And steroids are going be a huge bone of contention over the next few years as Sosa and finally Barry Bonds become eligible. Whoo boy the fights coming there.

I have to note that the sporting press is divided here. I think between the print press (which votes – it’s the baseball writers association that does the voting) and the other sporting media who see their job as selling whatever sport they are calling. The writers are the ones who have been working on the steroid story (two reporters from the San Francisco Chronicle are the authors of the most recent book on Bond’s and other steroid usage) TV and radio however, especially TV have pretty much ignored the whole thing – except when they couldn’t and then only to spread the same kind of Bi-partisan mushiness we see in reporting in DC. “well we don’t know what the pitchers were doing” is something I’ve heard more than once – which considering how the average ERA went up during the steroid era if they were doing anything – it didn’t help. Hell ESPN was running (until it tanked in the ratings ) a reality show featuring Bonds and would cut away for a Bond’s at bat during the season as he chased Babe Ruth’s HR total. And when talking about Bonds they would say mush mouthed things like, considering the cloud he is under, like it was someone else’s fault he was in trouble, or no matter how you feel this is a remarkable achievement.

Oh for god’s sake – If he was using steroids (and it seems pretty damn likely he is – Baldness, zits, and weird infections that won’t go away are all symptoms of steroid use) he was cheating – pure and simple. That’s like a guy setting a strike out record by scuffing the ball they’d toss him and the record if he got caught. They don’t want to say Barry’s’ on roids cause ESPN and others have spend billions of dollars to broadcast this product – and don’t rock the boat is the word from on high. So until Barry is found passed out in the locker room with a needle in his arm – expect him to be treated with kid gloves by people who want to make money off of him.


Before I change subjects completely – I remember years ago I was at a Met game and they were playing the Padres – and this kid starts calling Gynn all sorts of ugly names. I just turned to him and “show some respect – that man is going to the hall of fame. You’ll be able to tell your kids you saw him play.”

I notice in the press that the Iraq government is going to offer sweetheart oilfield lease deals to American Oil companies. Tell me again that this wasn’t about oil.

A US Submarine has collided with a Japanese oil tanker in the Persian Gulf. How the heck do you manage to do that? Follow too close? Trying to use it as a hat?

While you’re opening my mail could you pay a bill or two while you’re at it? Thanks.

Peace Love, 3,141 hits and 2,632 consecutive games.



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